Wintergrasp Rewards
Posted by
Heartbourne on
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 -
7 Comments Tags:
season 6,

In addition to honor, there are many other rewards to be had in Wintergrasp! Just like in a battleground, you recieve Marks of Honor upon the conclusion of the battle; 3 for a win and 1 for a loss. These can be exchanged for a variety of great gear.
The first set of gear to note is the variety of trinkets, which will run you 25 marks each. There are the "Titan-forged Runes", which provide the "PvP Trinket" effect of being able to remove all movement impairing effects every 2 minutes, but also give a PvE stat. I don't really understand these items to be honest or why anyone would use them over a Medallion of the Horde/Alliance. The next trinkets are the Anvil of Titans/Flow of Knowledge, which provide 84 resilience and a chance on a successful melee attack/spellcast to increase attack power/spell power by 1000/590. Some players may recognize this as the PvP version of the Mirror of Truth/Sundial of the Exiled. You should note that they all share the same internal 45 second cooldown. Finally, you can acquire the Platinum Disks of Battle/Sorcery/Swiftness to increase AP/SP/haste on use, as well as provide resilience. Since I usually burst down targets once I open on them in PvP anyway, I use the Anvil of Titans and Medallion of the Horde.
Next up are the Titan-forged belts. These are iLevel 213 and are nearly identical to the Deadly Gladiator's series of belts. You can pick them up for a mere 15 marks. The Titan-forged chest pieces are also on par with Deadly Gladiator's chest pieces at 40 marks, while the Titan-forged helms are on par with Hateful helms, also at 40 marks. The Cloth wearers can choose between haste (Salvation) and hit (Dominance). Rogues get armor penetration (Triumph), while druids can pick between the rogue piece and hit or haste. Hunters and Shaman also get to pick between Dominance, Salvation, and Triumph, while Warriors and Death Knights get only Triumph. Paladins get the choice of Salvation and Triumph.
These provide great alternatives to spending honor on your entry level PvP gear. However, note that by using Titan-forged pieces, you don't get the Gladiator's set bonus from those pieces. Choose wisely!
Reader Comments (7)
first ;O?
second :)
Keep in mind that the gear in WG is item level 213 putting it on par with Naxx25 gear and can even beat out some of the gear you can get from honor.. in particular the chest piece.
the 40 mark chest of triumph for druid's is awesome for tanking. it is the the best non raid chest in wotlk
i would love the platinum disk for my DK and knowladge for my mage i wonder how it would work if put my mirror truth with anvil of the titans bu my favoite by far is the mammoth mound you get for 300 stone keeper shard
The trinkets with a PvE stat are awesome. A lot of people make the mistake of stacking resilience and completely disregarding all other stats.
The amount of times you see healers with 1000+ resilience but not enough spellpower or mana to actually heal a fight is frightening.
And then there are a lot of classes for who resilience is not of vital importance, usually melee dps. Melee dps running with a healer in 2v2 can be fairly safe in saying that it's unlikely they will be trained in the majority of games, which allows them to pick up some gems and trinket for extra damage.