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I Love WoW Achievements - Do You?

It\'s over 5000While love might be a little bit of a strong word, I can at least say that I heartily embrace the achievement system that was introduced to World of Warcraft back in patch 3.0. My enjoyment of what amounts to a small pop up and a few more points is probably evident by anyone who has looked at my WoW Armory Page or had a glimpse of Executus' page on WoW-Achievements (where, btw, I am in the top 20 on the server... no biggie, I'm just sayin').

Contrary to what many people will tell you, I don't complete achievements to inflate my online ego (that's what WoW-Heroes is for). A lot of the rewards I've been granted by achievements are sitting in my bank, and many of the titles have graced the space above my character's head for just a few seconds before they were replaced with my old favorites - namely Loremaster, the Seeker, or, most recently, the Undying.

No, I complete the achievements for completion's sake. WoW has a lot to offer players, and I want to see as much of it as I can. I've completed nearly every quest in the game on the Alliance side (and a bunch on the Horde side, too). I know the monotony of grinding Timbermaw Hold rep. I know the exhilaration of the last 30% of Kel'Thuzad on an Undying run. I know where to find all of the Elders for the Lunar Festival, and I've opened every single red envelope that they sent me.

With Love is in the Air coming up this week, I have a short window to get a little closer to that 310% speed Violet Proto Drake. I don't know about you, but I'll be following WoW Insider's Fool for Love Guide until that golden window comes up. Maybe longer.

I didn't used to be like this before the achievements were introduced, so part of it might be an obsessive compulsion in me to see those pop ups and hear the distinct sound they make. I know plenty of people who don't want to go around /loving and killing critters, people who only like achievements that take "skill," and people who will only do the achievements that have rewards. I can see where all of them are coming from. People play WoW for a million different reasons. I'm not an AH junkie or an arena fiend, I'm an achievement whore. It's just what I do. Do you complete achievments, or do you just not care?

Reader Comments (29)

I love the Achievement System. I haven't gotten really serious about the dungeon/raids ones yet since I am still learning most the fights.

I am working on my Fishing/Cooking ones right now. :)

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Yes, u and i are both Achievement whores. Granted i only get to play on weekends, so i havn't had enough time to go do all the achievements i'd like to do.

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalgorn

Yes I do go out of my way for achivements... but not on my original mains, rather I do it on my alts that I have kept better track of... sure waiting to do all the pre BC quests to get the 2 loremaster achievments would be easier to get at 80 rather then doing as you go, but doing them as you go is a lot more rewarding. I am now 42 on my alt with 564 quests under its belt while still having many level 30-40 zones to do before actualy getting to 40 quests... so though the quests take a bit longer then doing them all at 80 you get more reward out of doing them when they are not as far under your level, by the time I actualy finish off pre BC and head into the outlands on my alt I am looking at being 65-66 and so being able to skip the instance rep zones going directly into places like nagrand so that I can save all the quests that give say, hellfire rep untill I can farm it up to where normal instances no longer give rep, same with Zang and the Cenarion rep...

Before achievments I was like if I don't gain from it then I probably won't bother... but since they came out I like to do everything there is just flat because why rush an alt to 80 when there is so many things to do on your way there.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

oh and yes on my DK on my alt server (rolled my DK on a server I had no characters on when they finally global unlocked) I have Ambassador, the Diplomat, and Jenkins titles since I still never have time to do raid instances because the way my work schedule runs and how most raids are done while I am at work and so instead I do all the other achievments instead.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

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