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Productivity At Its Finest

For RealIn today's less than stellar economy efficiency is a valued trait.  During the holiday weekend I managed to check off two goals on my "WoW To Do List" while nearly completing a third.  One did earn me an actual Achievement - not that I really care - but the other was done entirely for monetary DPS benefits.  Who needs an achievement when you can get this?

This weekend I finally polished my Kalu'ak reputation grind for the cute penguin and ever-so-helpful epic fishing pole.  You can never have too many purpalz.  Kalu'ak is actually quite an easy faction to grind for, I just didn't bother to clean it up until the other week.  You can get to Revered just by dispatching the quests for the starting zones of Northrend.  Past that, there are three dailies to complete that all reward 500 reputation, Planning for the Future, Preparing for the Worst, The Way to His Heart....  Totaling 1,500 reputation per day.

Each of these quests are incredibly quick to finish, and on an interesting note, you don't actually have to kill anything to complete them.  You can kill stuff to make it a bit easier (you evil bastard), but that is not the goal.  For Solidsamm, it was actually more efficient to avoid confrontations, sapping all mobs in the vicinity.  Of course there is a catch.  You waste a ton of time flying (nearly 15 minutes) and boating (most of your waiting is blown sitting at docks) to each quest giver.  I am not exaggerating either.  I used this time to brush my teeth, feed my pets, do my taxes, things of that nature.

Next up was my main goal, Sons of Hodir.  After weeks spent grinding out their collection of dailies, I turned in my last stack of Relics of Ulduar to ding Exalted and snag my epic shoulder enchant.  Go, go, DPS.

The relief consumed me.  No longer will I have to fight over Revenants, only to have my Smoldering Scrap ninjaed from me, or my Ice Essence fly in the opposite direction I was expecting.  Gone will be the days of Forefather hunting and scrambling for the few Vicious Oils scattered between the worms.  Solidsamm won't have to bother with competing for the few Kaskala Supplies or stealing babies anymore either.  Now he will fill his day with corpses, documents, banners and killing.  The cycle continues.

Oh and that third thing I almost completed;  Only three badges from my Mirror of Truthiness.  How'd this weekend treat you?  My Valentine's Day was great, although I failed at scoring my own cupid and was a candy short of Be Mine! Anyone have better luck at the Fool for Love meta-Achievement?

Reader Comments (24)

Bruce Walrus ftw

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVarren

Two damn candy hearts short of the title. I have grinded that damn thing since friday and i am so pissed off. Nothing says i love you more than a pissed of warlock screaming at her guildmates because the chocolates dropped again

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

The Love is in the Air event was terrible, IMHO. Not nearly long enough for all those achievements, most of which depended on a 60 minute time limit. Absolutely and completely foolish.

I have a bunch of alts and got the Perma-Peddle on two of them. I know he's not required for the main event achievement, but he's really all I wanted since I collect pets. Since he's so hard to get, I wish he wasn't soulbound, was bound to my account, or bound on equip so that I could give him to the character I want to have him. Lame.

I found the whole event to be a big waste of time and completely frustrating, unlike previous events which have been held since achievements were put in place. I hope Blizzard reevaluates the event for next year. Things need to change. The game should be fun and not completely infuriating.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

I never got around to fishing much myself, but being fairly close to exalted with them almost makes me want to go pick it up. I'm also only 5 badges away from the same trinket but my ever-growing love for my alt might make me spend them on the shoulders first.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

The achievements were bugged for me this weekend. I must have showered 10 Gnome Warlocks with petals and NOTHING! Same with the Human DK that I needed for that one. T_T

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

My valentine's day was pretty dull. I did manage however to complete a few goals. My current healer alt that I am working on, Druid, finally hit 40 and got out of the 30-40 questing bind that I usually hit. My tanking alt, warrior, finally got VC worthy to get some runs from my guildmates. I actually saw NO worth in doing the holiday event. Other than the one minipet, but I'm not much of a collector for them. I do agree with PatrickD for saying there needs to be more time. Maybe another day or two? Plus, the only reason people would really want to get it was for the meta achieve. What a Long Strange trip it's been.

Other than that...good work PL, made my WoW experience so much better.

And on the photo on the blog, LMAO nice :D

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

Nah I avoided the achievements for valentines day (Still got two somehow) I was still concentrating on getting my main the now 6 levels to 80.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

Finished Fool for Love Friday night, so i could then turn off Trade Chat and avoid all cities for the rest of the weekend.

Finished my Strat/Scholomance grind and finally got Exalted with Argent Dawn, Baron mount or no Baron mount, I'm never going into Strat again!!! LOL

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBERNIE

I burned three days to complete "Love Fool" and I have no idea why I did it. Those candy drops were the worst.

