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Are Your Realms Emptier Than Usual?

Healer? Tank? Bueller? DPS? Healer? Tank? Bueller? DPS?

The little guild I call home is still struggling to recover from the quarterly event known as the Summer.  The hiccup in raiding, filling and scheduling, has caused me to focus my efforts on things outside of Naxxramas domination and Ulduar subjugation.  First and foremost is the leveling of one Holy/Shadow Priest that is to become an end-game healer.  This of course assumes that I don't suck at healing in a raid setting.  Another bulk of time, I am talking about a 60/40 ratio here, has been spent on my favorite past time, farming the Auction House.  With my trusty Auctioneer equipped, I have begun to refill my coffers that were plundered for recent purchases.

Over the last few weeks of datamining I have come across what I believe is an undeniable trend, a drastic reduction in key supplies.  Frost Lotus, Abyss Crystal, even Deviate Fish are barely available on my realm, relatively speaking.  Following the good old supply and demand model, what items are available are made so at drastically increased prices.  For producers and investors of the market this is a good thing, while for a consumer this is a bad thing.  Upon discovery of the trend I dug further.  According to my collection of anecdotal data, the changes are for numerous items, items that span the gauntlet of locales, from Mageweave to Knothide Leather, not just top end consumables used by raiders.

The question at hand is what is causing the fluctuations?  Is it normal changes in the market?  Unlikely.  Could it be a wealthier investor than myself cornering whole swaths of Azerothian goodies?  Doubtful, it'd need to be on the scale of organized crime (Defias) to have such an impact.  Or, like I suggest in the title, is my realm (Magtheridon-North America) emptier than normal?  If that is the case then it would explain the depressed amount of supplies, and why they are coming in at higher prices.  Coupled with the numerous responses of guild trouble in a previous thread, I believe we have some credible evidence that our home away from home is a little less cozy, and far more expensive, than we are fond of.

This is where you readers come in.  To make any kind of overarching statement about WoW's economy we need more information.  Do your realms feel underpopulated?  Are commonly used consumables being placed on the market for far higher than normal prices?  Are you still logging in as normal, or has Summer sucked you away along with the unrelated loss of six million other players?

And yes, the issues are completely unrelated.  Blizzard's troubles in China have no effect on the gold farming market.  Those players need the localized version (read North American/European) of the game to play on the same server as us.  So the lack of Wrath in China doesn't make an impact on our supply levels.

Reader Comments (20)

First, there is a problem i would like to point out. What about the horde, i can say that people with players of both factions should see.

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHenryzx

There might be another factor at work in the rising prices and falling quantities of AH commodities. On my server, at least, it seems that more and more people are forgoing a gathering profession in favor of the unique crafter-only bonuses provided by crafting professions. Whenever I see someone advertise their services in trade chat, they inevitably link two separate crafting professions. With fewer people out gathering, prices will rise even if the population of the server does not drop at all. Is anyone else experiencing this on their realm?

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLachoneus

i thought i had FINALLY discovered a way to easily farm gold for my epic mount.
Running scarlet monastery, and DE boss drops for small radiant shards i believe?

current server price is about 20g a pop.

Not a single one has sold.
I dont know what to do.
the price is dropping rapidly because of my overflooding the market.

Anyone got suggestions on farming stuff people do still buy?

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradam

@ Lachoneus

I agree with you totally, I have just took up leatherworking for the nice new chest and bracers you can craft yourself in 3.2, so I am finding less items such as heavy knothide leather, borean leather etc in the AH.

And looking at what some of these new LW craftables and items you will need for them, farming will be back come patch 3.2, until then i guess its no AH buyout, just grinding, and believe me I am bored out of my brain killing and skinning things, 80 Heavy Borean Leather, etc, its takes so damn long. But hey, it will be worth it in the end, :)

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteronthebuses

1) The 3.2 Patch notes were announced - everyone gets emblems from running heroics.
2) My Guildmaster quit - posting a story about how the game had lost its luster and all of the hardwork he had put into getting ready for Ulduar is now worthless because any noob can run Nexus and VH over and over and get T8 gear from emblems.
3) Two best Warlocks in guild quit - citing same thing.
4) Best mage in guild quit - citing same thing.
5) Best Priest and Warrior in guild quit - citing same thing.

We are now a guild of Death Knights, Druids and Shamans, with second and third rate primaries, that can't tank, dps or heal for crap.

I don't play anymore.

I know my small piece of the world has a lower population. Its not because of summer though.

