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Blizzard Returning To Battlegrounds

Look Kids, It's Greg Street! Look Kids, It's Greg Street!

I love Ghostcrawler (again). Not only does he have one of the coolest jobs around (one which likely made him grow a thick skin and an endless supply of ponies) at one of my favorite developers, but he gets to help design, create and then announce some of the craziest stuff to grace World of Warcraft.

It isn't one of those crazy, eye-popping, jaw-dropping announcements that has me firmly cheering for him, but a declaration of renewed support for the Battlegrounds.  Sir Pinch-a-lot had this to say about the neglected instanced PvP scenarios:

"I will agree that we need to focus more on BGs. And to be fair we are in this very next patch, and there will be more announcements at Blizzcon."

Of course we know that the second statement is true, thanks to the Isle of Conquest.  The second clause of the second statement only makes me more excited for BlizzCon 2009.  That being said, I don't think I'll be sitting through a whole PvP panel just to (hopefully) see an upcoming BG or just hear a quip about the possibility of one "soon."  The real interesting part to me is the first sentence, the admission that BGs have fallen by the wayside.  It's plainly obvious that Arenas have been the focus of PvP since their inception as part of TBC, due largely to the drive for a WoW eSport (my words not GC's).

Senor Cangrejo points out later in the post that Arenas receive extra attention due to class balancing issues.  According to GC the 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 battles are far more useful in class balancing than BGs thanks to the very nature of BGs.  Meaning in BGs your goal, to capture the often spread out objectives, isn't very good at providing useful information.  After all, killing is a common occurrence, but not actually required.  On the other hand the whole point to an Arena is to dominate the other team.  The fast, localized and furious battles end up giving Blizzard more information on class issues than any other PvP mechanic, and that's why Arenas  receive additional attention.

I'm a much bigger fan of BGs than I am of Arenas, so I am glad that the developer will attempt to rebalance their attention in my favor.  If only we could get a Tarren Mill vs Southshore style world PvP experience back into the game.

Are you ready for a new BG, or are you more of an Arena fan?

Reader Comments (34)

1: the TM vs SS thing comes from a pre Honor/Marks system, as well as pre BGs. The battles weren't stemmed from Horde.. (which btw only 20 60's would usually show, whereas the alliance could fill almost two raid groups) they just happened because that was what had to happen for pvp...
Also.. Marks and honor weren't the original source of gear.. you had to pvp non stop every week to move up throgh the ranking system (only got to stone guard, the lowest horde Officer rank) and from that you would buy items with gold...

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

I love how everyone here assumes they have the solution to everything. Like balancing classes based on naked level 1 characters of each class. You realised that, at level 1, you have about 2-3 abilities as opposed to the hundred or so you have at level 80. Not only that, but i'd like to see you try and balance a fresh DK with every other class, seeing as they start at 55. Secondly, how wold you go about balancing naked classes at any level? Some - in fact - MOST melee abilities require weapons. And in some cases it is the gear that balances out classes. Distributing stats based on what is needed for the certain class that wears it.

Oh, and idk about you, but I would never pvp without resilience. You know what wold happen there? The average lifespan would be about as long as 3GCDs. Without resillience, the top raid dps would be the ones killing everyone in pvp. Resilience gear is designed to give more survivabiity - something that is desperately needed by anyone attempting to pvp.

PS - Sorry for any spelling errors. Im on a laptop without firefox or any spell check :D

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRancidPandemic


July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndonur

ok i type in a hurry thats why i make so many mistakes shnoo@ what does have to do with anything i was saying we pull the strings without us players blizz has nothing except a really great game which no one plays or only a 100k people play it with all the other MMORPG games blizzard would be smart to listen thier players and maybe they will get some new once and extand WOW liefe by a few years

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I dunno about you, but I usually get one PvP piece (the one that doesn't need arena) every 5-7 hours. Days for one piece? Uhh... Though I can understand having massive trouble if your side is always loosing, thats when you start turning in marks, instead.

I love every form of PvP, world, arena, BGs, dueling, it's fun and lot more unpredictable than PvE (which I enjoy also). Any change that's good is welcome. Bring it on, Bliz!

