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Episode 16.1: Gundrak

As soon as the Project Lore guys all dinged 80, they decided to kick it up a notch and take on Heroic Gundrak. See how the guys' first heroic boss fight goes as they try to take Slad'ran in this episode of Project Lore.

Reader Comments (86)

Okay, one working strat for this guy that I've noticed. Have the tank run him all the way back to the instance entrance. That way, all of those pain in the butt adds have a very long way to run and, hopefully, you have him downed before they make it to you.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMalycia

Hittpokect needs to use crusader strike and your finish talent i forgot the name but use it when its up

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSparky sparky boom boom

Hell yeah, Jeff!

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJakkhel

Jeff is my fave. I don't always know what I'm doing either.. but I always have fun. :) Love the show, can't wait to hit lvl 70/80 and do some of these instances.
Thanks also for all the helpful game guides!

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Hey Guys You should really have donE H uk are Nexus way easier.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWOWRULE

O ya tank can't do this i think not even defed capped

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWOWRULE

The biggest problem (as a healer) on this boss is that you WILL pull aggro on those adds, which don't hit that hard one by one, but hit a lot when you have like 20 on you.
A smart thing (if not the only thing) to do is to do as you did second time; Pull him down the stairs, and let the ranged + healer stay where he stood before you pulled.
Then the healer won't pull aggro, and the tank can AoE down the adds together with a ranged AoE'er like Dorkins and Shnoobins.
If you have a very well geared tank and good dps, you don't even have to slay those adds, and you can just focus on UBER Zerg on the boss, because he doesn't have that much HP.

Dorkins - You should find a nice key binding to your volley spell, so you are able to cast it faster. I use "G" a lot, because it's very approachable.

Shnoobins - I made a mage because of you. It's now level 67 :)

Lylelovett - I also made a prot warrior, because of you :)

Goggins - Resto Shamans pwns!

Winterstrike - When you play Ret Paladin a lot you will be able to stay on top of the recount. They're awesome.

Keep on the good work. I love seeing you guys, especially when the EU servers are down (like now -,-).

Lol he's finally learning to paly ret, he jsut needs to get his rotation down. While it may be First Come First Serve, at the start of the fight your gunna wanna start with judgement, then DS, then Crusader, so as to avoid Judge and Crusader clashing on cooldowns. But other then that, welcome to the club jeff

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGenocide

Sup Jeff, a little tip for melee on that fight, when you are fighting him and he casts the spell, while your fighting him turn your camra angle with your mouse so it points behind you; then just book butt around the corner of the wall to block it. we usally tank him half way down the stairs so it is a short trip to the left behind the wall and the wall, that will stop the nova. we have alot of melee dps in our guild way more then we should. this is just the way my guildies do it.

Fury Warrior

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlphadoom

Hey guys - I've watched every single episode, and I love the show. Thanks very much for putting it on.

Welcome to heroics.

Lyle, first rule of heroic instance tanking - its YOUR job to pick up all the adds for every boss that has them in Heroic Northrend dungeons, with very few exceptions. You'll have to master the strafe-running method of kiting bosses while keeping up your rotation on them so you can get near the adds and clap/shockwave adds to get them on you. Also, I'm sure this has been beat into your skull by now, but make it to 540def+, and then stack that stamina!

Jeff - you were clearly within the radius of the Poison Nova when it went off. Its a circular area around him, and it extends quite a way - when you run away, do not backtrack away or keybind-turn away to run - you need to about face fast with your mouse and RUN! I look forward to an even more painful lesson on this for ProjectLore when you go to meet Loken in Halls of Lightning. :)

I'm sure you guys know this by now, but wanted to give some constructive 2 cents in case you didn't!

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFritzTheCat

yay new intro (as everybody else has already said ^^ but tis good that jeff is officaly on it now :P)
anwyay i agree with lectricslide that is a very good stratagy and has only failed if melle don't move out way of nova :P

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteeters

Jeff dont fret with the bad comments.. its all trial and error with the game till you find a spec you like. So if ppl want to say your doing it wrong hey do what works best for you!