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpenrose

I quit recently, too. I know that it doesn't matter in the long run, as Blizzard has no shortage of subscribers, but, after four years, the game had become, well, boring. It's not the same as it used to be, and the grind has become, as iTZKoopa's gf had said, a chore. Don't get me wrong; I still love the lore and still watch PL, but the game itself bores me to tears.

Also, when I cancelled my account, I realized that I was effectively deleting 4 years of my life with the touch of a button. Creepy. 4 years in one click.

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDinaus

Actually I've seen a raise in the ammount of ppl that play on my realm.

Horde however is more into instances and raiding and the alliance with their sucky economy (horde has one too lol) keeps farming gold at the seething revenants.

Last night 15 Alliance Huntards were farming out there o.O

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrashnor

the problem with my realm is that no guilds can stay together there is nothing wrong with ah economy except people being greedy and raising prices on items but rlly no guilds on my realm will stay together becuase nobody can get along and i think that were all gonna quit at 1 point i mean we cant stand everyone i mean theres that one thing that will happen over and over that u hate so u just leave

July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDennis

Can't say i've noticed it myself, but if it means fewer people are running instances and I see that bloody 'Additional Instances cannot be launched' messages less i'm all for it. I can't believe Blizz are planning on introducing changes in 3.2 to try and encourage *more* people to run heroics when the servers can't cope with the load they've already got. WTF Blizz?

I am also seeing a number of people going for dual-crafting professions, most often plate (or occasionally mail) wearers going for blacksmithing and jewelcrafting. The double bonus from extra sockets + j/c specific gems is insane, but most leather or cloth wearers don't bother to level the otherwise pointless (to them) blacksmithing skill just for that.

I actually hope gathering costs do go up. If you don't have a gathering profession for your crafting one, then that's your decision and you're at the whim of the market. I levelled a gathering profession to try and make money, but by the time i'd got to 80 the AH was so flooded it wasn't worth grinding the spawns any more...

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarr0t

I also stopped playing wow for a wile now, but that was purely because i just could not find the time to progress past 10 man naxx. My guild wasnt big enough to do naxx 25's and every time we "attempted" it with a pug, unfortunate battles erupted because of dual spec and gear distribtution. Thus i decided to make the move, but at last my faith had been restored uppon hearing about the emblem changes in 3.2, this would meen that me allong with a few other that i know that had the same issues as before would be returning to the hypnotic shores of azeroth and the like =().

I just got soooooo p'ed of not being able to progress due to not being able to commit as much time as my fellow guildys and other fellow players. It does suck somewhat to hear that people actually are leaving the game because its being changed to accommodate players that cannot sacrifise ALL of their time.

just my 2p

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTet

This stuff makes me sad. I have REAL true friends on WoW and tons of fun memories of growing up in TBC. I Agree though, Wrath just doesnt have the charm that vanilla and TBC had. I hope Bliz fixes that with the new expansion. And remember, 8/10 people that have quit, will come crawling back when the final raid is introduced, or when the new xpac is released.

I play on one of the most highest populated realms- Area 52. As a result, every item you can hope for is relatively cheap. I see no drop in players, rather I meet new people all the time. Dalaran is scary crowded, and you still cant see the mailbox in Orgrimmar.

I myself will not quit WoW until they either kill my favorite class, or stop the game all together.

The people complaning about new people being able to farm heroics for uber gear: don't you remember getting gear even better than stuff in Kara also from badges? That happened in TBC too, what a silly reason to quit.

Dont any of you find raiding fun, just to raid, and not just because you can say, "look! I have t8!?"

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

For nearly four years and over 3 different server transfers,I was a member of a guild that grew steadily and its members formed as deep a bond of friendship as you can have through an online game.

For various reasons similar to those above, the guild slowly broke down and raiding pretty much ceased by the time Lich King came out. I've played since the week vanilla wow was released and despite its numerous flaws I still love the game. Just last night I hit 70 with my paladin alt on a new server where some of the original members of my old guild have formed a new one. I have found it very refreshing to go back to basics with a small close knit guild and start building again from scratch.

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEbo

My group had to recently switch to another server because our old server Shadow Council was constantly getting "additional instances can not be launched try again later" . It was irritating wanting to run something but getting that message no matter what time of the day or night we tried to do a run. On the new server, we have noticed a lower population but that be due to our level (64- 68)

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMertyn

Little trick for those of you having the "Additional instances cannot be launched" message.

Reset all instances.
9/10 times this works.

Good luck.

