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The Joy Of Alting: Making The Most of Rested XP

Use Rested XP to Maximize LevelingAs I’ve said before, I’m a little frustrated at the level of content available for my main at the moment. Lucky for me I am a bit of an Alt-o-holic, and have elsewhere to turn in this situation: my army of alts.

While the Paladin will always be my first love, I really enjoy giving my alts some play time and seeing how the other half lives. Lately I’ve been having a bit of trouble deciding which alt I want to level. My “main alt” has always been my rogue, but I am finding more and more that I am not enjoying the rogue as much as a I used to.

I also have a shaman, druid, and death knight (obviously) all above level 60. In trying to decide which one of these to spend time on, it occurred to me, why not level all of them!

Going back and logging into these characters for the first time since WotLK dropped, I noticed that they were all at full rested XP. This means that all of the experience for killing mobs is double. This coupled with sped up leveling from 60-70 AND the fact I’m getting another 10% experience from outfitting them all with heirloom leveling shoulders really meant that the experience was racking up fast.

By running two or three instances I could easily gain a level and use up a good chunk of my rested xp. Then I can simply switch to another character the next day and do the same. By the time you work your way back to your first character you are rested again!

Of course this isn’t the most efficient leveling system if you want to get another 80 as soon as possible, but that has never been the point of an alt for me. I like to hurry my first character, and do progression raiding as soon as I can before there are people around that can run me through stuff. On my alts I am much more likely to “smell the roses.” This method seems like the way to do it! Level quick, but try on a lot of shoes!

What do you think? What’s your approach to alts?

Reader Comments (27)

Haha first I just kinda stash a few alts in the major cities wait for rested to build up.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

ive been using the recruit a friend thing latly works great so you dont have to level through the old areas if you have someone to run you through it can also be very quick took me about 8 hours /played to get to level 50

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbold

I love leveling alts! I actually like the leveling and questing much more than the end game materials. As a result, I end up leveling quiet a few characters.

Currently, I level my upper level character and then switch to anther one. I am always leveling at least two characters so that I can switch back a forth between them.

(Currently have 3 80's, 2 70's, 3 60's and the rest smaller.)

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSwordsworn

This is genius

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaminye

I have alts scattered from here to there and back again. In fact, my main is just my main alt I'm using to get gold and loot for my alt main alt... O_o

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWML

haha, considering the fact I was the one who asked the video viewer question about alts...

I'm leveling my druid that I started before WoTLK came out. He was 32, but I quit playing him for my main. I now am leveling him to 80. My system is level one toon to a certain point I'm happy with, then switch to another to work on.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Really, all I have are alts. I don't have a main.

The guild I'm in has a DUMB rule that you're only supposed to have one main raiding character and you're not allowed to level up an alt and switch to it. A friend was kicked from the guild because she wanted to switch from Hunter to Shaman (or something like that). It's dumb. I'm going to quit the guild seconds after the achievement for 80 hits. "So long, suckers!"

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I'm opposite what you are with alts. My main is the thing I like to take my time with and enjoy the process because hey lets admit it there is nothing like the 1st time seeing something so I like to enjoy that when its new to me. On my alts I try and do everything as fast as I can because I've seen it all before, it's old news.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDimak

My main is also a lvl 80 pally. Although I've only cleared 2.5 wings of Naxx and a lot of heroics, whenever i find enough time I try to progress a little more. Anyway my two main alts are a 72 death knight who will be a tank (my pally is dps), and a 63 shaman who will be a healer. I mostly just try to level them as fast as possible, maybe stopping for certain quests with items that I really want/need. Neither of them have the 10% experience shoulders yet, but that's mostly because I've been spending my emblems on my pally first, not my alts.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

Heirloom items rock! They make playing your alts a lot more fun since you don't have to keep thinking about needing gear to do something. Unfortunately the only 80 I have is horde and most of my alts are alliance. lol

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCedric

i try to have class in each position(dps,heals,and a tank)
with dual spec id roll my shammy dps/heals and my druid dps/tank so they can both still do dailys as a dps but then still have somone in each area

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkelegon

my main was a holy priest, i was kinda pigeon holed into my spec for raids.. and alts were really a great escape from that role.... thankfully i had a good guild and they wouldn't mind taking my mage/rogue to black temple on the early bosses to get em geared

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbkm

I AM THE KING OF ALT-O-HOLICS!!!!!! i have filled up my toon making space on 3 account thats right i have 3 accounts allfilled with alts ( well there really my friends account but 1 is mine).... =)

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHuntersev

I just took a rogue up to lvl 80 on the Nazgrel server. I was so eager to get him to lvl 80. Now that I'm up there I'm bored. So I've been playing my alts like crazy. A hunter, priest, DK, and a brand new druid. I even created a guild just for my alts.

