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The Next Expansion: What Blizzard SHOULD Do With New Races

Mohr BlizzCon Infoz Plz! kthxbye BlizzCon! Rumors incoming!

With BlizzCon less than two weeks away there is no surprise that we are starting to see leaks and rumors. MMO-Champion had reported on the races first with their data mining showing new Halloween masks that featured Goblin and Worgen races (of both sexes) and then pixiestixy brought us news today that WoW.com confirmed this information with sources close to the company, and specifically that Goblin will be Horde and Worgen will be Alliance.

To be quite honest, this news is a little underwhelming. This doesn't specifically add content outside of the starting zones and is quite a bit of work (all items have to be remodeled/skinned for these new races) for something that really doesn't ADD to the gameplay (argue all you want but it's merely a cosmetic upgrade). With the races apparently set in stone (we will know for sure at BlizzCon) I find that to be disappointing. The announcement of Blood Elves and Draenei had a much stronger impact because of the classes that you could use with those races, which were previously exclusive to the Horde (Shaman) and Alliance (Paladin).

Blizzard really should make these races start out neutral (can't interact with any Alliance/Horde player characters) and either the actions you take through your questing will decide your faction at, say level 20, or you just flat out get to choose. With faction transfers incoming, this would seem to be a logical extension of that model and where Blizzard wants to make the game as accessible and varied as possible. This alongside the lore implications that both these races are (generally) faction nuetral.

Based on past experience though I am inclined to believe that the new races are in the next expansion. We knew about Burning Crusade days before BlizzCon 2005 and BlizzCon 2007's announcement of Wrath of the Lich King was known a few days before as well. Funny though was that when I picked up my press badge that year they gave me a program guide with all the details about WotLK (which hadn't been officially announced) so that kind of killed the suspense of the opening ceremony but it was nice to see that the rumors were true.

With BlizzCon so close I expect to see a lot more "rumors" pop up, at this point be skeptical of nearly everything from this point on and we will all know August 21st (and we hope to see you there!)! Let us know what you'd like to see related to the new races, do you think picking your faction in game (rather than associated race) would be a good idea? What kind of ideas do you have if they continue down this path of alternating race/class additions every other expansion?

Reader Comments (55)

I really hope that Blizzard isn't planning on introducing more playable races. I just can't understand how it would fit in lore-wise. I'll admit that I'm not very familiar with all the worgen stuff, but goblins? The only side they pick is their own and no one else's. I guess I could tolerate such a thing in the next expansion, but *only* if it doesn't involve another retcon (yikes!).

What I think Blizzard should really focus on instead of adding more races is to add another class or profession (like TBC and WotLK), touching up on old and broken quests, put in some more phasing to help the RPG part of this MMO, balancing PVP stuff (but not at a price for PVE for once)... I could go on, but I think I've gotten enough out to get the gears going.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

ok i read the comments and i like the idea of choosing your faction...but, on the other hand where will the race icons be put in the character creation page?death knights were available as classes but what about these new races?

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNick

They should make the goblins and the worgen choose if they want to be allied to them or against both like a 3rd side. They would be able to attack horde and alliance alike, joining the forces of evil instead of good.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTinth

You guys are spoiled. Whatever blizzard comes up with it will be good.
Don't say new races will "suck" because they won't. Just be happy that they still fix the problems AND add new content.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

Sorry for double post but I forgot to say this:

People will always complain and it makes me sick. Why can't you just stop and TRY to like the game instead of bashing it!?

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVag

im happy about new races and mabey new classes the only thing that would be sortof hard to make is every race hase there own specific mount but what will they do for goblin mounts imean most mounts that would be reasonable are already taken and also are they going to make the worges ride other beast or are they going to have the worges get a speed increace? these things i think blizzard did not think through yet and i will be very intrested in the new mounts and races

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterben

i can understand blizz making goblins a playable race as they play a huge role in the game as it is (rachet,area 52,k3 etc) but worgens are only found in silverpine, duskwood ,and grizzly hills even then theres not that many. so as awesome as it would be to
have worgens i find it hard to believe that a background race would be so quickly talked about as playable. i would think if there are new races alli would get murlocs as the murlocs drove the darkspear trolls out of stranglethorn and they are more important to the story line. also with so many races already i hope blizz gives us a little bit more space when it comes to the number of toons on a single realm because there are those that will not have room to have any new characters on there main realm because they got 10 high level toons as it is and don't want to delete them

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercanadianbacon

new races = the suck
I can't think of anything that would make me want to level 1-90 just to have a different race. It'll be the same as with spacecows and belfs. There will only be new zones for the first 20+/- levels and then you're grinding through the same zones you've hit 10 times before.

