Entries in love is in the air (11)

Holiday Burn Out

I'm usually a gung-ho fan of world events. Since hitting 80 on my main in September, I've plunged myself head-first into every event in the quest to complete What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been and earning that coveted Violet Proto-Drake. And since it's my first time doing most of the event-related achievements, they've been intriguing enough to hold my interest.

But over the course of February, something changed and withered away at my enthusiasm for world events. I blame the latest combination of Love is in the Air butted up and overlapped with the Lunar Festival.

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Love is in the Air 2010: No More Love

Love is in the Air is over and done with, but not before I made a major mental lapse.  Amatera was kinda enough to remind us on Saturday that the seasonal event ended that night, but I hadn't acquired a single Love Token upon reading his PSA.  The event is far easier than in the past, but there was still a limit on the number of tokens one could acquire in a given day.  Unfortunately, the limit is lower than the amount required for a Truesilver Shafted Arrow.  I thought I had more time!  My rogue now has to stare at 30xLove Token in his bank for the next year.

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Protip 8.5: Dangerous Love

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne or subscribe in iTunes for notifications of new videos! 

In this episode, we continue grabbing Love is in the Air achievements. Check it out to learn how to get Dangerous Love, The Rocket's Pink Glare, and My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose.

Protip 8.4: Crushing the Crown

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne or subscribe in iTunes for notifications of new videos! 

Continuing our quest against the Crown Chemical Company, we take down Apothecary Hummel, get the Tough Love achievement, and save Azeroth.

Protip 8.3: Hot on the Trail

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne or subscribe in iTunes for notifications of new videos! 


We continue tracking down Snivel Rustrocket to find out the nature of the perfume bombs that the Chemical Crown Co. had. Stay tuned for more Love is in the Air goodness.



Protip 8.2: Snap Snagglebolt

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne or subscribe in iTunes for notifications of new videos! 


On this Protip, we work with Snap Snagglebolt to start uncovering the ensidious plot by the Crown Chemical Co. to use perfume as a chemical weapon. Stay tuned for more Love in the Air guide goodness!

Protip 8.1: Love is in the Air

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne or subscribe in iTunes for notifications of new videos!

In the first episode of the Love is in the Air guide, I introduce the holiday and spray random passerbys with a giant cologne gun.

Love is in the Air: A Lovely Change of Pace

The past month or so of WoW, for many of us, has been so incredibly concentrated on Icecrown Citadel. And I don't really see that as a bad thing, but it's nice to change things up every now and then. Which is why I welcome Love is in the Air with open arms.

Something about collecting Lovely Charms and assembling them into Lovely Charm bracelets for each of your faction's leaders (I haven't tried it yet, but a couple of my guildies have had great success collecting charms by targeting dwarves in Ulduar while atop a siege engine), all in the hope of gathering up enough love tokens to make all of the fun purchases you desire (achievement aside, I'm eying you, Lovely Red Dress)... it can get monotonous, sure, but I've been having a blast and also working toward the What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been meta-achievement too.

And of course we also have that crazy apothecary trio that many of us will be taking down multiple times every day. Beyond the ilevel 226 amulets that drop upon each kill (most of my guildies have been picking up pieces for their off-specs), it seems everyone is hoping to get a lucky roll on a Big Love Rocket (nice, subtle name, Blizzard). I've yet to see anyone on my server riding a love rocket, much less seen it drop. But a couple of YouTube videos posted the few days proves it does, indeed, exist -- though perhaps a bit more rare (and sexy) than, say, the coveted Brewfest mounts.

From the video, it appears that the rocket, similar to the Magic brooms from Hallow's Eve, works as both a flying and ground mount, depending on where it's summoned. And the one who posted the video claims it's also a 310% speed mount. I really want one!

What are your goals for this festive, lovely event? Anyone get any of those rare loot drops yet, or are all of you simply still drooling as I am?