I'm just glad to be done with it.

Now to even more annoying things. Leveling cooking and fishing.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWolvestooth

got my valentines " Fool for Love meta-Achievement" last night thanks to my sleeping wife i got on her account to make a 2 man raid to enter Naxx and Stratholme, then went to AB and completed the achievement and won AB. but no pet... sad

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpikolie

I tried to get some Heroics going... felt it would be easier to get Emblems of Heroism than honor to get my Savage gear, was able to get 19 Emblems. I was expecting to get more, but whatever.

I spent the majority of Sunday in two of the worst raids I have ever been apart of. First was a 25-man naxx with 15+ minutes of downtime between each wipe / pull, then a 10-man naxx where we couldn't even down the one boss we came across while I was there (Maxena or whatever).

Now me and my buddy are looking towards the future for bigger and better things... a guild that doesn't fail.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAbadaboo

hey ive been wondering when is the icecrown cititil (or however its spelled) gonna come out?

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterL

I jut wanted the pet, my highest level is 58, well technically its my brothers 63 (we share an account) this also limits our time to play since we try and split the time as close to equal as possible, so i didnt have much of a chance to get real achievments done

i did however get 3 of the stupid dresses, and 4 of the "rare" picnic baskets, stupid baskets, and i was also short one stupid candy, after 4 bags of it too

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrygo

my weekend was boring, we don't raid on weekend. In other news I did get http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44659 and http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40474 in todays 10 man mal. I'm in a pug 25 naxx (I had to skip my guilds) so I'm hoping for an epic roll to get http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40384 Todays been nice

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersevink

I farmed all the Gift of Adorations I could get my hands on during the short seasonal and only once I got a Bag of Candy. Which was very unfortunate since all I needed was "Be Mine" to get the title. Darn you Blizzard! >:(

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I had the achievement finished friday with everything except the pet. :(

This weekend my internets was acting up preventing me from running the mass amount of heroics I wanted to get it. So instead I rolled a shammy and started working my way back up through the levels. I also fell in love with my mage again and started leveling her again. I don't understand why I ever left her at the level she's at......

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I pretty much got everything i wanted to get done this weekend:

1. on friday managed to lead my guild raid through naxx 25

2.on saturday managed to get our naxx 10 run finally finished

3.on sunday i took the day off of wow to get a lil rest and family time

4.on monday managed to get all of my alts to lvl 76 mage hunter and dk

so it was a fun weekend and on a better note mirror of truth is NIIIIICCCCEEE combined with loatheb's shadow :P

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternosajdrofloc

I just got my mirror this weekend along with my neck and only 6 badges short of the thrown weapon. As for the holiday i hated it to random and i really wanted the achievments for my violet proto-drake

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnholypally

Managed to do the Meta achievement my first day of grinding :-) My guild told me i was lucky with the drops as it took most of them days to get the Be Mine done

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSylvester

I wasn't too thrilled with the whole 'love is in the air' thing. Maybe because I'm not into pets or really with doing achivements. But, it was fun to send my guildies a candy and to help them finish up their gift packages. And I sold some things to make a little gold

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

(*shrieks in abject jealousy*)

This is what happens when you're computer is off for upgrades: you miss out on an entire event.

Teaches me to wait until the tech guy calls to tell me he has my upgrades instead of just bringing him my set up.


February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Awesome weekend actually. :)
On friday during a raid break I got my Fool for Love achievement and got the permanent pet for me and an alt.
Also finished my full tier set including all the gear that matches it. :P

On Saturday I finally got my Black War Mammoth AND a bronze drake (and a green silithid from farming AQ40 but who cares)

Twas a good weekend imo.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBobCharabini

The achievement certainly was one. Once I realized how rare the candy was I setup shop so I could log in from wherever I was to get my candy. Every hour I would log in from work, on the road, at the grandparents house. I finally got the achievement after three bags of candy Saturday night on the last piece. I have never felt so beaten down by a game. I shouldn't have to plan my life around the game like that in order to get it. But that drake is calling my name so.

Tonight will put my at 40 away from exulted with Kalu'ak. Did I miss something or did they just engineer it like that?

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I did get the title (thank god) but I didn't manage to get the pet for the character I wanted to (my lock <3), instead I got it on my DK... Well I can still say that I got it even though not for my Achievement hamster (again my lock). And it's not that big of a problem since I'm still on the track as far as the Violet Proto-Drake goes (I have the Time-Lost Proto already <3)

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

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