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Onyxia's Attunement Process Being Removed - For Awhile

Deep Breath Again?!The first major raid instance to be added to World of Warcraft is getting modified once again. The encounter with Onyxia will not be changed but the process to get to her will. Blizzard Poster Valnoth updated the community via the beta forums that the attunement requirements for Onyxia's Lair will finally be lifted. Valnoth failed to mention when the change would go live – patch 3.0.2 or Wrath's launch – but did give us a good reason for the change. The modification has been made due to lore presented in Wrath that will see the return of King Wyrnn to Stormwind.

With Onyxia's, Black Temple's and Karazhan's attunement processes removed, the next two oldest raid instances take over as the most annoying. Once the change is made, Blackwing Lair and Molten Core will have the longest attunement processes in the game (although longer ones may be added later). It should be noted that this is actually a temporary change. Blizzard plans on reinstating Onyxia's attunement process by adjusting the questline to fit with the Wrath timeline. However, those changes will not be made in time for Wrath's launch.

I have been doing Onyxia on and off for a few months in an attempt to get all my main characters an assortment of cheap 18 slot bags. But the removal of the attunement process will allow a few more of my characters to get the bags without going through that incredibly long process. If anyone else out there needs some 18 slot bags on the cheap that isn't already attuned, make sure you start grinding them during this window of opportunity.

My question to you is, do you think she will Deep Breath more after the change?

Reader Comments (11)

Wow this sounds cool I hope they do something with this because I got more into the game after TBC and I never got to try Onyxia's lair and it always looked fun. So i guess if they change it then I can try it.

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I've never been to MT or OL and will not get a chance untill Christmas, so it's going to be a loooong grinding for me then.

One reason I haven't gone to MT is because my gear is already good enough from all those heroics so I can get to Kara with my guild. Also, my friend went there once and said that it was boring as hell.

So, if OL supplies you with 18-slot bags, what practical does MT offer?

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

"My question to you is, do you think she will Deep Breath more after the change?"

That one had me going for quite a while! Thanks for the laugh, iTZKooPA!

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

lol, I have a tailor that makes all my bags for me. No need to go murder a dragon.

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Considering the fact I don't know what "attunement" means, I'm left feeling quite confused. So could someone explain what that word means since PL doesn't even have it in their glossary?

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

It means you need to do a pre-quest before you are able to zone into the instance. Non-attuned people cannot enter the instance by any means (Inc. summon).

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGunt

I can picture it now 5000 ret pallys charging into battle
1 second later
“heal me FFS”
“no heal me you noob”

haha this is a quote

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermike

Thank you, Gunt. :)

September 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Ummm... 18-slot bags don't cost that much anyway... And if you're playing more than something like 3 months then you probably have 4 22-slots anyway :P Yeah, they're awesome xD

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvander

"Once the change is made, Blackwing Lair and Molten Core will have the longest attunement processes in the game (although longer ones may be added later). "

LOL We'll I would hope thy would add longer ones, BWL al you need to do is kill a one of the many non elite orc mobs outside of UBRS/LBRS. That takes all of what 30seconds? if that?

MC all you need to do is click on a rock inside BRD, Take like 30 mins at 60, 10 at 70?

ughh all these TBC players are so lazy, if you have to work for it why not complain until you get it nerf'd

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSheepcoil

Sheepcoil, I know it's been a very long time. But, once u kill the non elite orc, you have to venture into UBRS, which requires you to have the key (seal of ascension), obtained from LBRS by killing 3 specific bosses. Once inside of UBRS, you then must kill the last boss (drakosith) or something like that and click on the orb behind him to complete the attunement. Definately something that will take at least 3 lvl 70's in better gear to complete.

The MC attunement is something that can be completed in 10 minutes on a 70 as well as a lvl 60, as long as u already have the keys, and know the exact path in which to get to the molten core you need to complete.

I personally am very excited about ony coming back, ive been in there numerous times since BC, but never had enough ranged dps to get her to land.

As far as not being able to summon someone in till they complete an attunement, that is incorrect. Attunements are mostly shortcut's to get in quicker, with the exception of Naxx and any of the TBC content

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterneinteen

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