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Multi Boxing with Recruit-a-Friend

It's been a solid eight months since Blizzard introduced its Recruit-a-Friend system and this week, I know of at least two more accounts they've roped in. One is legitimately one of my RL friends from college who finally caved to playing WoW for the first time out of general boredom. I'm hoping it keeps him entertained enough to get a paid account. And the other is my husband, determined to take advantage of the triple XP to get at least two new level 60 characters - a druid on his new account (which he then plans to transfer), and a shaman on his main account. Now how am I affected by that? Well, it's my DK who is running his new shenanigans through dungeon after dungeon.

So he rolled his two Taurens and had one /follow as they leveled to 10 within an hour - triple xp for both the new account and the one its linked to (only up to level 60) is grand. Meanwhile, I quickly leveled my DK (who I had not really touched since completing my initial quests in The Ebon Hold and getting in good graces again with Thrall) to 60, so I could get Death and Decay and some AoE power.

Now, I'm certain there are more efficient methods to achieving the quickest-as-possible leveling results. But I'm going to share how we've been going about it. We started off with running the Wailing Caverns to level 20, then Scarlet Monastery to level 40. Pull a group of mobs, bring them back within xp range of the alts, Death and Decay and spam a few spells - mainly Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Strike, Corpse Explosion, and Unholy Blight. I'm not a DK expert, but it gets the job done. And despite the difference between the DK and the alts' levels, the triple xp (which unfortunately doesn't seem to stack with rested xp) more than makes up for it.

He's actually been doing the bulk of the work - we're on different work schedules, so when I'm not around, he's multi-boxing with his two accounts and my one. It's quite a site. Four days in, and he's got both alts to level 40. Once they're to the level 60 cap for the xp, perhaps we'll start a new pair. The levels come so fast that it seems a waste not to! Now, there is a cost. In order for the characters to be transferable, you have to buy the game and upgrade to a paid account (however, your main account gets a free month for this, so the account costs basically cancel each other out). Then there's the transfer fee. But even if you decide not to transfer, the characters you level up on your main account still get to keep their levels. I guess it could be a game killer for some, but for people who cringe at the leveling process and just want to get to end-game, I say it's a fun and productive way to pass the time in those long hours when we were waiting for 3.1. And although I'm not much of a mount collector, I really want that damn Zhevra!

I know a bunch of us here at Project Lore already have taken advantage of the Recruit-a-Friend bonuses - who else has? And how do you view the system - as a game promoter or destroyer?

Reader Comments (19)

I tried but i couldn't keep up with it lol... I might try in instances like that and see how it goes

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBebble

I used to have two accounts. My main on one and all my alts on another. I tried to get my GF into playing but she didn't get into the game much. So I just transfered my main to the same account I already had 3 70 alts on.

Now I've been leveling a few more alts "Altoholics Unite" since I've been having more fun doing that than playing my 80s.

I would proably try the RaF if it wasn't for the fact I would have to have 3 accounts (for instance farming), or at least reactivate my second and only do quests that say kill X mobs while having the second on follow. But as you mentioned then pay the $25 bucks to transfer whatever I leveled to my main account.

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKuismar

I am ADDICTED to the 3X XP! I started a new char on a PVP server to play with a co-worker and decided to give refer-a-friend a shot at the same time.

A few things:

1) If you keep the referred account the trial you can NOT: Trade, Use the AH, Use the Mailbox, or Level beyond 20!
2) Dual boxing is a bit of a pain on a PVP server because if you are like me your one char is kind of a mule (mine is a healing mule) so you both end up getting ganked because your mind explodes with the difficulty.
3) Quest XP is the fastest way to get phat experience if you are not running with a ?? because you get 3X quest XP too. At level 40 I am getting about 14,000XP a quest!

When I go back and play one of my standard characters I am now super sad when I see the XP numbers come up.

For Dual Boxing, macros are your friend. There also is an addon I was using before 3.1 and will continue to use is Jamba @ http://www.dual-boxing.com/forums/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=20385

as much fun as it might be to multi box to gain some fast leveling alts- i just don't feel right about it. I tend to level my alts just fine without it. (and i have quite a few-then again i've been playing the game since original wow so i've had time to level up alts)

Anywho, i've know plenty of people who use the recruit a friend multi box technique and i've seen people use it for Actually recruiting a friend (perhaps the wiser of choices). I know that lately here on PL many of the recent blogs have been about keeping a balance in wow life and RL, so imo, if you'd like to level an alt up fast, try actually recruiting a RL friend to play with- it's much more fun and you still get the xp you'd like.

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

I ended up with something like 9 total 60s (6 on one account, 3 on the other) by the time I was done with my triple XP bonus.

Then I promptly forgot all about them and played my previous 70 Dr00d main for WotLK.

