Episode 16.1: Gundrak
As soon as the Project Lore guys all dinged 80, they decided to kick it up a notch and take on Heroic Gundrak. See how the guys' first heroic boss fight goes as they try to take Slad'ran in this episode of Project Lore.
Reader Comments (86)
Nice video
Love the new intro. Official welcome to the show Jeff!
one more time... they CHANGED the intro!!!
pretty nice to see jeff finally in the team. =D
I hated it when melee classes wont run away from his AOE poison.
Yay new intro! it kept making me sad to see goggins before each new episode.
Duuude Jeff is my hero now. Keep it up guys, this reminds me of the old PL.
nice new intro and probs one of the hardest bosses to start off with on heroic but you know whatever :) love to see some raiding soon seeing as u have started showing hcs now
hey man really glad that you are doing better ret pallies are a hard class to use, and if you compared my pally to ur pally i'd look like i was lvl 1
good video, but i thought i would chip in my 2 cents on strats that i have done and worked pretty well for this first boss.
What has worked for me is that everyone in the group after clearing the trash before the boss, goes back up the ramp they came down in the beginning of the instance and waits at the top. While they wait at the top, the tank is still down by the boss and can grab the boss. Now sitting at the top of the ramp can give options to the dps, it works that the healer and any ranged dps can stand on the other side of the opening and hit it from afar, avoiding poison nova and everything else, and the melee dps can just move back up the ramp some more when nova is coming and move a little out of the way to avoid it. This is also a great strat because where the boss is being tanked, all the adds have to come through him and the tank can easily pick up the adds as they come.
Just thought i would throw that out there for you guys, it is a strategy that has worked almost every time for me and this boss, keep it up and cant wait to see more runs
yay for jeff! he's using the right seal!!! martyr ftw.
What's up with your editor? I noticed a "media offline" frame after Alex's introduction. As a prof. editor myself, that's kind of a rookie mistake. Might want of fix that one.
Epic intro imho.
yay on the new intro, i am very excited on what is yet to come. Winterstrike, great improvement on your dps, keep it up!!!
I saw that "media" thing too, but the weird part is that when I replayed the intro to check the edit-mistake, the mistake wasn't there anymore. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
nice to see Jeff as an official member of project lore now :)
Lol. Tough first 15 minutes of being 80. Hard first heroic boss!!!!
Love the new intro! Welcome, Winterstrike!
oooooh... winterstrike! =P
BRK's episode isn't on the RSS.. what's up with that?
Grats on making the intro JEFF! YOU RULE MAN! Gl in future heroics and raids guys...its going to get harder from there.
Awesome new intro
whenever i have done that boss i have used the same tactic as lectricslide
also does lyle have the stats 4 tanking just after leveling?
dayum nice deeps jeff!! critting for 5.6k def means u know what ur doin
Considering these guys arn't really amateurs, I assume Lyle had the Titansteel tank plate made sitting in the bank since around lvl 77. So while its probably not the best out there, yes I am sure he is at least Heroic Defense capped.