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Ghostcrawler Reveals Dual Spec Details

Thanks GC!In this interview with Nethaera, Ghostcrawler has revealed a lot of the specifics about the upcoming dual spec system. Up to this point we've been given hints about how the system will work and what will be included, but this time GC has unveiled much more specific information. Some of the key points from the interview:

  • Only level 80 characters will be able to purchase a second spec. This may be changed based on feedback.

  • The Lexicons of Power located in major towns are required to switch specs. Additionally, scribes can create an item that allows a group of players to summon a temporary lexicon of power. The only other restriction (so far) is that specs cannot be swapped in combat or in arenas.

  • Paying for a respec will only clear talents from a character's active spec.

  • A Gear Manager is going to be added into World of Warcraft. This will not automatically change the character's equipment after a spec change, but will be configurable to quickly change weapons, trinkets, or entire outfits. Sounds like an integrated Outfitter or Itemrack.

  • Hunters will no longer have to pay a trainer to respec their pets. Blizzard didn't want an extraneous step for hunters to have to go through to change their pets' talents. Hunters will also be given a new spell (on a long cooldown) that will allow remote access to the stables.

  • As we've heard before, glyphs and action bars will both be tied to the talent spec, changing along with the talent switch.

  • Talent points will be configurable before the get saved. This allows players who are respeccing to allocate talents with the ability to double check and avoid having to respec again just to move a couple of points.

  • It is indeed Dual Spec, not Tri or Quad spec, for now. In the future, they may allow for more than two specs to be used in the system.

All of this is pretty exciting news. With a lot more of the details hammered out, it seems like this may be coming even sooner than I had thought. We'll still have to see how the whole dual spec system has shaped up when it comes up on the PTR, but I am very enthused about the idea of having more than one talent build available.

Reader Comments (36)

This is a great idea, and I am also enthused about this prospect. I especially like the idea that Talents can be configured before they are saved... could save me some money.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValfire

Seems nice the only thing i have a concern for is the cost of being able to create a second spec. hopefully it wouldn't cost an arm or leg or two.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaid

Very cool. Looking forward to trying it out!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric Drake

I'm glad they're going to allow the hunters to have remote access on the stablemasters (okay, it has a CD, but still). I hate having to go all the way to a stablemaster just to switch pets when the whole team is waiting.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVirago

Won't believe until I see it in game.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRanger Joel

I'm thinking the second spec would cost something like an epic mount or riding training or something like that. Hopefully it's not 5000g but 1000g for the second spec. It would be even better if it was relatively cheap, like 25-50g.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWyndgem

I doubt it'd be that cheap. I'd probably expect something more along the lines of 1000g or so. At 80 that really isn't too terrible an amount but it still is enough that you need to work at it to earn enough for a dual spec.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

This will actually be pretty nice...my only critic is about the level...if all levels were able to do this spec. change, it would be easier to run low level instances and right after it return to your grinding/questing spec. ...

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBelias

This sounds awesome. I have been a tank for my entire raiding career and would love to try dpsing or healing. Thanks Blizz!!!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHerofTime

I can't wait for this to get into the game. first reason is that rogues true weapon is daggers (just me). However, i also understand the numbers and using duel swords, maces, or fist weapons or a combination there of. I am starting to get a better feel for the mutilate build, working on the rotation is taking a bit of time. Combat swords still seems to be up there on the dps charts so until i win a damn roll on some of the epic weapons i'll stick with the combat build.
The other cool thing is that you will be able to pick your talents and then save. now if i miss click a talent I can take it back (i have spent way too much to redo because of misplacing my points).