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterskeebop

i got my zhebra mount :P and 4 60s and one mage lvl 40 with free levels also in my main i hit 60 in 3 weeks maybe
its very cool and easy

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergron

i got my younger brother to play wow with it. he lives a few states away so we dont get to see each other very often, so wow has basically became our "Interactive Instant Messenger" of sorts. I rerolled an alliance(cough cough)toon, and within 2 weeks we were both at lvl 50. He made a Night Elf Warrior and i finally went and made a Shaman(which suprisingly i enjoyed playing). As of now i have the Zhevra mount. and we havent played those toons in a few weeks, i convinced him to roll as a horde and i basically ran him through every instance i possible could with my huntard. I personally enjoyed the little extra exp gain, and the free summon system(which actually saved us a few times.lol)

by the way


April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

I am doing the same with my little bro, we are planning to get boosted to 45 then lvl to 60. It takes about 3days each characters as i have a Dk friend(of which i no IRL) to boost us quick time.We are planning to make 3 sets of chars and then for me to get a free char with grant lvls. (one lvl 60 is 20 grant lvls so, 20x3=60 )
My characters will Include:
Warlock (with granted lvls)
The only problem is i have to buy them gear and spend about 200g each on skills. (that's like 800g per set of chars and im gonna have 3!). But i don't mind 3 lvl 60's is NICE!!!

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSeltek

Actually, if you're multibonxing purely for granting levels, your best bet is to get the refered account upgraded to wotlk, then make 2 DKs, and you go from 55->56 in about 3 minutes with 300% xp, then simply grant a level, and reset your DKs.

I've never used recruit-a-friend. Mainly because the dad of the one friend I could recruit absolutely refuses to give out his CC #, even if its only once. I've always been a bit curious about it, but never had the chance to try it.

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian


1.5 Weeks ago I got my friend into WoW. We can only afford to play 2 hours a day; we rolled a paladin (me, i know, FOTM) and a warlock (him). Within a week we were 60. Then we decided to roll a pair of druids, resto (me) feral (him) and got to level 40 already. Great way to try out different classes.

Only downside is your quickly outleveling any gear or enchant, and gold is a joke; luckily i have my main to funnel the cash.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, i had a 30 Frisbee spec'd Priest layin around who got Auto-Grant-a-Leveld to 60, and my friend made a DK to accompany it.

Within a week, we'll have 3 60's pairs.
And its only been 1 and a half weeks.

(ps: the autolevels were SO FUNNY did it in the middle of IF and SW people were like WTF)

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterplfanman

I want to join my brother with Recruit-a-Friend system, but in Denmark it don't work so his going to haft to wait until it comes :(

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuclya

I have used the system to level up 6 characters to lvl 60, it's great!

PS: Stop boosting when both the chars you are leveling are 59, then boost up 2 more chars to 90% into lvl 30. Then you can use one of the accounts (don't remember which) to grant one of the lvl 30 chars to lvl 59. Think my /played record using this system is 4 hours or something.

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIzuna

I just recently (very recently) got in to dual-boxing. Yesterday morning i woke up looking forward to a nice day of WoW, but when i logged on i found myself staring at my character screen thinking "Hmm... what should i play today?" After a good 15 minutes of deep contemplation and/or meditation (i just might have achieve nirvana, whatever that is....) i settled on my 37 draenei priest. Now, im not much for draeneis OR priests, but i decided to play through the pain.
It wasnt long before i realised that, even if i happened to get this priest to 80, i would hate it. Why? Because i hate cant stand the way female draeneis look on any mount besides the elekk and who wants to stare at a gigantic semi-transparent purple elephant for the entire life of a toon? And so, i decided to reroll a night elf. Except this time, in an effort to make up for lost time, i grabbed the family laptop, set up a trial account (which i plan on upgrading to a full account) and started my adventures as a two headed, Night Elf priest/druid combo!
I used to think dual boxers were "pathetic losers with no lives that spend all day, every day playing wow just so they can be l33t and pwn noobz with their multiple awesome lazerz, pew pew!!" But now i realise they are human just like the rest of us!!! And now, i must end my ranting and escape back to my dual boxing adventures.

April 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRancidPandemic

AHA! I have figured out a way to have 2 instances of wow running on my PC. A guildie told me that i would need to install wow on an external hard drive if i wanted to have 2 windows open.... I improvised and used my 80gb iPod :D

Oddly enough, with a second instance of wow running, im now getting 60 fps when im usually stuck at 30.... Probably something to do with my dual-core processor.

April 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRancidPandemic

I have seen a 5 person boxer 4 mages and priest and i asked one of them how will you do dungens and they said the mage will tank...................

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThellric

my group of RL friends have been doing this for months now. we have gotten so far 3 60's each. in these last few weeks of triple xp im hoping to get myself one more 60. its fun running myself and my brother's toon all on my account. my friends rogue makes it really fun. All you gotta do is spam fan of knives. good luck to any that are plannin on doing it.

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbearshark2000

Actually, its the other way around. I work two jobs, and have a very active social ("outside") live. I only play a few hours a week, and don't have the time to dedicate to figure out what class(es) I would want to play as a serious alt. I have alts of almost every class that I played to about level 10. But you really don't get to see what a class is like until you hit 60 (or even 70 / 80).

I'm planning on dualboxing very soon because it will let me try out a different class and get a true feeling for what the class is all about!!

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCormarr

Haha, oops! I meant to quote this in the start of my first post:

"I used to think dual boxers were “pathetic losers with no lives that spend all day, every day playing wow just so they can be l33t and pwn noobz with their multiple awesome lazerz, pew pew!!”"

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCormarr

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