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Going Solo: Bandaging on the Battlefield

bandageUp until recently, most of my questing was done in pairs. My rogue teamed up with my husband's warrior for a while as we leveled together. And when he out-leveled me, I started questing with his DK. Either way, I essentially had a tank as we took on quests and easily progressed through the game.

But over the past few weeks as I ventured through Dragonblight and now in Zul'Drak, Locomomo has gone solo. So now I've got no tank. Combine to that the fact that many areas within this zone have a high concentration of mobs that like to attack you in twos and threes, and I was in a heap of trouble. But it's been a good learning experience; I've adapted my play style a bit, and that alone has been a fun challenge.

Being a rogue, I've been able to escape the multiple mobs with Vanish, and when that's on cooldown, a combination of Sprint and Evasion paired with some strategic weaving through mobs so I don't draw more fire. When I have multiple mobs I can handle, Adrenaline Rush and Blade Fury work nicely together.

But there's still the problem of the sheer amount of damage I've been taking. I'm running low on Frostweave needed to make bandages, and also need to restock on foods - both for the buffs they give and for their healing properties. What's been saving me there is the Medallion of Heroism trinket I picked up as a quest reward from the Battle for the Undercity. I love the critical strike bonus, but more importantly at this point is the healing capacity. I've been hitting that trinket as soon as it goes off cooldown.

As I said, it's been a fun challenge and really reminds me of some of the awesome rogue abilities that I wasn't using as much when leveling in pairs, simply because I didn't need to. As for the healing issue - I look at this as a good reason to go for that Stocking Up achievement!

So have any of you found a reason to alter your play styles recently? Do you prefer soloing or questing in pairs? More importantly, anyone have some Frostweave to spare? :)

Reader Comments (13)


June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterholykeeper

Glad that you're learning something...

WoW has alot of solo quests so that each player can find his own play style and learn the mechanics of both the game and his class, though the game also has group quests where people team up to kill really tough bad guys.

These range of quests should give players a heads up on what their class abilities are before they progress onto raiding.

However, I don't see this whole learning process happening often >.>;;

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTacks

I'm going for Stocking up regardless. O_O :D

Me = Achievement Whore

And only real reason I've had to alter my play style is because I realised the new play style increases my dps, that's it. :S

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

I got started on WoW not that long ago through the RaF offer and so ended up in much the same situation on my rogue once we hit 60. The good times of triple xp were over and so I was in a mad solo dash to get to get to 80 while my friend was back to swapping game time for his own main and various alts in preparation for WotLK launch.

Needless to say i quickly learned the utility of many of the new skills i had been accumulating and never using. Sap is hands down a life saver for solo questing CC. As well as a strategically timed Distract or Blind, to quickly divide and conquer. And going the Herbalism/Alchemy route of professions also offers the amazing Lifebloom HoT (which doesn't break stealth) for few added seconds of up time to drop that last low health mob before you Vanish to regroup.

Just think, the better handle you get on those often overlooked skills now, the more terrifying you'll be at 80 and better your DPS will be on great complex boss fight.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarson

I do actually prefer soloing. I love the lore behind it and with other people I'm usually distracted. Though, one thing I have discovered from questing in Icecrown.. The new phasing that WoTLK does, really scewers the ability to get groups for various chain http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13164" rel="nofollow">quests. You, at that point, have to either get in a group to start the chain; or be lucky to find enough people to pull off the collaborative 422k damage before every dies.
Ambassador Laeltis
Illidan (US) Server

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

I prefer soloing, though every so often I'll join a group if I know the quest I'm working on is a pain and I just want to blow through it.

For my rogue, I had her kitted out with alchemy and herbalism, which helps a lot considering the new HoT from herbalism and Mixology for greater heals. That and the fact that I was never short of healing pots and agility elixirs made me smile a lot.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDinaus

Change my style as a frost mage? Uhm, Frost Bolt, Bolt again, Frost Nova, back up, Frost Bolt... nope, still the same.

As a solo rogue, though, you really have to change up your strategy depending on what you're fighting. If fighting spell casting mobs, I go straight burst DPS with Ambush right off the start, but if fighting tougher melee mobs I use either Cheap Shot or Garotte. Rogues have tons of abilities that can mess up their targets, so don't be afraid to use them. Use Evasion even when not running away to save yourself damage, use Blind and bandages, use Distract and Sap when fighting multiple mobs, et cetera.

As far as Lifeblood goes, I liked it on my mage in the beginning, but as my spells grew stronger and Lifeblood grew weaker (only 2k healed at max skill level?!), I decided to hang onto Mining and drop Herbalism in favor of Jewelcrafting. I can live without 2k healed when I have 13 or 14 thousand total health.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArassar

I rather go questing alone at lvl80 then I can concetrate more on the story, then I can read the quest description
But I got a character for every class then you can imagine that doing the q's so many times it's fun to do it with some1 else. So right now I'm lvl'ing my orc shaman with my guildie's BE mage and I enjoy it very much.
But there is still some sadisfaction in killing an elite just on your own...

BTW who started the "FIRST" stuff?

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQuetlan of Bloodhoof

I love soloing with my Rogue. Checked my toon's stats and I've made (and used) almost 2,000 Heavy Frostweave Bandages, almost 500 Mega Mammoth Meals, etc. Bandaging and food buffs for crit and AP have been a soloing mainstay for me.

I also greatly appreciate Blizz reducing some of the CD times for AR, CoS, etc. Helps a bunch while soloing and raiding.

Been working on the Loot 10,000 Gold achievement for quite some time now...that is a lot of pockets to pick!

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhoenix599

When i arrived in Northrend i decided to try a diffrent playing style. I tried to level as a holy pala. Previously i've been a retridin and you know how retridin plays: It's just BAM BAM BAM! The mob is dead on to the next one BAM BAM BAM! And if i pull to many? No problem, i can take it with either my bubble or my Lay on Hands! And after the fight is done i have about 90% life and 75% mana.

Well, with Holy, i run out of mana after three pulls, my health is going down like a prostitute at Charlie Sheen's place and i can't even THINK of taking elites by myself... Hopefully, when i get better gear, i will be able to level faster but right now, i've gone from the fastest leveling character i've ever seen (took outlands in three days! A personal record!) to one of the slowest ones...

Greetings from Sweden!

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZeeZed

One of the biggest benefits to soloing is you have a lot of opportunity to learn all of your abilities... well, I say a lot, but really it depends how you play. I try to do harder content, and I also tend to go crazy... I mean, why single pull to clear a camp, when you can just take everything on all at once... which is also why I tend to play characters that can heal. ;)

However, I'm not a big fan of classes that rely on external sources to continue playing. Needing food/drink that I can't conjure or bandages seems tedious. However, all of my characters do have First Aid at respectable levels. That was pretty much mandatory since I began doing PvP, although, I very rarely use bandages while leveling, I find that it's the easiest thing to do with my Cloth drops while leveling up.

I'm one of those folks though that have to have all of their abilities on the action bars though, so if I died or had to run out of a fight, I review my abilities to figure out if I could of done something else to help me on the fight.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

I've been leveling my rogue through the same places over the past few days, and i very rarely have to take on multi mobs.

I can usually sap one or wait for it to pat away, you very rarely need to take down two or more mobs at the same time.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZumo

i'm leveling my resto shammy its great to level in pairs.
no levelining in northrend with a warrior its real easy. earth shield on warrior and we never die and go fast trough quests :D

solo levling is slow with resto but i can go trough when my friend is off.

and if past my exams everyone :D

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzaleth

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