Looking forward to it and thanks for keeping us in the loop Juggy!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

love the idea only..why only 80s...i think it should be more like 60 or up or even lower=[ butdefinatly make it cost at least 1000g so some players have to work for it

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhordesucks

wooo finally, im a pally and currently do all of my PVP and soloing in ret but i heal for raiding with my guild so atm im respecin once or twice a day atleast just so i can enjoy the experience of doin shed lodes of dmg in wg with tenacity (divine storm crits 12k FTW) and holy light crits of 21k in naxx so this will save me so much money and time

Dwarf pally

(karazhan eu)

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbullrog

As a prot warrior I have been dreaming of this since the first day I heard about it. I can not even tell you how much I have spent in respeccing fees because I want to pvp or dps and then go tank something. I have spent well over 2000g doing this and I dont feel like spending all my money on this. So this will be a lifesaver for me and i am welcoming the change.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh(the Original one)

Oh hell yeah. I want this to get released ASAP. I'm quite sick and tired of having to fork over 50g for every time I respec. As a Paladin I tend to collect a lot of gear, be it DPS, tank or healing gear.

Despite main-speccing in Holy for raids I like to tank or just plain pewpew in instances because healing in heroics is just plain BLEH to me, but I usually have to wait when my guild doesn't have any scheduled raids for 2 or more days to make use of the respec.

This'll save a helluvalot of money in the long run for me, wracking up 2.2k gold on respecs don't look good D:

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValentinex

i feel that even though it is a great idea it will make all hybrid classes (shammys, warriors, pallys, druids, and preists) so much more viable in PVE that they will be chosen over pure classes (every other class not including Dks because all their specs are basicly hybrids) in raids.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJV

Sweet!! Even if i dont have an 80 this is going to save me a load of money, in the long run. Will probably need alot of money for secondary spec items and glyphs though. But most definitally worth it.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNerdbomber

I feared they would announce a "one time fee", that you have to pay twice. You know it's going to be at the very least 1kg. So when you hit 77 on your alt ( in my case several) you're greeted with the prospect of paying for flight/epic flight, cold weather flying, dual specs x 2 (at 80), on top of repair bills and other faction rewards.
Charging these amounts is just a synthetic way of getting people to go out and farm/quest and the last thing you want to do when you hit 80 is farm/quest. By far the most frustrating aspect of the game for me.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSidias

Okay im reading the comments and none of them really describe what dual specs are so im a little confused.

Is it like you pay for the second spec and you get enough points for a second spec or is it like you go to the lexicon of power and click a bottom and you instant change spec....

any clarification would be nice

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrawnyhippo

thank god, now if ur doing a heroic instance like strom peaks (at 80) and they need a tank then switch prot or feral or something, then if they need dps just be likte: ret!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterellendi

To Sidias> y not take care of flight/epic flight (or start savin for epic) around 70, seeins how u can get/use both in outlands, then at 77 knock out cold weather flight and maybe epic if u haven't by then, and at 80 worry bout duel spec cost.

To Brawnyhippo> Basically u would have 2 talent builds, grinding spec, then PvP Spec or raid spec. U r given enuf Talent points for both, but only 71 in each of course at 80. Go to Lexicon or Scribe's summon to switch.

To ellendi> That'll be nice, however we will have to wait and see what the cost, if any, will be to switch back and forth. If there is no cost other than mats for summon, fuckin sweet.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTwest

I've saved every penny since Outlands, currently 75, and have about 2200g. Not even close to the 7000g I need for norm/epic flight and cold weather flying.
I'm QQ'ing a bit to be sure, but I think I made a valid point.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSidias

I'm for cheap, it's annoying that all the new stuff assumes you've been playing every day for 5 years.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

Dual spec will be great, but it's kind of a let down that you can only be 80 to use it.

One of the major reasons why I wanted it is to be able to go into The Nexus or something and then respec to holy while I'm in the instance and then switch to Ret when I'm done.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaasuk(Andrew)

As someone who spends at least 300g a week speccing from Ret (raiding) to Prot (heroics) and vice versa, I cannot wait for Dual specs to be added.

I also like how Blizzard is starting to take addons that are popular and build them into the game as features. Hopefully, their version of Outfitter is robust enough that I can stop updating my addon every patch :)

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPete the Geek

Well I'm glade they are finally come out with the dual spec but its also kinda sad that you have to be level 80 to get it since my 80's don't spend that much for respecing while my druid who is level 74 has spent over a 1,000 gold between respecing from Balance (to level) and Resto ( to heal for instances cuz nobody wants to).

I think should atleast expand it to lvl 70's since there are still people who don't have wrath and want to enjoy the same benifits.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAesino

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