Entries in to do list (2)

Ulduar To-Do List!

So in case you have been living under a rock, Ulduar is here! It is finally time to do and experience everything we have been reading about and looking forward to for the last several months! It is an exciting time to say the least.

I know I had developed quite a shopping list of things to do. So many, in fact, I am having a hard time deciding what my first stop will be when I can finally log on!

The Ulduar instance is obviously my number one priority, but I have a few stops I am going to make before I hit the zone it. I logged out at the trainer so I could pick up my dual-spec right away, after that I’m sure I will head to the AH and see how bad I am going to get gouged for new the glyphs.

Of course I will have to take some time to set up toolbars, gear, and glyphs for my new spec. Then I’m sure I will have to fight with some newly out-of-date add-ons.

Once I get all that house keeping squared away, I am heading straight into Ulduar-10! The idea is to see if I can get some boss tries in before our schedule Ulduar-25 run later tonight. I’m not going to lie, my guild is planning on hitting Ulduar 25 hard, so I imagine I won’t find much time for anything else once we get in there.

That being said, I definitely see the appeal of looking at some other stuff before charging right in. After all The Argent Tournament sounds like great fun, and of course doing some heroics with dual specs in place could present an interesting challenge.

There are lots of new directions to go! So what are you guys going to be up to the moment you log on?

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Productivity At Its Finest

For RealIn today's less than stellar economy efficiency is a valued trait.  During the holiday weekend I managed to check off two goals on my "WoW To Do List" while nearly completing a third.  One did earn me an actual Achievement - not that I really care - but the other was done entirely for monetary DPS benefits.  Who needs an achievement when you can get this? This weekend I finally polished my Kalu'ak reputation grind for the cute penguin and ever-so-helpful epic fishing pole.  You can never have too many purpalz.  Kalu'ak is actually quite an easy faction to grind for, I just didn't bother to clean it up until the other week.  You can get to Revered just by dispatching the quests for the starting zones of Northrend.  Past that, there are three dailies to complete that all reward 500 reputation, Planning for the Future, Preparing for the Worst, The Way to His Heart....  Totaling 1,500 reputation per day. Each of these quests are incredibly quick to finish, and on an interesting note, you don't actually have to kill anything to complete them.  You can kill stuff to make it a bit easier (you evil bastard), but that is not the goal.  For Solidsamm, it was actually more efficient to avoid confrontations, sapping all mobs in the vicinity.  Of course there is a catch.  You waste a ton of time flying (nearly 15 minutes) and boating (most of your waiting is blown sitting at docks) to each quest giver.  I am not exaggerating either.  I used this time to brush my teeth, feed my pets, do my taxes, things of that nature. Next up was my main goal, Sons of Hodir.  After weeks spent grinding out their collection of dailies, I turned in my last stack of Relics of Ulduar to ding Exalted and snag my epic shoulder enchant.  Go, go, DPS. The relief consumed me.  No longer will I have to fight over Revenants, only to have my Smoldering Scrap ninjaed from me, or my Ice Essence fly in the opposite direction I was expecting.  Gone will be the days of Forefather hunting and scrambling for the few Vicious Oils scattered between the worms.  Solidsamm won't have to bother with competing for the few Kaskala Supplies or stealing babies anymore either.  Now he will fill his day with corpses, documents, banners and killing.  The cycle continues. Oh and that third thing I almost completed;  Only three badges from my Mirror of Truthiness.  How'd this weekend treat you?  My Valentine's Day was great, although I failed at scoring my own cupid and was a candy short of Be Mine! Anyone have better luck at the Fool for Love meta-Achievement?

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