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First Steps into WotLK Raids

Bug Butt Bashed

Anub'Rekhan dead before the raid even started.

The spending spree that I went on wasn't just to make me feel good, I wanted my DPS to perform in raids. Despite being Mutilate, which is the butt of all Rogue PvE DPS jokes, I wanted to be able to lay waste to Naxxramas as much as the next guy.  Some 2000+ gold later and I felt that I was more than prepared.  Believe it or not, I was actually correct for once!

My new guild has been running Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum and tons of heroics for a few weeks before I joined.  Their combined ambitions caused my spending spree to keep me in the range of acceptable DPS, rather than the realm of "ponzor."  Of course, I didn't expect to dominate the charts with only a few heroics under my belt, but some of the DPSers emasculated me.  They made me feel that I should have spent far more gold.  Personal failures aside, it was good to be raiding again.

Naxxramas has certainly changed since the 40-man days.  We are only doing the 10-man thus far, but there are far fewer trash mobs in the instance than before.  If you triple the mob count for some of the corridors then perhaps you'll be back in the realm of the old school Naxx.  Yesterday's raid started at 8:00 PM, by 7:50 PM we had already downed Anub'Rekhan.  Yea, we had a boss down before the raid started.

As a side note, I dunno how likely it is that we hit the heroic side of Naxx.  Unless we begin recruiting I doubt we will see the 25-man edition without a good collection of PUGs.  That'll make it pretty difficult to upgrade my Mutilate build with the Omen of Ruin/Murder and Webbed Death.  But enough about the future, let us get back to the excursion.

Things went fairly smoothly through the Spider Wing, although we did wipe to Maexxna.  She eventually dropped her Femur, which was offered to me, but I love my daggers.  Still it hurts to see Rogue loot getting DEed.  The Military Wing, well that was a different story.  We didn't hit a wall on the content or anything like that.  No, no.  You could say that the Military Wing was a different story on a personal level.  You see, my face was repeatedly smashed by the mobs with Whirlwind.  Being the only non-plate wearing melee DPSer in the raid meant that my deaths stuck out like a sore thumb...that had been cut off.  I heard quite a few quips about it.

"Oh look, that gnome is dead again."
"The rogue needs buffs, again."
"That midget owes me a stack of Symbol of Kings."
"Holy crap, I lived through one!"

The jokes didn't stop until a pack of mobs decided to desecrate every part of my body.  On the second leg of the upper level towards Instructor Razuvious, a triple pack of whirlwinding mobs came at the raid.  Letting my bravado get the best of me, I charged in to DPS the skull with reckless abandon.  My head was found 30 feet away, separated from my torso which was remained connected to my legs by what was left of my intestines.  I was whirlwinded by three mobs at the same time.  Uncontrollable laughter was all that could be heard on Ventrilo.  At least my failures lightened the mood.

After Razuvious dropped nothing of interest - actually no one did, we have tons of Abyss Crystals now - we continued on until reaching the Four Horsemen .  These bastards troubled my pre-TBC guild till no end, stopping us from proceeding to the Frost Wing.  It was relieving to see them go down, but it wasn't much of a fight in 10-man.  After clearing two wings in a few hours time we called Naxxramas for the evening and cleaned up Obsidian Sanctum before closing the raid.  My next challenge is to convince the GM to run the other two wings next Tuesday rather than Thursday so I can finish them, then the Frost Wing, and Malygos.  I am coming for you slowly but surely Bastosa!

We still haven't managed to take down Sartharion with any of his buddies alive, but we did have a pretty productive and efficient night.  Only nine more badges to go before I can get a much needed trinket upgrade.  Now if we could just stop getting Hunter/Shaman loot...

Reader Comments (14)

lets do epix pewpew

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpalaroy

It's all Shaman loot @.@

*is shaman*

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRey

My server is the opposite there is never hunter gear droping shammy gear mostly which pisses me off cuz im a hunter qq o well just means ill have to keep raiding.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

Blah blah blah butt blah Rogue blah blah blah.


February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

well if ur talking 10 man sarth it can be troublesome, but to do at least 1 drake up all u have to do is have 2 main tanks and 1 off tank that has dps capabilities (feral druids fit this bill), 2 healers (paladin and a good aoe healer is usually the best to go with due to beacon of light), and the rest dps. Always have Vesperon up for 1 drake as the only debuff u will get is increased shadow damage, as long as the raid doesnt be dumb and stay in fissures and stays out of fire wall it is a simple fight. Have one main tank tanking Sartharion and the other main tank ready to pick up Vesperon. If u have a holy paladin in the group have him place beacon of light on the tank that is tanking Vesperon so he can heal the tank that is tanking Sartharion. With Vesperon u do not need to go into the portal, within this fight u will have two different adds popping up which ur off tank will tank them all. This fight really is just a dps race with drakes up, burn Vesperon as quickly as possible and once he is down, aoe down the adds and then its a regular Sartharion fight.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDibullba

This article PONZORS.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

you guys need a forum.. was just gonna make some general comments about the project lore site.. anyways from a retired old school raider (remember the 40 mans).. good site, you guys give me enough of a fix to make me not have to renew my sub

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbkm

Um... you do know that a single stun will stop that whirlwind, right? I don't mean to bust your chops or anything, but as a rogue those adds should be EZ Mode. That's like dying on frogger as a pally.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Geek

At Dibullba.

Our guild only uses 2 tanks and 2 healers.

we have the main tank hold sartharion(sp) and the drake at the same time while the other tank grabs the adds. That way we can get a little extra dps.

for the Whirlwind guys. we try to spilt them up so one tank has all the whirlwind and have the other tank , tank the other mobs to avoid things like that.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatredy

Of course I do, but I was too caught up in DPSing (as mentioned in the post I am trying to keep up with better geared players) to worry about my own life.

Had there been other meleers in the area - that would have died - I would have cared. Reckless abandon ftl.

I love Frogger.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

I went on my first ever proper raid ever a few nights ago. Some people were looking for some dps for an heroic naxx. So i go in and we fight a boss and it goes down. (don't ask me what boss it was a spider thing. i was too nervous to pay attention) Anyway i though we were doing well but my rogue friend who has ran loads of raids says it was going bad. I didn't really understand until i looked at the dps recount and realised i was 7th. Now i know warlocks were good at dps but 7th and i all my gear is only some blue heroic stuff and some quest rewards. of course he was right and after spending ages wiping at the next boss (still no idea who) the raid was abandoned.

Anyway my first proper raid consisted of one boss, no loot and a big repair bill.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

In my case, it's always spending more TIME on farming for epics than spending gold on enchants and weapons :D

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I can share in your pain, iTZKooPA, albeit from a different angle. I haven't been inside Naxxramas for over 2 months, and that probably won't change anytime soon. Why? Because every single pug -- whether for 10 or 25 -- that I went with could NOT down a SINGLE boss. It just got so bad that I had to start wondering if I could even afford the repair bills...

By the way, if you ever come across shaman loot, just remember there's a shaman out there somewhere that can't even get the class drops from OS and VoA. (Like me.)

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

http://Topg.org" rel="nofollow">WOTLK Private Servers

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTopg

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