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PTR 3.3: The Guards, They Are A-Changin'

The jury's still out on whether or not Garrosh Hellscream is truly a dangerous man. Sure, he's pushy, belligerent, hot-headed, and more than a little racist, but he seems to honestly believe that what he's doing is best for the Orcish people. And yet, we know somewhere in there, that he seeks to defy the more... unsavory aspects of his father's legacy, who was equally lustful for power, but failed to control himself by drinking Mannoroth's blood and esnlaving the Orcs.

Likewise, we must consider that Garrosh has spent nearly his entire life in Nagrand. He's not as familiar with the struggles on Azeroth as his compatriots are; not as beholden to the same love of certain humans or ideals of peace as Thrall is. And let's not forget that he's got a virtual equal in the Humans' King Varian Wrynn. In Garrosh's eyes, he is a man who cannot be controlled and will take the opportunity to destroy the Horde when it presents itself.

If Garrosh is to slated to become Warchief, he has to do what he thinks is right to protect his people, even if his methods seem wrong.

We haven't reached the expansion just yet, or even the world events that will lead up to them, but signs of the changing times are already starting to show themselves on the PTR. While everyone else is distracted by the shiny, new 5-man dungeon (Pit of Saron), I decided to do a little bit of poking around, and discovered a rather interesting development in the good old Undercity.

Bye-bye Abominations! Bye-bye Abominations!

As you might recall, after the events of the Wrathgate, Thrall sent his elite soldiers, the Kor'Kron Guard, to keep watch over the remaining apothecaries in the Forsaken capital. The difference on the test realm is that now, they're all over the place. Gone are the abominations that used to protect the city, replaced by Orcish knights patrolling the city. It's possible that this is just an expansion of Thrall's policy to keep the apothecaries in check, but it also fits in with things we've heard about the future.

Namely, Garrosh becoming Warchief and changing the way things work. Only letting Orcs and Tauren into the center of Orgrimmar, because he believes that they're the only ones actually capable of defending it. Hey, what about the Trolls, Garrosh? Sure, the double-dealing of a certain faction of Undead and the inherently shifty Blood Elves need to be scrutinized, but what did the poor Trolls ever do to lose your trust?

But, I digress. If the betrayal at Wrathgate made Garrosh lose faith in his already tenuous allies, the installation of Orcish guards in foreign cities may be a sign of the new Horde to come. And if this is truly the younger Hellscream's policy, then we may see him take the throne sooner than we thought.

Another interesting tidbit that could possibly corroborate this idea: pre-BlizzCon claims cited that Cairne Bloodhoof, leader of the Tauren, would be framed for treason against the Horde and be killed by Garrosh. We don't yet know if that's actually how things will play out, but the tag for Cairne's son, Baine, has been changed in MMO-Champion's database. He is now listed as the High Chieftan, leader of the Tauren.

Food for thought, people. Food. For. Thought.

Reader Comments (32)

The story possibilities are making me practically quiver with excitement.

Though I will be very sad to lose Thrall. Can has Thrall not dying please? He's pretty much my all-time favourite figure in lore. Him and Maiev.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeka

I might not play Horde (much) but to see Cairne Bloodhoof dead would be a big loss. What would Baine bring and change.

Cairnes possible death tied in with the advent of Tauren paladins and brief puzzles me unless Baine has something to do with it and if Cairne is framed for treason what would that mean for Baine if he "allows" paladins and priests.

Well enough guessing we will find out in due course.
If I would play Tauren I would have to think about carrying on doing so depending how Baine takes shape in his "new" role.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIeniemienie

Saurfang has already Cleaved the timeline to create the Infinite Dragonflight just so the Horde have something to fight. He doesn't need to be Warchief, it'd be beneath him.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar


There has been no indication that Thrall will die. All evidence so far points to him leaving the position of Warchief for a great cause, perhaps even becoming the next Guardian of Tirisfal.

October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera

'"he’s got a virtual equal in the Humans’ King Varian Wrynn. In Garrosh’s eyes, he is a man who cannot be controlled and will take the opportunity to destroy the Horde when it presents itself". nuff said that kind paranoia is exacly why i am hoping that garish does become the leader of the horde you know neither one will hold anything back my kind of guys they will destroy each other BTW grom hellscream was trinketed into drinking mammoths blood

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


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October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Daily Reviewer

Banning Trolls, Forsaken and Sin'dorei from the centre of Orgrimmar is one hell of a way to sow discord amongst your allies for sure at the time they are needed most.

Lest Garrosh thinks he can manage without them, yeah right ...

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIeniemienie

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