Productivity At Its Finest

For RealIn today's less than stellar economy efficiency is a valued trait.  During the holiday weekend I managed to check off two goals on my "WoW To Do List" while nearly completing a third.  One did earn me an actual Achievement - not that I really care - but the other was done entirely for monetary DPS benefits.  Who needs an achievement when you can get this? This weekend I finally polished my Kalu'ak reputation grind for the cute penguin and ever-so-helpful epic fishing pole.  You can never have too many purpalz.  Kalu'ak is actually quite an easy faction to grind for, I just didn't bother to clean it up until the other week.  You can get to Revered just by dispatching the quests for the starting zones of Northrend.  Past that, there are three dailies to complete that all reward 500 reputation, Planning for the Future, Preparing for the Worst, The Way to His Heart....  Totaling 1,500 reputation per day. Each of these quests are incredibly quick to finish, and on an interesting note, you don't actually have to kill anything to complete them.  You can kill stuff to make it a bit easier (you evil bastard), but that is not the goal.  For Solidsamm, it was actually more efficient to avoid confrontations, sapping all mobs in the vicinity.  Of course there is a catch.  You waste a ton of time flying (nearly 15 minutes) and boating (most of your waiting is blown sitting at docks) to each quest giver.  I am not exaggerating either.  I used this time to brush my teeth, feed my pets, do my taxes, things of that nature. Next up was my main goal, Sons of Hodir.  After weeks spent grinding out their collection of dailies, I turned in my last stack of Relics of Ulduar to ding Exalted and snag my epic shoulder enchant.  Go, go, DPS. The relief consumed me.  No longer will I have to fight over Revenants, only to have my Smoldering Scrap ninjaed from me, or my Ice Essence fly in the opposite direction I was expecting.  Gone will be the days of Forefather hunting and scrambling for the few Vicious Oils scattered between the worms.  Solidsamm won't have to bother with competing for the few Kaskala Supplies or stealing babies anymore either.  Now he will fill his day with corpses, documents, banners and killing.  The cycle continues. Oh and that third thing I almost completed;  Only three badges from my Mirror of Truthiness.  How'd this weekend treat you?  My Valentine's Day was great, although I failed at scoring my own cupid and was a candy short of Be Mine! Anyone have better luck at the Fool for Love meta-Achievement?

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Love is in The Arena

Nothing says "I love you" like getting shot by a
dude with giant eyes and razor-sharp teeth.
Let's start this off with the most pressing matter, Love is in the Air.  Blizzard's take on Valentine's Day kicked off early wednesday morning aside an amusing bug.  I am sure those that logged in saw the server wide message that the "Ice Stone has melted."  The erroneous message stems from last year's Midsummer Fire Festival and the encounter with Lord Ahune.  The kicker is that Blizzard had no idea what was causing it, or how it slipped into 3.0.9.  It has taken Blizzard's superstar team over a day to track down the root of the problem, which will require a realm restart later today.  At least Kisirani had some fun with the flooding of Azeroth. For those of you looking to participate in the Love is in the Air seasonal, you best take a look at WoWHead's excellent guide.  If you are one of the hardcore achievers out there, then you are hopefully well on your way with Fool for Love for the meta-meta achievement, What a Long, Strange Trip Its Been. It is also worth a mentioning that the Lunar Festival commenced earlier this week. Unlike previous seasonal events, this is one that doesn't interest me, much.  Despite my general lack of excitement, the bastards at Blizzard made it pretty difficult for me to ignore the event entirely, due to the addition of an amusing non-combat pet.  I love those little useless distractions.  To obtain the pet, players are required to get jiggy with guards and/or NPCs of their factions for Gifts of Adoration.  If you are incredibly lucky, than a Truesilver Shafted Arrow will be found in there, otherwise you must wait an hour to try again.  I'll be going after gifts as often as possible, but I will leave the achievement grinding to Juggynaut.
Aww, he's so tough.
On the news front, the PvPers out there are probably ecstatic to hear that the World of Warcraft Arena Tournament will be returning for its second run.  The 2009 season has been updated to include Wrath's changes, pre-made level 80 characters, a prize pool of $200,000 and even in-game objects usable on the live realms like the “Vanquisher” title and this cute Murloc pet.  God, are they trying to make me fail at PvP on a global scale? Any one a Fool for Love yet?  Remember folks, the V-day event closes on Monday, so get a move on.  I am 0 for 5 in my endeavor for Kwee Q. Peddlefeet.  Any readers gonna sign-up for the Arena Tournament on the 17th?

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