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Championing for Fun and Reputation

I Just Had To

Via Washington Interscholastic Activities Association

Championing, all the kids are doing it now, so why aren't you?  Championing is the fun way to gain reputation with a few select factions in Wrath of the Lich King.  With Championing, you can go from Friendly to Exalted in a matter of minutes, instead of weeks.  No longer will you have to wait for mobs to respawn or fight with other aggressive characters when you wish to mind your own business.  Yes folks, Championing is the way of the future, the easiest, most convenient way to become best friends with a faction that previously despised the ground you walked on.  Championing - the new hotness.

Championing offers players an easier way to farm reputation, but you can only Champion certain classes.  However, every player who wishes to have the best head enchant available needs to Champion at least one faction.  Before we get into those factions, allow me to explain the process before I drop the C-word for the tenth time.  The new reputation mechanic enables players to run any level 80 dungeon while still gaining reputation for a chosen faction.  This is accomplished by wearing a faction-specific tabard that can be acquired when your toon reaches Friendly with the select Northrend posse.  Mages get it a tad easier, the wielders of physics breaking magic can obtain the Kirin Tor Tabard at the incredibly low rank of Level 1.

Four Champion-able factions and their associated head enchantment:
The Argent Crusade - Stamina & Defense Rating
Kirin Tor - Spell Power & Critical Strike Rating
Knights of the Ebon Blade - Attack Power & Critical Strike Rating
The Wyrmrest Accord - Spell Power & Mana Per 5 Seconds

Blizzard's mechanic allows players to break the monotonous cycle of grinding dailies for every faction, but we can't escape it completely.  Aside from a new way to gain status among our peers, the hidden benefit is that Championing will - at least theoretically - open up more people to a selection of instances.  The ability to gain Ebon Blade rep in any Heroic means that SolidSamm won't have to grind the same instance like he did in The Burning Crusade's day.  This opens up the possibility of my rogue joining any instance group that is looking for DPS (read: none).  Choice is good.

The above aside, there really is no "guide" to Championing.  Simply hit Friendly with whatever faction you need, grab the tabard from their vendor and you are on your way.  As a side note, if you fail to don one of the faction tabards, your toon's Northrend rep (Alliance Vanguard/Horde Expedition) will be raised instead. SolidSamm is working on his AP/Crit Arcanum as you read this, but don't forget to look at the other items the factions of to offer.  The little ankle biter will replace his Ebon Blade tabard with the Kirin Tor's in an effort to lower the high price of their sexy ring.  Who's colors are you sporting?

On a more hardcore note, how many of you have taken the time to score the Championing achievement?  Serious props if you have.

Reader Comments (12)

I liked when blizzard put this way of rep grinding in rather then the old "do these instances for this rep". It's a lot more fun to run my favorite instances for rep and not being stuck doing certain ones. That way, you can run what you need gear from, and get rep with your selected faction all at the same time!

As for the achievement, i got that a long time ago, I've grinded through quite a few heroics on my priest but it was fun to get. Can't wait to start working on it on my next level 80 ^_^

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSilver

Hey it's a lot of an easier way to grind for rep than in BC, really glad they introduced this ... it helps people gear up faster :D

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEugen

If only they had this for the I was repped out with all factions you could champion with before the new year. Leaving the killer grind of SOH, Oracle, and the walrus peeps. I just recently wrapped those up. If I had to grind out the rep for all of the rest it quite simply would not have happened. Being in inscriptions the only reason I did SOH was because I was already done with the rest.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpauldy

i'm loving the new way for getting rep in Wotlk, in wow and BC it was still fun but i have to admit that occasionally you'd start to lose your mind on your 10th in Steamvaults >.<
but now with the tabbard system it's like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. i'm already exalted with 3/4 of those factions and revered with the last one. (of course talent passives like ''the human spirit'' def help) And blizz still kept dailies around for some extra gold and rep. All in all, i'm happy with my rep grinding in wotlk. But there was a certain pride getting revered with the Ashtongue tribe in BC, or with the Sands of Time. But wotlk is a different type of wow and i'm liking it.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

I was revered with the argent crusade about 15 minutes after I hit 80 (my first heroic run - violet hold) so I got my tanking arcanum real early.

for the achievement side of things (for getting exalted with all 4), I'm the only 80 in my guild (out of 12) that doesn't have the achievement - and I'm the GM!

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

I earned the achievement when I hit exalted with the Kirin Tor a couple weeks back (which also resulted in my attaining the rep achievement [20 Exalted]). :D

So, good news is that I don't have to farm rep anymore. The bad news is that I can't farm rep anymore. :lol:

I wish I could work on those other WotLK factions that no one can do (ie. Hand of Vengeance). I mean, what's the point of a faction if you aren't allowed to hit exalted? *sigh* Well, I have to go work on the classic and TBC factions anyway if I want to have any hope of getting "the Exalted" title.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

well being im a total completionist i have the achievement...im also sitting at 35 exalted reputations...dunno why but when i get bored i grind rep lol

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

Well as a paladin and a lore freak i think its obvious that I'm wearing the argent crusade tabard nothin like a tankadin with the title "The Argent Champion".

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNalamin

Love the pic. I am working on the Wyrmrest Accord for the Mp5 enchant. It'll become even more beneficial after the changes to Mana Regeneration go live.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlinkz

I have no preference. I'm gaining rep with everyone :D. Is it just me, or is that basicly everything in WoTLK gives you an achievement? I mean...look at the Rep WoTLK Achieve. Tab..every rep at exalted gives 10 achieve. points and the achieve. I have Kirin Tor, Alliance Vanguard, Argent Crusade, Knights of the Ebon Blade, and am currently working on the Wrymwrest. :P

Anyway, good post. Keep up the work.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

i have the 4 Tabards and all them got me exalted in a very short time so i think they the best idea blizz have had in awhile ^^

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjimmeh

I think its quite handy to have these tabards to get exalted with people, cuz look at all the flight points in Northrend O.O Good way to lower flying prices (sometimes the gold ads up)

And I am only 1 rep away from the northrend vanguard, and that is wyrmrest accord.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmmadon

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