I barely see the logic in adding ten levels to the cap.

The next expansion should refine BG's, end game content, and have the new zone be a contested area like WG but larger and full-time.

stop adding gimmicks and refine or extend the core gameplay

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstan

We don't need Horde gnomes in my opinion.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnholyblood

I know that it sounds funny and may not be well received but why does the new expansion have to take us to 90? Why cant we have new races and have new content but keep the cap at 80. Add more content to give us something to do on the way to 80. I would like to see more lower level instances/raids or bring us back to fight in older places. Give some lover level characters something to do with higher levels. Try to mix levels. To get lower levels and higher ones to work together more. Either way we really dont know what blizz has in store for us.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfightthepower

well, given that these races seem to be limited in terms of class options, it would be interesting to see a setup like WAR, in which each race has several completely new class options only available to that race

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEbo

i would never kill another alliance unless he/she is a dick and their are lots of dicks out their that would kill you just for looking at am as if horde ganking on pvp wasnt bed enough. blizzard is a multi million company and every single dollar comes from our wollets they better be listening to us and i know they are trying to recruit new players but they have to renember our needs. last 2 XPEC unlocked a full new world i would expect the same thing from the next XPEC.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


how would that work?

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

if anything this is going to empty the horde for a few weeks as everyon rushes to make a worgen.

Have yet to hear of anyone eager to roll a goblin.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

As a Horde player, I'm not thrilled about the addition of goblins to our side. I just can't envision a goblin tank or even DK, it would be totaly out of character for them. Self-preservation and making a quick buck seems more their MO. The only way Blizzard is going to pull this off is the addition of new classes that are specific only to the new races in order to keep a lot of players interest.

Goblins are engineers so create a something like a mechanical calvary class. Their mounts are tanks that can be upgrade with heavy weaponry and can be used in any combat. Or they can carry around giant rocket launchers, ect. I agree with most everyone else, don't just create a new starting zone and make us grind through the same old stuff.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOggrillain

if it is not broke dont fix it

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

If they add 2 races that will make 12 total. How about at level 90 there's a massive event where the whole game is "phased", all the factions shift, and we're left with 3 factions instead of two? Say, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Undead vs. Tauren, Worgen, Night Elves, Blood Elves vs. Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Draenai. Or something. That would shake up the whole universe and make for really interesting lore and story. Just an idea.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKoani

To those who question why Blizz keeps upping the level cap as opposed to adding new max level content I offer this:

Players want the level cap increased so that it gives their max level toons a REASON to do something. Just adding additional, max-level content is something a player wouldn't be required to do. What would be the point? You gain no xp from it. Chances would be that it wouldn't offer loot better than what's available in dungeons/raids so far. Unless it paid a TON, there would remain quicker/easier ways to make gold. Increasing the level cap causes players to have to play their high end toons through the content in order to get to the new end game.

Additionally, I doubt that Blizz would ever create new content as part of an expansion that provides alternatives to what's already in game (i.e. adding new content that is actually new leveling content so that you could level an alt without having to grind the SAME path from 1-80 as before). The problem with this is that, primarily, it causes players to ignore MORE old content than they do already. Between RAF and Heirloom gear, people blow through old content. I am leveling a hunter alt with heirloom shoulders and from 58-68 he never even set foot in Blade's Edge or Netherstorm and only did like 4 quests in SMV before I dinged 68 and ran off to Northrend. I doubt Blizz is gonna create new content that people will cruise past.

Bottom line is that I like the game just fine the way it is. I would prefer a heroic healing class so that people all jump to it like they did with DKs and it puts an end to the healer shortage. But if its new races and an increased level cap, I'm in as well.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

I would as someone else said, rather see a new prof or class instead... Maybe a new hero class as said before... There are plenty of options... ofc it would be fun to see 2 new races:) but what I would like to see is old instances pimped up instead:) Maybe doing lvl 80 heroics of the old content... Maybe a bad idea for some, but for some of us that would be a thrill to be in a heroic deadmines or a heroic shadowfang keep:) Or a heroic version of the old hag Onyxia:D But thats just my opinion...

