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Blizzard Returning To Battlegrounds

Look Kids, It's Greg Street! Look Kids, It's Greg Street!

I love Ghostcrawler (again). Not only does he have one of the coolest jobs around (one which likely made him grow a thick skin and an endless supply of ponies) at one of my favorite developers, but he gets to help design, create and then announce some of the craziest stuff to grace World of Warcraft.

It isn't one of those crazy, eye-popping, jaw-dropping announcements that has me firmly cheering for him, but a declaration of renewed support for the Battlegrounds.  Sir Pinch-a-lot had this to say about the neglected instanced PvP scenarios:

"I will agree that we need to focus more on BGs. And to be fair we are in this very next patch, and there will be more announcements at Blizzcon."

Of course we know that the second statement is true, thanks to the Isle of Conquest.  The second clause of the second statement only makes me more excited for BlizzCon 2009.  That being said, I don't think I'll be sitting through a whole PvP panel just to (hopefully) see an upcoming BG or just hear a quip about the possibility of one "soon."  The real interesting part to me is the first sentence, the admission that BGs have fallen by the wayside.  It's plainly obvious that Arenas have been the focus of PvP since their inception as part of TBC, due largely to the drive for a WoW eSport (my words not GC's).

Senor Cangrejo points out later in the post that Arenas receive extra attention due to class balancing issues.  According to GC the 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 battles are far more useful in class balancing than BGs thanks to the very nature of BGs.  Meaning in BGs your goal, to capture the often spread out objectives, isn't very good at providing useful information.  After all, killing is a common occurrence, but not actually required.  On the other hand the whole point to an Arena is to dominate the other team.  The fast, localized and furious battles end up giving Blizzard more information on class issues than any other PvP mechanic, and that's why Arenas  receive additional attention.

I'm a much bigger fan of BGs than I am of Arenas, so I am glad that the developer will attempt to rebalance their attention in my favor.  If only we could get a Tarren Mill vs Southshore style world PvP experience back into the game.

Are you ready for a new BG, or are you more of an Arena fan?

Reader Comments (34)

I would really like to see a new BG. I'm not a big pvper but when i do I prefer to fight in BGs due to the fact that I do not necessarily have to have pvp gear equipped.


July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin


July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDRAMATIC CHIPMUNK

Yea BGs has been totally ignored but what's really going on is they are no longer focused on WoW instead letting the interns make decissions about game mechanics and play while the experienced devs work on their next gen MMO.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Why cant things just work differently in Arenas, so that they dont have to keep messing with the classes to balance them for it. They will have something working great for PvE and then Nerf it, cuz it dominates in arenas, thats stupid just make the spell/ability function differently.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaknor

I'm glad that Blizzard is reminding us that they want to make a firm commitment to bringing back PvP focus to the BGs. If anything they learned from Lake Wintergrasp that BGs are the way to go.

The other point that was made is that more information will be made at Blizzcon specifically. Which makes me believe that if they're going to put this BG news on such a stage as Blizzcon, then it must be good news.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

i'm a big fan of both BG's and arena. Really they both provide a different PVP experience for the player. And while i have been loving the attention arena has been getting- I'm glad to hear that BG's are gonna be getting some more lovin'. So whether blizz is working on Arena or BG's (or even both) i'm a happy ganker ^_^

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbatmunkh

id like to see a new kind of instance/ PvP 5 alliance and 5 horde enter through an emense dungeon or forest with multiple bosses, This way people can get loot but also give sneak attacks at an enemy. I would really like to see this since i think it will bring the "raiders" and "PVPers" together

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdennis

a main reason for BGs failing by the wayside is the interconnection of BGs and Arena rating. Honor gear is more or less worthless to grind unless you ALSO grind arena as well. With that interconnection, BGs fall by the wayside becoming only useful to those who predominantly arena. This gives people who arena all the time a massive survivability advantage over those who might otherwise PVP and that's essentially killed BGs because it's "not fun" because either you get owned by overgeared raiders, or you get owned by overgeared arena players - for 0 tangible rewards with all the frustrations of class issues.

