Working Against The Clock
Posted by
Bastosa on
Saturday, September 13, 2008 -
26 Comments Tags:
amani war bear,
release date,
wrath of the lich king

Alright, I’m just going to come out and say it. I am dreading the new expansion, yes dreading. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very much looking forward to exploring Northrend, unlocking achievements, and charging into a new end game, but lately I have been looking to Wrath with a sense of impending doom.
The reason is pretty simple; I still have too much to do in TBC! I’m sure there are many of you that couldn’t disagree with me more, but as someone who got into the whole raiding scene a little late, I have a whole list of goals and not enough time to do them. This sense of doom was only amplified by the recent announcement that the Amani War Bear will no longer be available after the next content patch. Yes, one of my goals was to set up my guild with a nice cavalry of bears. Other goals included downing a few choice bosses and earning the Hand of A’dal title, another privilege that could be taken away when WotLK hits.
I understand why Blizzard is taking all this away, in fact I approve of it. These things need to stay special. Because of this, I’ve had November 4th marked on my calendar for a while now as the big due date. It is the drop dead deadline for me to get all this done (assuming Wrath hits when people think it will).
What I don’t approve of is the news that the new content patch may eliminate my chances even sooner. My time frame just went from a defined date to “within weeks.” My hopes of riding around on my bear with a new title above my head are quickly slipping away. Now, with the update to the launcher earlier this week, the chances of the patch hitting soon seem to be getting better all the time.
These titles and prizes should be special and would be much to easier to earn at level 80. I understand why they must go away, I’m just worried they are going away a little sooner than I would like.
Reader Comments (26)
YAY first comment!!!!!!!!!1
I agree so much! couldnt agree more actually... just hit 70 on my third 70...
reason; i dont wanna play warlock nor paladin endgame, so i lvled a mage...
Now with mage 70, i wanna go into PvE.. my previous 2 was mainly PvP (Can you stand the looks of S4?) and with PvE comes stuff to do, to be a good PvE'er... Now ive taken down all kara and all ZA and gruul... but theres still process into T5 raids (TK, SSC) and ofc BT! and I dont got bear!
lucky for me i already got my fiery warhorse reins from attunmen, amani war bear, and also baron rivendare's mount, god i'm so lucky, i'm now aiming for the zul'gurub mount, the tiger
There are two ZG mounts, the raptor(drops off of Bloodlord Mandokir) and the tiger(drops off of High Priest Thekal).
I can see what you mean however about there being a pending amount of time in order to get things done. For me its insuring that my end game characters are outfitted with enough cash and marks of honor to make it to level 80 with. Mainly this kind of preparation makes leveling my tradeskills easier in my mad dash to level 80 and the PvP and PvE end game content I plan to jump into.
I really couldn't agree more. I mean, of course new content is always exciting, but it comes at a price. Those who have nearly or just hit 70 will totally miss out on previously end-game content. I didn't start until after TBC and I'm still a little unhappy that I couldn't run MC in all of its 40-man glory. (one of my friends just made it to 70.) The other cost is regarding the new players. Its always great to have new players but even I feel like I'm not quite as experienced as my friend who has been playing since day one (and got me into the game.) We will have a lot of people who are even less inexperienced leveling up at hyperspeed... Basically, with every choice there is an oppertunity cost.
*typo: We will have a lot of people who are even less inexperienced leveling up at hyperspeed.
We will have a lot of people who are even less
experienced leveling up at hyperspeed
I dunno about the next guy, but IM in BT and it looks more like im not gonna get 2 see iliden pre wrath, which amazingly im ok with.
The bit i hate is that im not gonna be able to purchace an epic flying mount. i'm just not able to grind the cash lol.
and thats the doom part no matter who you are there was always something else you wanted to do! I'm sure someone will tell me they have nothing left to do, but their lieing!
play warhammer 8]
I was fine with their decisions but taking out the chance to get bears so soon kinda eh. Not so happy about that. My guild has been farming ZA for months and we've come within minutes of the bear but it always fell apart/short (we were in pre T6 gear and even with some T6 still struggle to get third timer occassionally.). We tried again today and it just didnt turn out. :(
We Just started on BT about 2 months ago, and arent even halfway through. Doubt I'll see Illidan (still hoping to get another exalted before xpac hits but even that looks iffy).
I'm happy for talents and all that but I'm a little worried blizzard didnt balance them well enough and that raiding will get borked severely because of it (especially since arcane's so mana intensive and they didnt even consider that when they nerfed it's hit talent bonus). Not to mention nerfs to threat reduction with tranquil air, and salvation going byebye. Kazrogal was dominating my guild tonight seemingly mana burning SUPER crazy fast. (as if he'd been tweaked to be balanced with post 3.02 talents).
It really seems like an arbitrary middle finger to the player base that got stuck on lower level content and only recently Finally got past it - but meh.
Also kinda worried because the significant changes arent likely to be factored into the gear I have, and I'm just going to log in one day to find all my gear completely diffierent with even worse synergy than it has now (and loaded with even more semi useless spirit to boot). So I'll either have useless gear after the patch hits (basically rendering my character unplayable) or be gimped by the talent changes and have to completely regear Right before the expansion hits. The equivalent of going from full T6 equivalent to naked. overnight.
Not exactly happy. Plus I still have little faith they understand how to properly balance mages against the other classes. Normalizing hybrid dps @70 without compensating us @70 doesn't sit well with me. especially if we're not likely to get buffed at 80 or get compensation @80. (yes I know about mirror image, and that it's *Already* nerfed v.v) After 322 days played on my mage the class being properly balanced (and not just being a punching bag for everyone else) really matters to me.
