Entries in epic gems (2)
Preparing for Patch 3.2: Tradeskills

One of the fundamental things that players should understand about the WoW economy is that there is massive deflation. Items, in general, become less valuable over time as new items are introduced. Players no longer want iLvl 200 or even 213 crafted gear, as well geared players from high level raids can easily carry them through heroics or Naxxramas. As such, materials for crafted gear are less in demand than they once were. Blue gems should lose value once epic gems become accessible. Additionally, once an item is introduced, the players that want it the most will pay ridiculous prices to get it first. Prices lower over time as supply ramps up for non-top tier raiders.
In general, its a bad idea to stockpile items. However, understanding how new changes will affect the economy and acting early can lead to huge profits.
There are two major changes that will affect the economy in patch 3.2. The first is the introduction of epic gems; the second is that Emblems of Conquest are now obtainable in all pre-Crusader dungeons and raids. We will talk mainly about epic gems for now.
Epic gems are obtained in a few different ways. Lets review:
- Alchemy Transmutes
- Icy Prism. You can't save them up now, so don't try
- Prospecting Titanium Ore
- Buying with Honor or Emblems of Heroism
- Transmute: Flawless Amytrine: Monarch Topaz and Eternal Shadow
- Transmute: Cardinal Ruby: Scarlet Ruby and Eternal Fire
- Transmute: Dreadstone: Twilight Opal and Eternal Shadow
- Transmute: Eye of Zul: 3 Forest Emerald
- Transmute: King's Amber: Autumn’s Glow and Eternal Life
- Transmute: Majestic Zircon: Sky Sapphire and Eternal Air
- Titansteel Bar
- Saronite Bar
- Arctic Fur
- Heavy Borean Leather
- Icy Dragonscale
- Nerubian Chitin
- Moonshroud
- Spellweave
- Ebonweave
- Crusader Orb
- Various epic gems, Eternals, Enchanting materials
- Deadly Saronite Dirk
- Corroded Saronite Woundbringer
Profession Buffs and Epic Gems in Patch 3.2
Patch 3.2 is going to be a doozy. Epic gems are going to be introduced, and this will change the game considerably.
The gems are acquired in four ways. You can either have a Grand Master Alchemist transmute them (its unknown how this will be learned or what the materials will be), prospect them from Titanium Ore, or buy them using honor or Embelm of Heroism. It is likely that designs for cuts and maybe the gems themselves will drop in the 3.2 raid, the Argent Coliseum.
This will impact the game in several ways. Emblems of Heroism are going to be valuable again, so start farming your heroics and Naxxramas. Save up your honor points and Titanium Ore. If you know an alchemist, make good friends with them. Everyone and their dog will want to socket every last piece of their gear with these epic gems. Existing gems will likely plummet in value.
With sockets becoming more valuable for stats, the sockets given by Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves give more stats than the benefits from other professions. What is Blizzard to do?
The answer is rework many professions buffs entirely! Just as I was about to give up Herbalism for Engineering, they finally put a lot of the profession's PvP and PvE buffs on equal footing. Since players have more stats all around, they are giving out more stats in profession buffs to make them relatively as desirable.
- Alchemy gets 3 major changes. First off, the effects of Mixology have been increased. This is likely more stats from each flask. For PvPers, an elixir called Flask of the North will be added, which will give you either spell power, attack power, or strength, and is usable in arenas. It is bought with honor and not consumed. It is unclear if this will be usable outside of arenas. Finally, Endless Healing/Mana Potions will no longer be usable in arenas and their restorative effects will be increased.
- Blacksmithing will remain the same; the sockets from Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves are now much more valuable.
- Enchanting's ring enchants will get better.
- The following Engineering item enhancements will get better: Hyperspeed Accelerators, Hand-mounted Pyro Rocket, and Reticulated Armor Webbing.
- Herbalist's Lifeblood will scale with maximum health and does more healing overall. It is also removed from the GCD.
- Scribes will have increased benefits from shoulder inscriptions.
- Dragon's Eye cuts will get better.
- Fur Linings will get better.
- Toughness gives more stamina
- Master of Anatomy gives more critical strike rating
- Tailoring embroideries will be improved.