Predictions About The Crusaders Colosseum

So by now we have all heard about the great stuff coming in patch 3.2. While mount changes, battlegrounds, and dailies are fun and all… I wanted to take a second to talk about what, to me, is the most exciting thing about any content patch. The new raid!
As many of you have figured out by now, raiding is really what I play this game for so naturally I want as many details on the new Crusaders Colosseum as possible. Unfortunately at this point, details are a bit lacking. So that just leaves me to do one thing: make wild assumptions based on too little information and discuss possibilities that may have no basis in fact!
So let me first say this. I am a bit skeptical about this whole “ring of blood, but more epic” thing. When we first heard about Ulduar the possibilities seemed limitless. It was a huge dungeon with a great story 14 bosses tons of hard modes. Sounded great! This on the other hand sounds like it could very well be a hole in the wall that bosses come out of.
Perhaps that is what some people want. No trash, no dungeons to walk through, just one room where bosses come and drop their loot. I honestly hope this isn’t the case. To me raiding a new dungeon is more about the experience than just the bosses. It’s no wonder some of my favorite raids of all time are the ones with story and tons of design like Karazhan, Black Temple, and even Ulduar.
In my mind the only basis for comparison I can even think for the new Colloseum would maybe be Violet Hold, or perhaps on a bigger scale Mount Hyjal. Those were both dungeons when the mobs and bosses came to you. But if Blizzard is comparing this to Ring of Blood (which we have already done 3 times by the way), then it makes me question if trash will even be in the equation. Seems a bit lazy from a design perspective.
I guess we can only hope for some really interesting boss fights to hold us over until Icecrown. While I’m not totally discouraged just yet, let me say I can only hope that Blizzard has some good tricks up their sleeve.
Until we get more details all we can do is wonder. So what do you guys think?
Reader Comments (25)
i hope it is more than ring of bllod:)
I think it would be Cool if they had something on the lines of the opera event in kara Or like Violet hold. Each time you go in you get Different bosses. I think that would make it harder as you need to spend more time to learn all the bosses seeing as you dont face them everytime.
Im not that excited about the "new ring of blood" either. I can't see how they can make something like that more epic then something like Ulduar. I was really hoping for something like Grim Batol or Uldum
I'm actually pretty excited for this new raid/instance. I've always thought that something similar to the Battle Square in Final Fantasy 7 would be cool. Something that could tweak this and make it more fun would be random hard modes (similar to Battle Square in FF7 where you'd get 1/2 MP or HP or a certain type of magic wouldn't work or your weapon was broken) boss immunities, curses that can't be removed, random encounters from the pages of Warcraft history (not just WoW). There are a ton of different ways they could go about this to make it worth while. It's Blizzard, pretty sure they won't just make a raid exactly like a 5 man quest chain you did back in Nagrand.
Crystaldashammy: go away.
And I just hope it's Fun.
I completely agree with you. I really hope Blizzard doesn't count this as one of the WotLK raids and just makes it some mini-game type thing where you do daily quests to kill bosses of different difficulties. Maybe they'll be outdoor raids like Doomwalker, or the Emerald Dragons. It could be anything. All I know is that I'm really looking forward to this patch (but I'll be really pissed off if this Argent Coliseum thing counts as the tier 9 raid).
blizz is alll about redunentcy once again they are droping the price and level reguirement ofr a mound and once again they are not refunding the money EOTS the new BG in BC is combination of Warsong gulch and AB now they are making the Isle of conguest combinaion of AV EOTS and SOTA they recylcled naxx and they have a bunch of unfinished zones around the game world this game is one big mass
Actualy i'm not all to sure what to think, Blizz could realy take this oppertunity to make this a realy great new/fresh experience or they could just turn it into a straight new ring of blood. i gues only time will tell
I know that from my place as a really casual player, having a high end raid with only bosses to kill would make it easier for me to get higher lvl pieces of equipment. Maybe someday when I have extra time to play, I can start going in the more interesting raids, but until that time this is a good thing in my mind.