It's not a suprise BGs are in the shape they're in given these circumstances. Hopefully these improvements will address this problem

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

I like your Tarren Mill v. Southshore idea. I'd like something like that as a BG. Makes it feel more real world.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHatell

ya.....wtevr happened to getting gear with honor points and marks of honor? the only good pvp gear now r the arena sets....which besides a few exceptions(VOA) u need to brave countless arena battles to recieve.....ppl dont do BG's anymore because there is no reward(besides the mounts) to solve this....blizz needs to make pvp gear u can get w/ honor and marks...just like in vanilla WoW

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterl33tadin

You can get full Deadly gear with just honor, although its not top of the line, if your somewhat competent in PvP it should work. The problem is it takes literally DAYS just to farm the honor for ONE piece.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthedpsking

more like months because the biggest problem with BG's is there's to many AFKing going on with no way to stop it. you report it and right as the BG gets ready to end they attack or attempt to take a flag to drop their debuff so they get their free mark and all the bonus honor for the time they were in it.
Blizz needs to make a BG leader and the assistant capable of booting non partisipants. or make it to where honor is based upon total actual player vs player damage / healing was done and if they're reported by a player for being AFK ( and i mean only 1 player not 5 players like it takes now) they imediatly get the debuff and the player has 1 minute to partisapate before the bg boots them and gets us a player who will partisapate when i mean debuff i don't mean the count down 1 before the 1 that stops honor collection i mean the inactive bebuff that immediatly stops honor collection and if the battle ends with it you get no marks. i also would like to see it that unless you WIN you get 0 marks

and on the point of class nerfs based on arena i agree somewhat but instead of reducing 1 class that's OP to balance it buff the other classes to balance them out or actually go back and test all classes as level 1's with no gear and balance them that way. that way you make it to where player skill and gear determines how good the toon you're playing really is.
we all know that if 2 or 3 different people played the same toon in the same gear and same race an class there would be 1 who would win all the time because of his skill of playing.
how strong a player is is based on his gear (including the geming and chanting) and his skill as a player. but if we have a third party in the mix playing with the abilities of the spells that each class has then the tables are stacked against or for certain classes / races.

i agree with an above comment throw a buff or debuff in arenas to compensate for some currently OP spells or make them unusable like they did with trinks and pots

well enough ranting we all know bg's are broken and arenas are broken (but have started to get better) and there's alot of work to do to make it better. but nurfing isn't going to fix it because all that's going to do is break the PVE side of the game and cause casual raiders to stop and hardcore raiders to abandon hard content because it'll become imposible to do because the class and spell nurfs will make what was once doable become imposible

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

I'd welcome a new BG, but I'm more arena myself.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

The only question i have is when the patch is going to be out¿?¿

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZafhir

blizzard should really make the tarren mil vs southshore happen every time some horde smart asses try to make trouble in shouth shore and me an some times some buddys push them them back i imagine what would follow oafter taht sotuh gets their guards ready and unleashes a full out assult on terren mill killing every thing and everyone one burns it to the ground then south shore alex at level your just a noobie you only have the standard attack your racial ability and some starter ability with garrpy cloth, leather, mail, plate what ever you wear modifing those abilitys wil lget you no whear what blizzard should do is is take 2 diffrent classes at level 80 with all of their abiloitys no spec and no absolutly no armor have them duel each other try some how to improve teh losers ability then daul again improve teh losers ability rinse and repeat untill untill they are some what egual in OPnes.

