The Project Lore guy regroup after a few boss attempts in Heroic Gundrak. After a bit of planning, they confront Slad'ran again in this episode of Project Lore.
Reader Comments (52)
LMAO umm ya u guys did evrything right cept wen someone is wrapped you are supposed to break it that helps alot lmao go wipes go if u dont winning is based on luck of whoever gets wrapped. so take matters in to ur own hands and break wraps specialy since u have 2 hunters and a ret pally some1 should have been assighned wrap duty.
Reader Comments (52)
LMAO umm ya u guys did evrything right cept wen someone is wrapped you are supposed to break it that helps alot lmao go wipes go if u dont winning is based on luck of whoever gets wrapped.
so take matters in to ur own hands and break wraps specialy since u have 2 hunters and a ret pally some1 should have been assighned wrap duty.
uh wow i never noticed until the 5th try that lylelovett didn't have crit immunity lol