Baby Murlocs: Arguably the Cutest Creatures Ever
Posted by
pixiestixy on
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 -
22 Comments Tags:
army of murlocs,
borean tundra,
cutest quest ever,
murloc babies,
murloc costume,
murloc plushy,
winterfin tadpole,
winterfin tadpoles

I've always thought that murlocs have an odd cuteness to them (despite that crazy grrlrgglglg!! noise they make - actually, maybe because of it!). But on the cuteness scale, nothing compares to murloc babies. As I headed back to Borean Tundra after questing through Zul'Drak and still not dinging level 77, I joined the ranks of those of us who have learned just how adorable these little creatures are.
It all starts when King Mrgl-Mrgl sends you on a mission (what I would argue to be one of the cutest quests I've experienced yet in game) to rescue 20 Winterfin Tadpoles that have been encaged by the evil (or perhaps just misunderstood) Makrura Claximus (seriously, who would ever want to mistreat these little buggers?)
Conveniently, while doing this quest, you also can complete Them!, a quest in which Brglmurgl (love these onomatopoeia names) asks you to kill 15 of the murloc savages. As you ravage through the encampment and open up cage after cage, you'll amass an army of murloc babies running behind you and gurgling the occasional "mama!"
Later, you face off with Claximus himself after disguising yourself in a murloc costume (complete with a white flag) and parading right past his minions. I would consider the borrowed murloc suit to be another high point of the zone (if you look close enough, you can even see little heart boxer shorts peeking through the zipper opening in the back). Anyone else find it hard to believe that such a costume would fool anyone, much less another murloc? Perhaps they're not the smartest humanoids around.
I seriously debated not turning that quest in so I could keep the costume. But alas, you can only wear it while in Winterfin Village (another option - go back in time and attend Blizzcon 2007 so I can get a similar version of the suit!). I obliged and turned the damn thing in. But not before getting in a little /dance action in costume.
I don't know about you guys, but all these quests have got me really wanting a RL murloc. Yes, I know they are humanoids in-game, but I can't help but think they would make for a fun pet, if you could train one to maintain its baby sweetness. I suppose I'll have to settle with Grunty, or maybe a murloc plushy -- if I can ever manage to find one that's not sold out.
What are your feelings on the murloc race? Love them? Hate them? Want to eat them? I've seen some people argue in the past that murlocs should be made into a playable race in the next expansion. But I'd be content to just have one as a lovable companion!
Reader Comments (22)
Who does not want to wake up to a lovely murlock "call".
I think alot of people will jump up, and see if theyr characters are being ambushed my murlocs but no!
It is your RL murloc!
Dreams. :)
Given the chance, I'd roll a murloc.
id roll murloc i would delete my 80 mage and everything to just be a murloc :)
Does clubbing a baby murloc rank above or below clubbing a baby seal?
The baby murloc pets are the cutest in the world.
Arguament: Wopletinger's!
frenzyheart pups would eat baby murlocs alive, in both combat and cuteness.
I can't help but to slam my head into the wall every time I hear a murloc in the game. I just hate them :(
Blizzcon 09! either tickets or apply online! Get your own marine murlocs :D
Quote: I can’t help but to slam my head into the wall every time I hear a murloc in the game. I just hate them.
In beta people complained about the sound the Murlocs made so much that Blizzard changed it. That of course prompted even greater screams of anguish as people realized that the sound was part and parcel of the Murloc identity. No other sound could embody the sheer agony of a murloc pulling its buddies over to thrash you. So they put the original sound back and here we are.
I agree with this post though, I almost kept my costume and would love to have one I could wear anywhere.
Baby murlocs would be a fun rare drop, like the crimson welp.
i wouldnt roll a murloc (well thats prolly cuase im aquaphobic =( )
Id love to roll a murloc what i think they should do is make a hole new catagroy not related to the horde or alliance
Have -
those green gnomes (forgot there name)
and 3 more idk what one extra class or something that is only mentioned a few times
i want to play a murloc
I remember laughing so hard at that costume. 12 sizes too big en coming apart at the seams. Just proves that a white flag is indeed universal.
Agreed, those baby Murlocs are probably the cutest things in the universe... The very first thing that I thought when doing those quests was, "I want to keep them all!" They really need to make a baby Murloc pet available.
on the PTR you can now get a baby gorloc and wolvar for the Children's Week quests in Northrend...Not a muloc but just as dadgummed cute.
i lov murlocs 2 bad tht in the next expnaion ther only making the green gnomb guys and half drieni guys plaible they should and murlocs 4 hord and half drieni in alliance ogres in hord green goblins in alliance
axualy they should make a new faction called Outcasts its made up of.
-MURLOCS (wich r kik ass)
-FURBLOGS (also kik ass but not as kik ass as murlocs)
-and last but least the goblins
And wen u start u should start in a small town sum wer wer all the outcastraces start and u should get a quest from a goblin called "Alliance or Hord Nuetrel or nothin" so it tells u u to either talk 2 a murloc for nothin a goblin for nuetrel a furblog for alliance or quilboar for horde. And thn wen u choose u should get a quest 2 either harm the alliance hlp the hord if u wana join up with hord or visa versa 2 join alliance or do somthin 2 hurt both 4 nothin or do sumthin 2 hlp both 4 nuetrel.
And if u choose 2 be nothin u can enter outcast cities and only do quests 4 Outcasts and only be able 2 enter nuetrel cities and with nuetrel be allowed 2 enter all cities
and the classes
-death knight
-death knight
-death knight
-death knight
-death knight
-Death knight
And i put death knight is cus if a gnome can b a death knight a murloc should 2
and 4 speacial abiliteis
-slippery (passive) wen health 40% or less increases agility by 60%
-fishing (passive) increases fishing skill by 10
-water breathing name gives it away
-Immune 2 water dmg. 20%
-Charge can do dmg. depending on lvl on lvl 1 does 10 dmg and keeps going up by 10 on every lvl till lvl 18 thn goes up by 5 every lvl range 50 yards jumps him right toard the enemy stun 1 sec
-Capture ya know how quilboare liv in thorns well this captures enemy in thorn bushes for 3 secs doing 5 dmg. every sec.
-Immune immune 2 nature dmg. by 15%
-Lightnin strike calls down lightning does does 10 dmg and does mor dmg each lvl like charge for quilbor range 50 yards stun 2 sec
-Runner (passve) increases running speed by 6%
-Escape (Passive) wen captured in spell or spider weg cuts capture time down by 15%
-Archer (passive) increases archery by 8%
-Immune (passive) immune to nature my 10%
-Call of the Wild calls the nearest animal to come and hlp in battle for 10sec but reduces annimals hp mana and strenght by 15%
-Hp (passive) health by 8%
Hp (passive) increases health by 15%
-Brute increases Hp Dmg by 80%
-Blunt increases Axe and Warhammer by 15
-Enginnering (pasive) increases enginnering by 20
-Machanics summons a small robot to hlp fight for 7 secs
-Immune (passive immune to guns buy 15%
I love murlocs so much I made my Xbox 360 Gamertag "like 50 murlocs" so when I play halo or something it says "like 50 murlocs beat down Glich Mastr" or something.