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The Joy Of Alting: Making The Most of Rested XP

Use Rested XP to Maximize LevelingAs I’ve said before, I’m a little frustrated at the level of content available for my main at the moment. Lucky for me I am a bit of an Alt-o-holic, and have elsewhere to turn in this situation: my army of alts.

While the Paladin will always be my first love, I really enjoy giving my alts some play time and seeing how the other half lives. Lately I’ve been having a bit of trouble deciding which alt I want to level. My “main alt” has always been my rogue, but I am finding more and more that I am not enjoying the rogue as much as a I used to.

I also have a shaman, druid, and death knight (obviously) all above level 60. In trying to decide which one of these to spend time on, it occurred to me, why not level all of them!

Going back and logging into these characters for the first time since WotLK dropped, I noticed that they were all at full rested XP. This means that all of the experience for killing mobs is double. This coupled with sped up leveling from 60-70 AND the fact I’m getting another 10% experience from outfitting them all with heirloom leveling shoulders really meant that the experience was racking up fast.

By running two or three instances I could easily gain a level and use up a good chunk of my rested xp. Then I can simply switch to another character the next day and do the same. By the time you work your way back to your first character you are rested again!

Of course this isn’t the most efficient leveling system if you want to get another 80 as soon as possible, but that has never been the point of an alt for me. I like to hurry my first character, and do progression raiding as soon as I can before there are people around that can run me through stuff. On my alts I am much more likely to “smell the roses.” This method seems like the way to do it! Level quick, but try on a lot of shoes!

What do you think? What’s your approach to alts?

Reader Comments (27)

My goal is to have one of every race class and spec. easiest example is to have 6 druids. 3 NE and 3 tauren. one for each spec in each race. i am nowhere near my goal seing as i only have 3 toons at or above 70Hunter, dk and warlock. but currently i do have 32 alts. >.<

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBluebob

i have a bunch of lower lvl alts (56 hunter, 38 shammy, 25 pally), and i usually only run dungeons with them. questing is annoying to me without my flyer or ground epic so i simply dont bother haha.

these days i really am only interested in my shammy as far as alts go, and when i sign into him about once a week, i just run 3 or 4 dungeons in a row to lvl quickly and get money/gear and then its back to my main. doing this is slow in the long run, but it saves me the headache of questing at a snails pace...

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertheczar

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