ugh i really hope this is a filler raid like os or eoe and they do something like another comment said , grim batol or uldum
Well I am looking more forward to the BG, as new PVP sets. But as far as the new raid goes, it should be fun. I like the fact, that even though I am in a raiding guild. There will be the option of a 5 man, 10 man and 25 man. Which if it works out like it does now, means you can run it 3 times in one day. (locked to 10 man but not to 5 man etc ) which gives a drop chance for your class even better, hell you might pick up 3 tier 9 or more items in only 3 runs. Also the 5 man aspect is also a great addition for the casual/non guild players. Basically Pugging it.. i Hope its not a "Filler" until patch 3.3, Why? Simple because the hardcore raiders will have it finished in a matter of weeks , idd. But I am hoping for old bosses to take onThen again I want new bosses. We will see soon...cannot wait. :) But
i think that if blizzard does do a good job with this it could prove to be very exciting but no trash does sound a bit trashy for blizz standards (ill just sit back and hope they are just making this for a quike fill in dungeon while they put tons of time into some new lvl 80 dungeons/heroics and a new tier 8 or 7 raid.
there arent enough i spend all of like 1 day doing raids and apart from ulduar im cleared saved and bored for a week until wednesday comes again
i see it as a lack of imagination from blizzard. i mean we have done this type of thing multiple times during the lvling process, why would people want to do it as a 10/25 man raid?
I think its just a ring of blood thing.. I was hoping some new pvp arena /cry.
I think it would be pretty epic if they made a labyrinth type raid that when your done raiding for the night u can just port back in. Then it would take an extremely long time to get to the end let alone get to all the bosses
Well, I'm not very interested in this "raid" but it'll probably be a cool one. But, I think it would be more challenging if it was a 1v1 battle, insted of a 25v1 battle, I mean, a hard, but possible fight would be very cool.
Why is it that all of a sudden theyre realeasing raids every few months now? Alot of people havent even gone through all of ulduar and naxx and they just keep coming out with new raids. I just started playing WoW and I can only raid onyxia but you know how hard it is to get a low level raid together. But with blizzard constantly releasing new raid content, it makes newer players like me feel like we're way behind and all these raids are stacking up and by the time i get to raid naxx or ulduar, all the loot that drops there will be crap compared to what people have with all these new raids.
i get whear your coming from white i felt the same way when i joined a few weeks before BC i missed all the raids the new raids and old hekc i wanst evenaware of raids like BT SSC mount hyjal i stumbled on onyxia lair by axcedent never came back to dustwellow after taht aexcept for my mage quest nbow history is reapeating it self i have yat to beat 10 man naxx i couldent get past the first boss in ulduar i ran it on the first night i came out after 2 hours of trying and wiping we finnaly gave up all i got was bettered armor and a 100g repair bill looks as another one is gointo be added to that list but i am begining to wondder if i wanto do i if i had the option if its gointo be like ring of blood except a raid i think its to early for tier 9if they are gointo keep thier pattern 3 tiers every expenchion 1-3 in vannila 4-6 n BC 6-9 in wotlk i think they should save it for arthas but who knows this might the best of the patch they screwed the movement imrovement i just know thier gointo screw up the BG and they are of to a great start
I think that cocopuff managed that in all one sentence. My eyes are bleeding O_o.
I agree with you...
I think every comment cocopuff makes makes my head hurt a little more...
wlle kpee raeing od em a fvor adn klil yuor slef
I have a hard time believing blizzard will cheap out too much on this patch. They usually have some tricks up their sleeve, and they've been pretty withholding with any actual info.
i think it would be interesting if the encounter continually changes, It could be that every lockout period, the instance changes somehow, after all, it is a test/training set up by the crusade to prepare for the final push.
Imagine if the bosses rotated from a list as big as 10 or 12, but you fought more than one at a time, each combination provides hugely different challenges, but is still a "short" arena style instance. As long as the combinations were scheduled somehow, so people dont QQ about RNG deciding whether or not you fight who you want to fight.
I think that blizzard can do a bunch with this dungeon sure its a small space but they can allways make a portal or even go underground like deadmines blizzard knows what theyre doin so i think that this new raid will be just as good if not better than ulduar
@Cocopuff. When I was about 8 years old I had a program called "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing." I think you should look it up and get a copy for yourself ASAP. Basically, learn to spell/type. Thanks.