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCCDay

Grats on finally being in the intro Jeff. I was starting to wonder if it was ever gonna get changed, seeing as you have been in more episodes than Jerry for a while now.
Next goal should be to get you on the "About Us" page too. :D

As for the bad comments, it's to be expected really. You are playing a game, the game is for ages 12 and up, it's on the Internet, you are doing a show, that's also on the Internet. Any of those separately can easily draw in tons of immature tossers, but all combined is nearly a perfect storm of poor social skills and behaviour.
There's nothing to be done about it really, except to ignore everything but the decent comments and remember that it's a game that you are supposed to be playing to have fun.
The only complaint I have is that as a ret pally I know you use a 2-hander, but when talking about your class you are missing a lot of opportunities to plug the shield, the best show ever.

Anyway, it's nice to see that you (all of you) have given up on your excessive use of CC on every fight. I have done every WotLK instance with a warrior tank, so it was getting a little frustrating to see so much time spent on waiting for traps, resheeping, yelling about CC being broken by AoE, etc, when I'm used to just seeing the tank run in and pick everything up before we AoE it down.

However, Joshua is also correct in saying that the game has become somewhat too easy. Blizzard have removed many annoying things from the game lately, but they have also kept out some things that actually made the game more fun and required you to think a bit more. Nearly every boss in WotLK is either a tank and spank, or a rehash of abilities used in TBC heroics or Kara. More classes have CC, but with aggro being easy to maintain and healing being very good, there's no need to use CC at all. You really need to go all the way to the raids before 1 tank can't take all the mobs at once, and ofc in a raid you will usually have more tanks and targets cannot be CC'ed.

Finally I will say that it's also nice to see that you have gone back to the old formula of trash up to boss + boss kill in one episode (or at least boss kill attempt, as in this episode), instead of the needlessly short episodes of doing two trash packs or just loafing outside the instance. It's much better to have trash + boss in one episode, and it's not like you are in danger of running out of material. If you get through all the WotLK instances there is still TBC instances you never did, level 10-60 instances, as well as all the old 20/40 man pre-TBC raids that can easily be handled by a 5-man group of 80s.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSphinxer

For boss castbars and such might i recommend the addon Deadly Boss Mods? It has an onscreen alert kind of like omen to let you know whats going on. Its helped me a lot in heroics.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGloweyes

Gorilla? In a Heroic? Please don't. :-)

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArdor

I'm tanking with my druid and I found the easiest way to kill him by starting to clear this dungeon from 2nd enterrance (cause there are 2). After you clear from 2nd enterrance, everyone are going back and 1 member is pulling boss whole way back to 2nd enterrance. As feral druid I am doing this in cat form. We fight boss near 2nd enterrance. This way we dont fight snakes at all :) After boss die we run to where boss was pulled from, kill snakes and activate altair.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommentergemGreg

nice epizode !!! :)

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

why do people feel the need to post freakin essays in the comment section? srsly, get a life. I agree that the game is too easy now, no challenge at all.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbizzareodin

What I saw was nice but I could only see 2minutes of this episode.. Why is that?

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMadeson

i've been wondering for some time now : Why is Juggy a speaker :D XD ?

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmen

for the first boss, skip it @ first. clear the next room. then let someone agro the boss and pull it to the other room. have the healer stand on the slope in the next room near the door to the following room. and the rest of the party on the hill in the middle. tank him on the hill and you should get him down and get the achievement also.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPoliwrath

WTF Dorkins, spammin volley!!!!! nice crits tho btw. lol

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

So just as a curiosity I checked LyleLovett's Achievements. I found out that he made 80 a whole 3 days before me on 01-17-2009. In this video they say he just made 80 so by lookin at when he achieved 80 this is a 3 month old video. Not complainin at all trust me just was pointin something out. I had wondered how old the video's were and now I know. This is not a shock to me and shouldn't be to other's because there's a reason they do this and that's for safety issue's just incase something bad happens and one of the "actors" need a lil time off it doesnt affect the show. I do think 3 months is a lil bit far out but meh i'm not bothered by it. I looked at Josh's dungeon achievements and I think I pretty much beat him in those but all and all it was fun to compare mine with the PL crew. If you guys want to compare to me and check me out i'm Lantea on Kilrogg a uber kickass balance druid.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLantea of Kilrogg

I've never avoided poison clod so far on my ret pally and I didnt died :P

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWrathcaller

so i'm not getting it, how do you take this boss down?

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKakoroft of Silver Hand

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