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The Landscapes Of WoW

The Dusty Lands Of Tanaris The Dusty Lands Of Tanaris

It's been a long time since I went traversing Azeroth, and the Outlands.  Normally we players are just trying to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible.  We could be in a rush for a heroic run, trying to clean up our dailies, farming or even heading to a raid.  Outside pissing off the party or raid group, a few extra seconds don't matter.  Yet I, and probably we, race to each destination with reckless abandon, and a pair of blinders on.  A secondary effect of the just completed Midsummer Fire Festival was the removal of those blinders, and a re-discovered appreciation of the world I spend so much time in.

In my continued obsession with non-combat pets I spent the better part of last week flying around Kalimdor, Northrend and Outland (and a little Eastern Kingdoms) in search of flames to urinate on and praise.  In doing so I was reintroduced to the scope of the Old World, something that was lost upon me after flying around Outland, and later Northrend.  If there's anything that can impress upon you the vastness of the old continents it is the inability to fly on your own.  If you thought flying around Northrend for the Argent Tournament dailies was bad, image a five, seven, even eleven minute flights.  Flights that you can't abandon when your mini map shows a precious mining/herbalism node.  Oh the pain.

A Midsummer's Desecration A Midsummer's Desecration

I'm not hear to talk about the pain though, it's just hard to forget.  What we are here to talk about is the lush locales, the cohesive zones and traversing landscapes.  Traveling through all four continents back-to-back is something I have never done, and likely wouldn't have if it wasn't for the Midsummer Fire Festival's second pet (that little bugger is the only reason I collected Burning Blossoms, and I am glad I did).  The trip down memory lane wasn't all bright spots though, it reminded me just how much I hated The Burning Crusade's zones.  The zones are so self-contained, so drastically different from those adjacent to themselves as to make one wonder how they could ever come together.  Then it hit me, the realization that my dislike for the Orc's homeland is misplaced.

I don't see how I didn't come to this realization before, but the disjointed menagerie makes perfect sense.  After all, the Outland is a collection of fragments of Draenor's former glory.  It isn't a continent in the normal sense, it is what's left of a ruined world.  A stew of lands if you will.  I could be rationalizing, but it's a perfect explanation and something I should have seen long ago.

After being steamrolled by blatantly overlooking a key piece of lore I headed to the lands of Northrend for additional easy blossoms.  Unlike Outland, Northrend reminded me a lot of the original continents and is likely why I was so drawn to the territories.  Blizzard did a wonderful job creating a barren wasteland for many of the zones, but the artists blended those expected areas with some diverse starting territories.  Only after getting used to the chill were we thrown into the cold, wind-shaped lands of Dragonblight and Icecrown.

Swamp of Emo Swamp of Emo

After collecting nearly enough flowers from the two expansions Solidsamm ported to Darnassus and began his trek through the Old World.  The little gnome trotted the streets of Astranaar, a former favorite raiding area of the Horde, clambered through the snow of Winterspring and sweat his body weight in Gadgetzan.  He even climbed aboard a boat to Feathermoon Stronghold in the lush oasis of Feralas.   Although the goal was getting to the fires, taking in the sites and sounds of the lands, all of them, were a nice flashback.  Even if it was a lot of wasted time.  Hopefully the upcoming expansion can pick up were the old world left off, vast, flowing, yet diverse, lands full of unassuming and aggressive beings.

I never did get my drop off Ahune, but with my Captured Flame in the pet bag, and some nostalgia in my mind, I consider this year's Midsummer Fire Festival a small victory.  How many got the title and continue on your way to your Proto Drake?  Did anyone have their streak broken?  Enjoy the flights?

Reader Comments (20)

1 First ! ! !
2 Yeah Blizzard sure makes us wanna study more of Azeroth's and Outlands's geography

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDentodili

I got the Flamekeeper achievemnet in about a day of play, which i found kind of disapointing as I was expecting it to be a bit harder to achieve.

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShme

Was working on it, but had to work and move :S. But I enjoyed roaming the country side, like back in Lunar Festival. Its always good to go back to your roots!

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRenjï

Before I (had to) quit, I spent my time in WoW stuck in minimum graphic settings due to a 4-year old hand-me-down and the slew of addons I couldn't live without (curse you, Auctioneer!) But once in a while when the PL guys tape an outside romp, like the first eps of the WLK beta instance runs, I get to glimpse at the World I was forced to blindside.

With the number of locales even back in vanilla being so well detailed, it's always awesome to see Blizzard up their own ante with later expansions. From the floating continents of the Oulands and later the war-torn wastelands of the North, it's always a shame to get on your Epic Flyer, switch on Crusader Aura and watch all that just zip by.

I think iTZKooPA hit the nail on the head when he mentioned having to rush from one locale to another for various reasons. There's just SO much to do in WoW! And for those of us who had limited game time, the choice of "wasting" time to smell the roses and earning 13g50s, rep, pets or gear is a no-brainer.

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOjimaru

The landscape/environment is something I'll always give Blizzard credit for. It has impressed me since day one, beautifully putting the 'world' in World of Warcraft. Most of the time I can't help but stop whatever I'm doing, be it slaughtering the local wildlife, questing or ore farming just to sit back and soak in the scenery.

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZvonimir

if i have to level in one more bland, abandoned and stupid desert i will never level a character again. because most of azeroth is usually deserted i hate all the boring places where its nice to have people leveling with you, but no. everywhere is deserted so you take a liking to places like winterspring, feralas and ashenvale because they are just so interesting. without people in places like the barrens and desolace, they can be tedious.