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

And Cocopuff,

I understand mistakes because you're in a hurry. Like, "liefe" instead of "life". Apply that excuse with "once" instead of "ones", please.

We will read and understand your points must faster and easier if you take half a second to add punctuation and make sure your points are readable.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

ok nebyula first of al lwho the hell 7 hours who can pvp for 7 hours and second of all do i have to spell it out for you I D-O-N-T H-A-V-E S-P-E-L-L C-H-E-C-K which means i dont see any red lines when i misspell a word

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I didn't say I pvp for 7 hours straight. I eat and sleep just like other humans. I'm just saying, you can go about it 2 ways, doing AV for massive honor farm, or turning in marks, or if you have enough marks, both. If you have a decent stash of marks, you should be able to get 1 piece a day, or at least close, assuming you have a few hours of time to invest. If you only PvP for 1-2 hours, then yes it'd probably take a lot longer. I just don't agree with the "days" sentiment someone mentioned earlier.

Also, if you aren't already 80, you can BG a lot before you hit 80, and get a lot of your gear before you even hit the cap. You'll hit the cap MUCH slower this way, but if you PvP at 79 for several days you can be well on your way to having resil gear at the cap where it's necessary to have. That way you don't start out having as much trouble.

If you are already 80, then I suggest hiding in crowds and sticking by a healer =P

@ Cocopuff;

Then type a little bit slower, or proofread with your own two eyeballs? I can't imagine you are in a crazy hurry everytime you post a comment? If so, my bad then.

August 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

I don't think I have a solution for everything.
And as for your comment that gear is Bliz's way to balance the classes. News flash it's not. Stats on the gear you wear is designed to give you the stats you need to survive a fight based on how you play determines the stats you desire on the gear you wear. Yes I agree without resilliance in PvP survivablity would be non-existant, but if you didn't have the rest of the stats on the gear you wear you couldn't survive long either because without them you couldn't sustain a long intensive fight.

As far as nakid fighting as a way to test the classes to determine what is needed to balance the classes. #1 it's the best way. i say this because everyone is equal when nakid or they are supposed to be. this is because they have no stats increasing benefits from gear to interfer with testing. and besides rogues who else has some spells that require a weapon to perform certain abilities beside hunter ranged weps. and in these cases these weps can be used (if the weps you test with have no additional stats applied to them). As for the rest of the classes all dmg done is based on the spells you use and how fast you can use them. Here I'll give you a scenario think of the toons as lets say the video game Tekkan 1, 2, or 3 doesn't matter. every charactor has certain abilities they can do based on button pushes. take like the chatactor Paul and put him against himself you'd think they would both perform equally. well as designed they would, but as stated before everyone plays differently and it all boils down to who can push buttons faster to determin who wins. then skill comes into play now skill is determined upon who know the best moves to win faster. same can be said for the game we all play now (WoW) if the toons we play now are not designed to be equal at no matter what level you are on the base level then you stand no chance at winning against a more powerfull toon designed to have better stats at the base level. Gear, Glyphs, and Enchantments are designed to enhance the base stats to give you a better chance of winning. but if 2 toons go at each other equipt with the same gear glyphs and enchantments you'd think they both have the same chance of winning but as the toons are all designed differently 1 toon has the designed advantage at the moment. which is called having an unfair advantage. that's what stems all the QQing of all the forums. and causing blizz to do nurfs of classes or content in game because the people all complain. if the classes were all equal at the base level blizz could say hey we have tested and retested the classes and the classes are balanced at a base level. you asa player now have 1of 2 choices since we know the classes are equal, get better gear enchantments and glyphs, or live with losing. with this being said the only determining factors, if all classes were equal atthe base level, to determine who was better then who would be gear and player skill( who can push buttons the fastest)

Well enough on my rant i think the point has been made.

p.s. we wouldn't have all the content nurfs if people would stop complaining about class OPness. and we wouldn't have class OPness if blzz would balance the classes out and stop listening to all the complaints about it.

August 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

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