BGs ahve gotten no love only spite and brutal murder BG used to be fun to do it made teh chore of farming honnor all though more easier even though alliance rairly won the long epic battles and finnaly coming out victorius in capturing a flag or a base or destroying a tower or killing a general made it worth the whiile i should knwow i farmed the marshal set for 2 months and when i finnaly got that polearn got taht cross bow got those boots i had a hard time saying good bye when dinging 70 i attempted to do farm the merciless gladeator set but it wasnt the same that magic was gone the battles were 10-20 minets tops most of the time i went into the battle the alliance were steam rolled and some times even camped at teh GY not to give taht much credit to the horde the alliance were running llike chickens with their heads cut of even in AV whear allaince usualy ruled horde reinforcements rairly went below 300 i got the helm gloves boots and teh crossbow and every tieme i thinnk about going that path once those thoughts and actauly going ito the BGs stoped me blizz bring back the good old days

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I am a fun of the arena!
i think i arena all day along and then i do a little raid at night, seeing as i have a very strong PvE guild.

July 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwarzhinksy

need arena class items in bg.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAtlas

For sure BG are way more fun. Arena is just for basically 3 classes (Mage, Priest, Rogue) all others are ignored. It´s absolutely ridiculuous.
Have you ever seen a team Hunter, Shaman, Warrior? Ye, i guess yes but they were not very good were they?

And i don´t agree with that PVP equipment.

When i get hit by somebody i can barely move because i don´t have pvp gear. How unfair is that?

Resilience=Bullshit. Take that mechanic and make it fair for all

Best regards

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKeltoroq

i think tthat gear should be easier to get

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@ cocopuff
grammar ftw.

I have always liked BG's better then arena based on the simple fact of that if you mess up in BG's it isn't as big a deal as if you did in an arena.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercoltsfan


Oooook. First of all no one ever said you HAVE to do 3v3.
Second of all I just got full hateful from grinding BG's and started my first arena team. I'm rolling Hunter,Rogue. Not the best Combo but We still win a decent amount of games. Now, will agree with who said this, ome moves are just crap in arena. Thank god LoA can't be used but the immune bubble? And Rightous fury can 3 shot me and can only be dispelled by Mass Dispell due to the fact that things like Tranq Shot Normally Remove Kings. And RMP isnt that good. I've seen other good combos.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterARogue

Oh yay forgot, the 1# arena team in the world is Warrior,Shaman,Druid

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterARogue

i dont know much about about arenas i think te best 2v2 team would be druid and paladin one of the most OP classes in the game teamed one of teh best healers in the game

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

well i may not no it all @cocopuff but i do know this, PvP in general is broken. And going into a BG is like grains of sand in an hourglass. You may be the first through the little hole to the other side and partisapating in the battle or you could be 1 stuck at the outside of the tube still waiting to get in. but if you have a battlegroup full of non partisapants cloging up the system #1 it's unfair to those of us that do like to partisapate and are there to get as much honor and marks as posible in the R/L restrictive time schedule most of us live by. #2 by winning a battle you recieve 75% more bonus honor and 66% more marks which makes the grind for gear go 70% faster. But if the system is full of non partisapants it makes winning near imposible an getting into a battle in a timely fashion nearly imposible as well.

as far as class nurfing and how to make balancing them out. first of all you need 2 equally skilled players that know how to play each race and class in the game. second they'd have to fight eachother (nakid) no talent points used that way there would be no gear or talented beneficial ways to win this'll allow testing of base skills thus producing the most acurate results upon which classes are the most powerfull or the weakest. and by using these results they could tweek the coding of each class to balance them out. once the testing is done and tweeking of the code is done to balance the classes on the base level and it's confirmed by retesting. the only way a specific class would ever be OP'd would be #1 players skill #2 gear worn #3 talent points used #4 glyphs and any other gear enchantments.

3.2 is going to help BG's a little by giving the twinkies their own little class to go BG in. But IMO it's going to hurt those of us who casually do BG's.
but enough ranting we'll just all have to wait and see what blizz does we're like little puppets and bliz holds our strings, they call the shots, but you'd think 11 million people worldwide playing the game would have a little more influence on how the game is made better.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

I only have one comment after all this time reading these comments...Not one about the 1st or 2nd issue. Cocopuff, Can you not spell?? The Comment box has spell check built into, and nobody can decipher half of the comments you write. Simple words we learned in 2nd grade, you cant spell. Slow down and take 5 seconds to spell check. Please, it might make people actually read your comment.

July 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter3pallyroller

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