Entries in preparing for patch 3.2 (3)
Preparing for Patch 3.2: Emblems and Gear

With patch 3.2 on the horizon, this will be the last post in the Preparing for Patch 3.2 series. Be sure to check out the posts on Tradeskills and Battlegrounds as well!
One thing you should be aware of in patch 3.2 is that all dungeons and raids outside of the Crusader's Coliseum will be dropping Emblems of Conquest. You can buy Emblems of Valor at the cost of 1 Emblem of Conquest, and you can buy Emblems of Heroism at the cost of 1 Emblem of Valor.
Emblems of Heroism will still be useful for a variety of things, such as epic gems, heirlooms, and mounts. Emblems of Valor will not be useful; they already buy hardly anything useful. I suggest that if you have any leftover Emblems of Valor or Emblems of Heroism, you start looking saving these for epic gems if you need some cash or other non-gear rewards. Emblems of Conques will be easy to come by, and that sweet BoE bracer you get will not only be easily replaceable in patch 3.2, but also worthless. Who would drop hundreds of gold on gear when you can do a couple dozen heroics or a Naxxramas run in a few hours and get something much better?
If you need to gear up for patch 3.2, my suggestion is simple: wait! The patch will be upon us any day now and with Emblems of Conquest being so easily accessible, crafted and BoE gear will bottom out in price, and if you are willing to put in some time, Ulduar 25 level gear will be yours from heroics.
In addition to Emblems of Heroism and Valor no longer being accessible, the achievements associated with looting lots of them will be removed and likely made Feats of Strength. If you are a few Emblems away from any of the Emblem-related achievements, go grab them now, before it's too late!
What are you doing with your excess emblems, and what is your gear situation for patch 3.2?
Preparing for Patch 3.2: Tradeskills

One of the fundamental things that players should understand about the WoW economy is that there is massive deflation. Items, in general, become less valuable over time as new items are introduced. Players no longer want iLvl 200 or even 213 crafted gear, as well geared players from high level raids can easily carry them through heroics or Naxxramas. As such, materials for crafted gear are less in demand than they once were. Blue gems should lose value once epic gems become accessible. Additionally, once an item is introduced, the players that want it the most will pay ridiculous prices to get it first. Prices lower over time as supply ramps up for non-top tier raiders.
In general, its a bad idea to stockpile items. However, understanding how new changes will affect the economy and acting early can lead to huge profits.
There are two major changes that will affect the economy in patch 3.2. The first is the introduction of epic gems; the second is that Emblems of Conquest are now obtainable in all pre-Crusader dungeons and raids. We will talk mainly about epic gems for now.
Epic gems are obtained in a few different ways. Lets review:
- Alchemy Transmutes
- Icy Prism. You can't save them up now, so don't try
- Prospecting Titanium Ore
- Buying with Honor or Emblems of Heroism
- Transmute: Flawless Amytrine: Monarch Topaz and Eternal Shadow
- Transmute: Cardinal Ruby: Scarlet Ruby and Eternal Fire
- Transmute: Dreadstone: Twilight Opal and Eternal Shadow
- Transmute: Eye of Zul: 3 Forest Emerald
- Transmute: King's Amber: Autumn’s Glow and Eternal Life
- Transmute: Majestic Zircon: Sky Sapphire and Eternal Air
- Titansteel Bar
- Saronite Bar
- Arctic Fur
- Heavy Borean Leather
- Icy Dragonscale
- Nerubian Chitin
- Moonshroud
- Spellweave
- Ebonweave
- Crusader Orb
- Various epic gems, Eternals, Enchanting materials
- Deadly Saronite Dirk
- Corroded Saronite Woundbringer
Preparing for Patch 3.2: Battlegrounds

Battlegrounds have been much more popular than every other area of PvP. They don't require you to even think about making a group and only a few people there are from the same server, so you can play as bad as you want; those people will never see you again! There are objectives, so you can significantly contribute even if you are not the best at PvP combat.
The first thing you should be aware of is the new battleground in patch 3.2, Isle of Conquest. Amatera already posted a great breakdown of the battleground, so go check it out if you are completely unfamiliar with it! This new 40 versus 40 battleground is the first 40 man content we've seen since original WoW's Naxxramas, and fans of Alterac Valley should cheer at its introduction. It seems to be a great way to get honor, and it introduces yet another battleground token. These tokens appear to only be used for the repeatable quest For Great Honor or Concerted Efforts. Currently you can exchange one token from each of the five battlegrounds for 1241 honor. In patch 3.2, you'll need one from all six battlegrounds (Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch, Eye of the Storm, Strand of the Ancients, and Isle of Conquest), and receive more honor. I'd suggest saving up marks from other battlegrounds, as if you want the next tier of gladiator gear that you want with honor, you are going to want as much honor as possible next season.
Speaking of honor, one of the only ways to get the new epic gems in patch 3.2 is to buy them with honor. Its sure to be a goldmine, so if you enjoy battlegrounds and Wintergrasp, you can buy lots of epic gems at just 10,000 honor. You can use them yourself, throw them at your guild and have them love you, or fetch a high price on the auction house. Its like converting honor to gold! If you want ways to stockpile honor for patch 3.2, consider the following methods:
- You can save up to 5 Commendation of Bravery between patches. That will run you 500 arena points from this season and give you 10,000 honor for next season. 500 arena points is just 2 weeks of games regardless of your rating for 3v3 and 5v5 and 3 weeks for 2v2, so get a team together, lose all of your games if you have to, and get some free 3.2 honor!
- Stone Keepers Shards can convert to honor at the price of 30 shards for 2,000 honor. 9 Wintergrasp Marks of Honor get you 2,000 honor as well, both via Wintergrasp Commendation (which is BoA). There is no hurry to buy these, as you can save these items through to next patch.
- I say it again: Battleground marks! By running Isle of Conquest, if you have lots of other marks stockpiled, you will receive honor at a great rate!
- Bound for Glory (maybe)
- Stormtrooper (maybe)
- Stormy Assassin
- Save up battleground marks for the next patch so you can get a head-start on honor.
- You want honor next patch for epic gems and better PvP gear.
- Save up Wintergrasp Commendation and Stone Keepers Shard.
- Do the time limited achievements now for Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, and Warsong Gulch.