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAthelias

I love the old world. it's just so epic. to bad i didn't get into WoW before TBC. i would of loved to see tons of people running around in all the old zones. but now every old world zone is almost completely empty except for the few lowbies and alts questing around. which you probably never run into most of the time

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

I really cba arsed doing the whole MIdsummer thing. I did the OUtlands though because I could fly on my own there...

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrashnor

I was able to get the title the first day, although with that said it did take almost all day of running / flying around. i was a bit disappointed in how easy it was to capture the horde cities flames though (specially undercity) in all i only died once getting all 4 flames, and that was in orgrimmar where i lagged out and died to a warrior and a bunch of guards, even in thunderbuff i just took the flame and jumped off the edge and used my engineering paracute before i hit the ground. i was kinda hoping that this part of the achievements would be a bit tricky to do but with the short cast time to pick up the flame and no pushback it seemed a bit to easy, anyone else agree?

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFlawar


July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelith2

Actually, I rather liked the Easy of stealing the flames. I had a great time doing the same jump off of Thunder Bluff with my Parachute... course, then I had to do it again, cause my friend didn't get it, or didn't know that he got it, or something of that nature, and then do it yet again because Blizzard had reset it, and I only did Thunder Bluff before it was reset (TB was by far the easiest for a parachute toting Engineer, or Mage or Priest.)

I had no luck in Org though, I did it at level 78 on My Shaman, and with no decent PvP gear to speak of, I was exploded shortly after my flame capture.

I'm not going for the Long Strange Trip and mount reward because that would just drive me insane, and I change which character I want to play pretty much every time there's a holiday event, however, Flame Keeper seemed appropriate for my Shaman.

It's funny iTZKooPA that you mentioned taking the opportunity to see the old world, cause I actually figured that since I was running around to all these Zone, I might as well get my Exploration Achievements too. So, my Draenei Shaman now also has [i]the Explorer[/i] title now as well!

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

Doh, I used BBCode instead of HTML... LOL.

that last part is supposed to read:
"now also has the Explorer title!"

Might as well edit out the double "now" use too. :P Ahh to have an edit button.

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBlight

i really like all the zones they all have their ups and downs. but the 1 place i actually hate is Silithus mainly because all you hear while in the area is bee buzzzzzzzzing sounds on top of all the fx of fighting.
i never got the title on any of my toons done the whole flame thing with 7 toons 2 of which got to do the flames twice. main reason is my realm is a very low pop realm and finding a group to do azune or any other instance is hard. and besides i despise instances. and all out hate PvP just glad i only lack 2 for the achievment where most of the other festivals i lack alot more because half of it involves manditory PvP which i find a bunch of BS because the game is suppost to be for the casual player not strictly for hardcore raiders and PvPers. well enough babbling.

hope everyone else had better luck then me.
ps. can't wait much longer for 3.2 hope it's as good as all the hipe. specially gonna like the cheaper rate for riding training and mounts. and hooray my 20 gnome warrior and 20 dwarf hunter and 20 human paladin will be able to finally run around on their shiny new mounts instead of running on foot from place to place. best thing blizz has done since allowing mounts to swim.

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Having had the exploration tittle since I dinged 80, I never thought I'd traverse the lands of azeroth again. Being horde doesn't help seeing darnassus and azuremyst either, but somehow, I decided to take advantage of the fact I'd be visiting alliance lands to take in as much of the scenery as I could.

And boy, was my breath stolen from me. I always knew alliance starting zones were beautiful, but seeing the exodar crashed in the middle of an island filled with various flora and fauna just knocked me out. I felt the need to reroll to a pve server just so I could roll alliance.

That being said, revisiting horde low level zones had the same effect, if not leaving me even more in awe, as it made me relive those struggling times when I was still trying to find my place in the world (of warcraft).

It's all right to get caught up in the raiding, the epic loots, the tittles and mounts, but take some time to appreciate just how vast and wonderful this world you're playing on is. You'll be pleasantly surprised with what you find =)

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRannar

I got the Flame Keeper title about 3 days before the end of the whole event. It's the only of the holiday titles I do have! xD

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAda

Speaking of flashbacks, hey PL guys, remember this?
"The Frost Lord has Won!"

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKyndranigar

I got mine explorer title yesterday :D
I didn't know that the fire festival ended 4pm instead of midnight. So I didn't complete Icy The frost Lord, Torch juggling and Pole Dance. I did travel to all of the flames, both horde and alliance, except those in Nothrend

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPruben

i got the tittle on my rogue and mage but despite my intentions i was no able to finish it on my DK the thought of doing every thing all over again was enough to keep littlewarrio away from doing the same thing for the third time and waiting a whole year for the opporunity to do it again traveling the world of zeroth and outland i didnt even that their were fires in NR i ran into allot of hordies and being on a pvp server i couldent resist kicking the crap out some lowbies lousy gaurds couldent mind their own bussiness so i ended having to teach to SOB goblins and "herioc" horde who dared to think they can defeat me a lesson in minding thier own busness i ended up going from honnored with the goblins to hated i killed more goblins then i did in my whole tiem playing counting enemy NPCs it took me a weeks to do all the achievements on my mage with all the distractions weather it was a raid or defending stormwinds honnor and other alliance boonefires or dishonnoring orgimmar and other horde citys or villages laying waste to all who apposed me it was funny at first when lowbie horde thought hidding in nutral citys would keep them alive but really soon it became a drag i did on my rogue first so i spent allot of time looking for teh fires all in all it was a fun holiday

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

week to doall of htem on my rogue*

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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