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Profession Buffs and Epic Gems in Patch 3.2

gemPatch 3.2 is going to be a doozy. Epic gems are going to be introduced, and this will change the game considerably.

The gems are acquired in four ways. You can either have a Grand Master Alchemist transmute them (its unknown how this will be learned or what the materials will be), prospect them from Titanium Ore, or buy them using honor or Embelm of Heroism. It is likely that designs for cuts and maybe the gems themselves will drop in the 3.2 raid, the Argent Coliseum.

This will impact the game in several ways. Emblems of Heroism are going to be valuable again, so start farming your heroics and Naxxramas. Save up your honor points and Titanium Ore. If you know an alchemist, make good friends with them. Everyone and their dog will want to socket every last piece of their gear with these epic gems. Existing gems will likely plummet in value.

With sockets becoming more valuable for stats, the sockets given by Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves give more stats than the benefits from other professions. What is Blizzard to do?

The answer is rework many professions buffs entirely!  Just as I was about to give up Herbalism for Engineering, they finally put a lot of the profession's PvP and PvE buffs on equal footing. Since players have more stats all around, they are giving out more stats in profession buffs to make them relatively as desirable.

I may still drop Herbalism for Engineering, as those Pyro Rockets are way too sweet. But with the addition of the Argent Squire buffs, things like portable mailbox from Engineering seems less fun.

Are you all going to change your professions around?

Reader Comments (18)

First :P

anyway, great that they are buffing the other profs.
was afraid i had to start lvling BS (just lvled JC :S)

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJondare

This will be great with my combo of BS and JC.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Jondare fuck off.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

I heard in 3.2 they're also buffing up mounts insanely. went to MMO-champion and this is what i saw:
Basic mount-lv 20, riding skill is 5g and mount is 1g
you'll get mail telling you where to get it.(applies to all riding skills)
Epic mount-lv 40, cost for riding: 50g, mount cost, 10g
mail will be sent.
Basic flying mount, now *150%* flight speed
Requires lev 60
riding skill:600g(those of us that bought it had better get a 200g refund >:D) mount cost 50g

280% mount
lv 70
riding skill:staying 5000g
mount cost 100g

@ Unholybane

It's already been stated that there will be NO refunds for having bought the mount skills before 3.2.

I'm quite excited about this patch. Better embroidories and ring enchants (yay tyvm :D) as well as having epic gems to fit into my gear. As well as a Coliseum to fight in (the more I look at it the more I hope it will be a single Opera event style fight that resets more often than weekly, over a single known boss (VoA/Sarth/EoE) or (heaven forbid) yet another pit event), more dailies to buy my Argent Tourney mounts with as well as there finally being a point to being Exalted with the Sunreavers !!! ^^

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDyra

k so here is my plan im going to lvl enchanting or some other proffesion that i like the benifit from then wait for this patch then do JC so i can get all the gems that r going for like 30G right now for like 10 not sure if its the best idea but hey it may just work

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhigy


There are already 2 blog topics about the mount changes in 3.2 on the Project Lore site. As such, your post was off-topic and pretty much useless.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkhazzhar

this is way kool for alchemist im capped and looking for recipes when i can yay new stuff ;)

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNauren

I cant believe with Epic Jems coming out Jewelcrafters get the shaft. Saving up with Titanium ore = mining which is usually a second profession by most Jewelcrafters if im not mistaken.

Seems like a cheap shot.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJasonMB

Meh Tailoring and Enchanting, those are what I started with, and will also be the ones I will stick with until the day comes that I quit WoW altogether :P
Any news about how much the benefits for each profession will increase, or will we have to wait for the news? :P

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

SORRY i just reread the artcile...my bad.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJasonMB

"...prospect them from Titanium Ore"

I'll have to choose between giving it to my blacksmith warr to make titansteel bars or my JC death knight in the slim hope I'll get an epic gem. Swell. :|

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

i like the fact that the epic gems are making the extra BS jem slots more valuble but I still dont think they make up for not being a JC.

like you can now have all the epic jems plus what 3 +27 str (for instance) gems? still way more of a boost than 2 extra gem slots, BS needs to be upgraded.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersaxonn

wow thank god engineering is getting another useless "buff" and here i thought blizzard was going to forget about us engys ltogether. oh wait, maybe it would have been better if they had, the 3 LEAST used items in engineering are going to get buffed? and before all you so called super players start telling me how many uses there are for hand mounted pyro rocket, first let me say, no you fail, i am an engineer and have used all 3 "enchants" for lack of a better word, and let me tell you that all of them can/should be replaced by enchanters, so far it seems to me that only alchemists are going to get any use out of their trade other than personal, as all of the engineering buffs are on "will make the item soulbound" skills, anyway just my personal beef with the so-called "buffs" that blizzard gives to certain classes/professions. im going to go now and beat my head against the wall for thinking engineering was good for anything other than making pets for people, but those are bop too, great.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKhaedian

I am an Alchemist / Enchanter. Weird I know, but I think I am going to stay with it. I think it will be a good combo going forward. Now i just need to raise up my herbalist / skinner alts so I can pick flowers.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

I for one as a flower-picker am very very glad that lifeblood actually means something now and is not a useless waste of a GCD. And it'll be nice to have some new Alchemy recipes/transmutes to look forward to.
I'm not looking forward to spending my hard earned gold on getting some random JC to painstakingly cut my new epic gem though, spent enough getting the Sash of Ancient Power.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelmarn

I leveled my paladin as a miner/BS and after capping the BS skill I dropped mining and took on JC. With JC capped I've gotten some nice gems for my gear and I'm looking forward to seeing the new epic gems.

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNoric

i got maxxed skinning and almost maxxed LW... i love all the ever-so-cheap fur linings and the 2-scale leg armors that everyone else pays hundreds of gold for. im keeping LW. plus skinning makes running some instances a lil more profitable :D

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlbullno

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