I like the druid a lot. I'm thinking that maybe I should just play the druid since I can tank, healer, or be a caster. I know it's not the best of each roll, but you can still experience it.

Has this happened to anyone else? Get a toon up to 80 and then get bored? I haven't really started any end game content. I worked on my professions a lot, but that's it.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRandallrogue

I, also an alt-oholic, do the same as you. I have reached the point of rep grinding on my main, so i regularly jump on alt characters and work on getting my next 80. Also, my main is Horde, so i decided to start some alli characters for the different quest lines, etc.

All in all, definitely been fun and ensures that i always have something to do! One day ill get my main geared enough for raiding, but having to get PuGs for my heroic gear runs, i get a little bored waiting....

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDumdrakk, Executus

I like alts, they're simple.. I don't have any nice 10% shoulders to smile at, but i have a keyboard, a mouse and my druid, so i'm getting this badboy up to 80... From 61, that is, later i'll go back to my first char, my rogue..

Great article, keep it up.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrakira

Well, before WotLK, my alts were to play between raiding/instances, as a holy priest there isn't much power in Dailies at that time. So I tried some other classes, decided on a Pally and started lvling them. Then on raid nights I would hop on my Priest, heal for three hours, maybe farm a bit of herb, sell some, make pots with the rest, then back to the pally. Also have a shamy in the works but she's still a bit low lvl.

I also like to try and attempt something, which I do on other servers mostly, is lvl on just one continent until outlands. XD It gets boring seeing the same area, but I've been trying.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

That is exactly how im leveling my pally. Since im just running insatnces with him i specced holy since they are more in need from all the DK's running around. It really works well if it's your alt!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNerdbomber

You don't use fan of knives enough on your rogue. Game changer. Vanish. Win.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwyche

I as well am a alt-o-holic, probably because my main is a tank and tanks get totally boreing after you stack all the acheves and raids, meaning time to alt it! i have three over 60 alts, a hunter, warlock (who im going to level first), and a DK (hehe of course). Now unlike you i tend to take my main slow and speed through my alts alittle more, unless the alts are in an area in which i never leveled then ill kinda role play. And thats how i am a hard core role player. (lame, eh?)

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeidare

i'm actually more copletely the opposite, i'm a Main-o-holic, seems like when i pick up an alt i go for 2-4 levels then burn out cuz i've been there before, i'm just using them for helping a friend level, that recruit-a-friend thing is AWESOME do 2 quests and you level, then you can leap frog a bit with the "grant a level". but yeah i like my undead mage.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterspikolie

I've been having a great time leveling some alts via the Level Grant feature with linked friends who i've recruited. Also leveling with these friends in zones where I really never quested is quite fun plus the 300% xp bonus with linked friends isnt too shabby either.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGoreponok

I jump around based on where my mood takes me. I usually spend most of my time on my Human mage, I really want to get her to 80 (in the 50s now.)

My BE Hunter on the other hands suffers since the Horde economy on Uldum sucks compared to the alliance side of things. I'm back on her and just now pushing 30.. sad huh?

My NE Warrior has been completely neglected since WOTLK... sad since she was my main and the one that got me the DR Death Knight I road to 80.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

I guess I could say I'm somewhat of an alt-o-holic. I have two 80s already, and I'm currently working on a third (38 priest atm). My dream? I'd like to have a decently geared level 80 alt for every class with maxed-out professions. ^_^;;

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I have an alt of every single class. Most are in the teens or 20's.

But Aside from my main Affliction Lock. I am currently leveling a 72 resto druid, and a 62 undead DK.

My real goal is to get 3 level 80's. One DPS, one Heals, and one Tank. That way I can get into any kind of instance and play anyrole necesarry.

It is nice to be doing something and see a message come over trade chat for a DPS or heals or tank, and I can whisp and say... I have one of those. Invite."so and so" in a sec, i will log him on,.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdesifier

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