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradam

The issue with two crafting professions is a side effect of Blizzard's profession management. On a raiding character it makes no sense what-so-ever to have a gathering profession. The stat benefits from crafting professions (particularly Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Enchanting and Tailoring) blow the gathering professions out of the water. A JC/Tailor dps caster class gains ~120 dps from his or her professions. How much raid benefit does a caster get from mining or herbalism? None. "But Herbalism has a HoT. That's useful." If your cloth-wearing mage is getting womped on by Ignis, Lifeblood isn't going to save you. A 2000/5sec heal is rarely going to save a tank. 3.2 equalizes the crafting professions in the raid game, but gathering professions are still nominal at best.

That said, if the AH is too expensive, roll a gathering mule.

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGQ

I've always played in a low to medium server but this week it dropped into the dreaded recommended level. It's impossible to get any group for anything.

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

hte price drops are just redicious one day running oculu i was lucky to win a rol for the book of glyphs i sold it for 2k and some body bought i culdent believe it some actualy bought i even slpaed my slef lightly to make it wasnt a dream back then i was in hiuge debt and a scrap for money from one auction including the gold i allready gathered i had 3k g i learned DS for my dk and mage i bopught my mage a flyer i paayed back my debt and i still had a few 100g left over with all my debts payed of and my characters high enough for the flyer having thier mound for the first time i could splurge i usauly never even looked at the blue piece on the AH to costly but i could actauly afford some in the prent day i got another one with the memory of what happen i got one i couldent wait for anotehr big income i rushed to AH and put "book of glyphs" to my horror i see the highest price on was 400g and i my had ot lower in order to increase teh chance of someone buying it i couldent believe how muc hthe price droped smae thing happen when i first learned to make titansteel bars and icy prism wih a 20 hour cooldown i thought must beworht a preaty gold piece i put it andddsee that it wasgoing for 100g a stack WTH!!!!!!! i am waiting 20 hours for 100g? the icy prosm is a bit better the mets i get from it can make some good items that go for allso around 100g some more some less but when stacked my rogeu can stiill make allot of money but not nearly as much as he used maybe he prices will go up at the end of summer on the otehr hand the over polutated server makes it easy to find a raid in one day i got my DK though half of H naxx and H emalon my rogue thoguh half of H uldaur and H emalon and my mage though bunch oof heriocs though it kind of makes WG impossible i tried to go my first one in months and ended up frozen though the whole thing at the end of the battle i see a bunch peopel leaving and the "horde have one the battle i am dead and i see the lich kings ugly face on the loading screen after waiting 5 minuts for it to load i see you have been disconnected from teh server and when i login horde bastard kills me and and the same thing happen the screen loads for 5 minets and then DCed and travel in dalaran has been a recuring problem

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

oh BTW any one know soome mining hot spots i dont really know hear to mine goods i have ate though my surplus now i am desprite for more specificly titatium deposits i have more the nenough saronite

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

on my server top guilds are falling apart people are leaveing the greedy people who like to ninja are joing them the good people are leaveing there joing small guilds that raid old content and new content every few days like mine the 3rd best ally guild fell apart so did the 1st the 2nd barly staying alive people are tranforing my server is a dead zone dont know about horde but i haveint seen the 1st horde guild only about 3 people ive seen my server is dead when i get the money im transforing to a high pop server its getting depresing

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMontes

Same here, top aly guild quit raiding, and is not nearly non excistant. There are currently two guild raiding ulduar on a regular basis, the rest struggles to fill guild runs with pick up players for nax.

About the prices, my ah was a bit ahead on that jump, the frost lotus was my own mistake, i cornered that market for a couple of weeks in order to sell my flasks higher. Now the pricelevel overall is around 3 times what they use to be on frost lotus.

I myself rolled two professions aswell, alchemy, jc. on my healing priest. Good bonuses for me on that combo.

Dalaran is a bit less crowded, there are definately fewer instance groups forming and a lot less spam in tradechat to be seen.

I do have a gathereing mule and with current herb prices that helps a lot. Ore's are still dirt cheap on my server, seems everyone rolled a miner and is trying to get rid of the ores. Its come to the point that people started dumping 600 + amounts of saronite via /2 trade channel, since in the ah it wasn't getting bought. Between 10 / 15g a stack for those.

So the lower population may make some items rise in price due to a lot less supply for it, but the stuff that was never that expensive and always sold in bulk, that gets a lot cheaper nowadays. Since those players are used to farm tons of it in order to sell the stuff are now in comparison flooding the market by far more compared to the current demand.

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

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