I really can't wait to get to northrend,me and my friends got a nice team set together,ready to do 5-mans like mad for the new BoJ
I, like Bastosa and many of the other posters, am one of those players who have hit raiding content for TBC late. And while I am one who does not fret over something like special mounts or titles, do feel a little cheated when it comes to previous end game content.
I started playing WoW before TBC, but did not get more involved with the game until after TBC was released. And even then I was more of a casual player until recently. This has lead me to that dead zone where the decision to either wait until WotLK or push hard on the current end game content is difficult. And while I am leaning more towards that push, I know that chances are I still won't see everything.
While I cannot blame Blizzard for wanting to put out new content for its players, and indeed look foward to seeing it (maybe even its end game content), I do feel that they've done both the players and the game itself a disservice by allowing previous content to fall to the wayside.
In my opinion, one of the things Blizzard could do is go back and change some of the previous end game content to make it something worth visiting for the first time for those who haven't and revisiting for those who already have. With the addition of accomplishments in WotLK, completing some of the old content could be an accomplishment. They could also adjust loot so that its on par with TBC loot of the same level. Anything to make it worth at least one trip there.
For those who want those special mounts and titles, my idea is that Blizzard should make the removal of those temporary. Allow the special mounts and titles for WotLK to become the next big thing then put the mounts and titles from TBC back in. This way, those who want them have them and those who have managed to obtain the newer ones can boast about that as well. Or, if those who really want them don't mind, at least with the mounts, change their skins so that one can distinguish between those who got them before the xpac and those who got them after.
The tendency for guilds to become clicks (yes, just like in high school with the popular crowd and the outsiders) has made it necessary for Blizzard to react-- the high end guilds tend to destroy the game which is why Blizzard did away with 40 man raids in TBC and that is why they are doing away with 25 man raids in WOTLK
Originally guilds were formed to help players along so many people could experience the end game raids but guilds started working against that concept and actually started trying to limit the amount of players who would or could ever see instances like BT and Hyjal.
10 man raids is definately the answer and I am so glad Blizzard is addressing this serious problem.
You won't have a few guilds dominating the servers anymore but instead you'll have hundreds of guilds all doing the end game raids. So for the little guild clicks this is definately their demise-- and I only wish it would happen sooner
So I guess your new to ProjectLore judging on your name. Welcome and yeah I do think Blizz is being fair to this taking away stuff.
I agree completely. however, i am only lvl 42 so i was looking forward to end game TBC, but now Wotlk is coming and i guess ill miss out to.... big time.
great post, Project Lore rules! more thing I've missed out on. I'll never see Molten Core or Onyxia's Lair either and I've played the game since day one. It's just one of those things. Doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the game. I agree that Blizzard going to 10/25 man raids and 10-man progressions will be a way to not let a few select guilds dominate the server...not that a few guilds dominating a server really impacts me at all.
I've grinded my paladin up 70, and it seems that now, since I'm not even close to being revered with KoT, the expansion may come out before, or around the time I get geared to tank kara. Oh well, I don't plan to jump on the death knight bandwagon right away, but I do wish I had more time to enjoy the TBC. I honestly hope WoTLK gets pushed back significantly.
i'm 65 hunter so i have bit more until endgame but i better hurry or i won't be able to get mount but hopefully i have enough time.
This is indeed my first post at Project Lore, thanks so much for the welcome and the comments!
I'm looking forward to discussing Wrath and sharing some ideas with you guys!
i've also been thinking alot about the whole amani bear situation. is it going to be a patch that block it? or will it become blocked once you install wotlk or upgrade your account?
I've been thinking about this more lately... I have a question and I'm sure there's an answer but I haven't looked at all of the changes, mainly the rogue, shammy and druid ones. My question is... Are they gonna make epic land and reg and epic flying mounts and training cheaper? I have some guildees that are around 70 but still haven't gotten, even their epic land mounts yet. I mean, if they get to Northrend without a good mount, they're kinda fucked.
Being one of many to have completed all the content in TBC, i can really say i've enjoyed it. 'sonofthrall' seems to have a prejudice against endgame guilds due to experiences with the elitist type. 25man raids for me are amazing because they have a diversity of class and spec, whereas 10mans are restricted due to the basic number of possible members. It's just fun and exciting to experience a new boss for the first time, and to enjoy the dynamics of some truly random encounters.
Personally i can't wait to get back into the 5man content and really enjoy the PvE content, its the reason i continue raiding!
Im sorry, im a noobish 40 hunter and havent looked at the news in detail, but from reading the blog, are they completely removing 25man rauds, or are they just reducing them to 10man?
*typo raid
Never raided (10- or 25-man) so I'm not gonna miss out on what I've never seen... TBH, my Instance experiences are few and far between...
I'm not a great one for PvP, either -- the only issue I have is that PvE Quests benefit from 'gear' that is only obtainable through aspects of the game that some have little or no interest in (Raiding, PvP, etc)...
Why should those who chose to major in PvE have limited access to 'epic-level' kit (even 'rares'), unless the game has been designed to indirectly level-cap itself...? What I mean by that is that if the game is going to be designed so that a predominently 'green/blue' specc'd character has an unrealistic chance of getting to L80, then why not have a kit spec. requirement built into the PvE Quests -- "Quest requires Epic Weapons/shield,etc..."
... or am I not looking at the right sources for high(er)-specc. Weapons/Armour...?
Well fortunatelly you'll have an entirely new line of goals to shoot for at lvl 80, AND you'll be starting them around the same time as everyone else. Should have plenty of time to be amongs the title showing epic rare mount riding wonders in the world.