Additional Instances Cannot Be Launched
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 -
23 Comments Tags:
additional instances cannot be launched,
annoying bugs,
blue posts,
bug fixes,
call of the crusade,
patch 3.2,

The inability to launch instances this late in Wrath of the Lich King has always been odd to me. Like many of the people in my guild, and likely a large part of the WoW populace, there is almost no reason for me to enter any 5-man dungeons. That isn't to say that I don't do it here and there, but my frequency in no way compares to Solidsamm's marathon sessions during the early days of level 80. I am sure many of you agree (that is until Call of the Crusade drops with its Emblem changes), and yet, just as many of us continue to get the dreaded "Additional instances cannot be launched" when trying to open an instance. This is an especially painful message after having just attacked a raid full of Horde.
Logic would state that if less people are running dungeons there should be more "room" on the instance servers. According to Vrakthris it isn't that cut and dry. But one should never apply logic to system architecture and computer programming. There are a numbers of reasons why this isn't a one-to-one situation. For example, if instances are given some sort of weight (5-man = one, 10-man = 2, 25-man = four) depending on how stressful they are on the hosting machine, then the server could theoretically be just as full as ever.
Whatever the real design flaw is, it appears that Blizzard's architecture people have found a solution. According to Wryxian, over on the EU forums, the recent extended maintenance and server restarts are directly related to fixing the instance problem. Wryxian explains that "each group", presumably each Battlegroup, has to come down not once, but twice for the fix, and that things do not always go smoothly.
I haven't located a post that mirrors the undead crocodile's statements on the North American forums, but it's probably safe to assume the same thing is happening here. After all, my server was down for some extra time this morning, including a reboot during my Drakuru battle (I died!). With Call of the Crusade's background downloading initiated, the fix may come just in time.
I've had to deal with it more and more recently, but the wait hasn't broken my spirits. Getting a group still remains far more difficult. How bad has the stubbornness of the instance server been on your realm?
Reader Comments (23)
Umm i have about a 1-300 chance to get into a instance like CoT CoS for my mount and the dailys
it has been quite annoying on kargath(who knew Kara was still so popular)....this has happened many times and has ruined plenty of potencially good runs...but instead ends in aggrovation and something thrown across the room
Still just as bad on Malfurion as it was when this matter was first mentioned on this website. I can only hope that the Call of the Crusade patch doesn't make it even worse. >_<
For the past week or so on our server (The Scryers) when you zone in an instance you must get transferred to another server because the clock changes.. Strange but there has been a lot of lag problems in instances lately.
I think it gets more annoying when it happens when your only after a quick run. I got so bored wating for it to lets us in i wnet i done some of my dailes and told them to summon me when they were able to get in. (We had a lock) Then it gets more of a pain if the tank or healer has g2g so we all leave to find 1 as soon as we find 1. We can't get in again. It was worst during my outland levelling especially with underbog. If they fix this it will help alot seeing as heroics will be used more than ever.
It seemed to get better recently on my realm but today it took us twenty mins to ge tinto arcatraz. Now i can understand that maybe since these instances are older and empty that you may have to queue for people running UK but 20 mins is a farce. With all the money their making it should never have been a problem in the first place let alone taking this long to fix.
After three hours of attempted Kara entering, the group quit. That's about how annoying it is.
Wow I've never heard of problems like this. Maybe I'm just lucky or our server isn't overly populated, but I've never seen a message saying I can't get into an instance. Sorry for all those who have had to deal with something like that :-(
This has only started happening recently due to a major influx of Alliance into my server. Broken... I mean Burning Blade isn't over-populated in the slightest as well. In fact we seem the destination server whenever a free character transfer comes up.
it is annoying but my problems arent nearly as bbed the most i ever have to wait to get into an instance is 10 minets the problem on my server is actualy preaty mild even helpfull some times when horde invade stormwind and try to ascape into stocks and the poral wont let am in gives me chance to kick their heads in the lagg how ever gas gotten at its all time worst i cant even count how many times i dided cause ofit i laged i laged while jumping of the edge aldor the lag often provents me from bubbling m self or vanishing or ice blocking i cant even walk in dalaran it is a hassle to get from the inn to the portalsi assumed ite because of the next patch bbut it is redicilous hope the lag leaves soon
Arthas has not been any better, ive spent not minutes but HOURS trying to get into the more popular instances (HoS, HoL CoS) and up to half an hour to an hour on BC and earlier instances. It has become too often that people write under their "comments" note in the LFG, "if you dont have a spot in the instance dont invite." People have even began opening GM tickets to "bribe" blizzard with offers of extra money to fix said problems lol. Hopefully theyll fix this w/o jackn up our monthly prices :P
I can't say we've had any noticeable server problems. We're a medium pop server, so I figured we'd have seen it by now, but so far there hasn't even been a whisper of instance issues on my realm. But it must suck for the affected realms =/
@ Dyra. Is that Burning blade EU? If so, I'm not suprised, it was a beta test realm, so the system is old!I played on it the first time I played wow, and back then it was so over populated u could be in hour long que's just to play the game, yet alone get into an instance. I now play on ancherous EU and the only instance I ever have a problem with is ulduar (which i was doing solo to get enchant mats) other than that, I currently have no problems. Though I'm only lvl 71 and still working my way up to the end gam content, so we shall see.
Tried to enter RFC yesterday for 45 min on frostwhisper was on my shaman alt, By then half the group was afk and then you can start looking for a new tank etc all over again.
On Eonar (my server of cause) it is worse from around 3pm to 10 pm and it is even worse in weekends. Many people is talking about it ruins their game and why blizzard don't fix it with all that money and stuff but I'm glad to hear that they are before next pact.
I'm on Grim Batol (EU) and on the last couple of days, I've been doing heroics for a couple of gear for my off-spec. It's been horrible, we always wait something like 10 to 15 minutes, and after waiting an hour to get a pug, it's really frustrating.
Yesterday was simply unbearable, I spent half an hour trying to get into an instance and I just had to give up, I had dailys/etc to finish before my guild went to raid ulduar. Anyway, I go finish the dailys I have left to do and when I finish them, I send a whisper to a member of the pug (which I happen to know) asking how it went and he tells me they're still waiting -_-'
Hope it's fixed soon T_T
I have been having trouble getting in any H VH groups lately (even starting a group is a hassle) as a hunter my goal is obvious...the Staff of Trickery a staff that has excellent stats that i would benefit from nicely...trouble is very few people would like to run this instance unless it is the daily...and thats not very often i have noticed (yesterday was the exception and no staff :'-( ) ...another porblem is alot of times the only people who DO want to run are pretty new to 80 and still have to gather more gear before they are really ready mainly "tanks" who when iasked if they are Def capped say "whats that?" now usually i try to be polite and say sorry you are not ready to do this yet and many understand and leave without causing trouble the others usually need to be removed because they do not like being told they aren't ready which is why i apologize...i don't like telling people what to do but i also do not like to wipe frequently...i refrain from calling people noobs as much as possible but it becomes increasingly difficult to get my alts geared since there is less and less reason to run heroics for anyone once they can get into naxx
Here's a possibility:
Achievements you can solo in instances. Also mount runs you can solo, etc.
25 people or 1, an instance has to be started on the instance server. Since only a finite number of instances can exist (The most rational explanation being that the total number is essentially hard coded at the server). Enough solo people running instances can fill that up right quick.
It wasn't until WoTLK that individuals could easily solo instances. And there are many reasons to do so now, outside of just farming mats or leveling your alts.
Saw this and thought it was funny.
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