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Working Against The Clock

Amani War Bear

Alright, I’m just going to come out and say it. I am dreading the new expansion, yes dreading. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very much looking forward to exploring Northrend, unlocking achievements, and charging into a new end game, but lately I have been looking to Wrath with a sense of impending doom.

The reason is pretty simple; I still have too much to do in TBC! I’m sure there are many of you that couldn’t disagree with me more, but as someone who got into the whole raiding scene a little late, I have a whole list of goals and not enough time to do them. This sense of doom was only amplified by the recent announcement that the Amani War Bear will no longer be available after the next content patch. Yes, one of my goals was to set up my guild with a nice cavalry of bears. Other goals included downing a few choice bosses and earning the Hand of A’dal title, another privilege that could be taken away when WotLK hits.

I understand why Blizzard is taking all this away, in fact I approve of it. These things need to stay special. Because of this, I’ve had November 4th marked on my calendar for a while now as the big due date. It is the drop dead deadline for me to get all this done (assuming Wrath hits when people think it will).

What I don’t approve of is the news that the new content patch may eliminate my chances even sooner. My time frame just went from a defined date to “within weeks.” My hopes of riding around on my bear with a new title above my head are quickly slipping away. Now, with the update to the launcher earlier this week, the chances of the patch hitting soon seem to be getting better all the time.

These titles and prizes should be special and would be much to easier to earn at level 80. I understand why they must go away, I’m just worried they are going away a little sooner than I would like.

Reader Comments (26)

I know what you mean about the bear mount. :/ I was lucky enough to roll a 98 on the first successful bear run I'd gotten to go on, so I've got my favorite mount. Not everyone involved in those bear runs, including my boyfriend, has gotten a bear yet, and unfortunately, we've been lacking a feral druid offtank to do more bear runs, so it looks like none of these very deserving guildmates are going to get their bears. You would think that people would be more motivated to do the runs with patch 3.0 looming on the near horizon (Oct. 14th is the current rumor), but instead, people have been doing other things. Oh well, at least there will be a number of awesome new mounts coming up in the expansion, but since I wanted a bear mount before the Amani bear even existed, I feel for all the people who haven't gotten them.

October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalliope

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