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermysta

I've been pondering over the lore of the worgens recently. I suspect that they will infact be neutral if we get to play them and that they will be the only new playable race but with a new class. There are loads of clues ingame and elsewhere hinting at what they really are. I'm no expert on this so I will probably be shot down fast but here's my thoughts on why.

My conclusion is that they are infact druids that has been corrupted in the emerald dream. This could explain their ability to shift into other forms like humans and beasts (remember GarwalI?). It could also explain their impressive ability to coordinate their attacks and function as a group as stated in lore.

As for the origin of the corruption of the dream itself I think it all really points to Sargeras via Medivh more then an old god that has been speculated previously. I could be completely off here but what if Medivh is more than a powerful wizard, a druid? As we know his name translates to "Keeper of secrets". What secrets are so important that even his name is a reminder of it? Could he have been the last (well not quite as you'll see..) mortal guardian entrusted with the knowledge of how access the dream and protect it? If the druid theory is true then I think his staff Atiesh could be much more important then we think. Where did it come from? Could there be a connection with the Scythe of Elune? Did anyone get hold of it after it was lost in Duskwood? Black riders from Karazhan where looking for it.. Atiesh looks very much like something a druid would use and now it's is no longer obtainable ingame..

Enter Med'an! (sigh?) I think he could now be in possesion of this artifact and thus the only one left, the last guardian, able to access the dream with it. Now his interest in holy magic seem to be for a very important reason and the prophesy that he will be the savior Azeroth gets a whole new meaning.. ;)

Oh and.. a worgen druid of the sun anyone?

Now fire way! :P

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgir

you do realize that you get the same amount of ore and such from the new 1 click nodes as you did from the 2-5 click? That makes it faster.. you just must not have a mining path that anyone who gets their own mats most likely does...

@Agir actually worgen were not from this planet and were summoned by Arugal, and are people who were corrupted into these creatures. (The alliance nation of Gilneas, which is coincidentally very close to Shadowfang Keep, has by Metzen himself said to be playing a big role soon)

I don't want a new healing class.. i play a holy pally and resto shaman.. don't make me make another.. then i don't know who to heal on when i do play my healers (i have a tank and 2 dps classes also)

Also at Aqir Medivh was the son of the Guardian Aegwynn, who after defeateing Sargeras' avatar gave birth to Medivh not knowing that Sargeras had in fact hidden his soul inside Medivh while he was in her womb.. which is why he opened the dark portal, and after Khadgar, Garon, and Lothar killed him, his mother resurrected him using her powers that she had regained over a period of time, Medivh set out to undo what he had been forced to do. (Medfivh was given his mothers powers of the Guardian and therefore is the most powerful mage in recent times) And his staff Atiesh was available to all cloth casters and druids.

As to goblins.. they have primarily been neutral but have always favored the horde more than the alliance

@coco its XPAC not XPEC.. and also.. Northrend isn't a new world.. it's a continent that has existed since the Great Sundering and the Cataclysm likely refers to the Maelstrom.. also in Azeroth

@QQr's whining about at 90 lvl cap.. You guys seriously want to stay at 80? don't buy the xpac.. I'm sure i'll enjoy my super awesome lvl 90 raid gear while you try to make money off of useless mats/dailies while the rest of us make tons of cash from questing.

Also, blizzard isn't desperate, you people who whine are the ones who don't know/understand/enjoy the amazing lore they give us.. I'm sure we'd all have liked to kill Arthas right as we got there.. because that makes sense.. kill the main bad guy right as the story starts.. Ulduar would have been ok after.. but what do we do after that? sit around for another 2 years waiting for blizz to hurry the f up cuz they let us kill Arthas too fast.. just like in BC..

Sorry about the wall of text.. but there were many things that i felt i had to touch on.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

snoo@ so was outlands even though it was still called dreanor up till nerzhul reckless use magic tore the planet apart bujt we werent able to enter either one up till the XPEC so it was sertinly new to us and since when is their a mining path forr titanium isnt random rare spawn when ever i ask whear are the titanium hot points i get the same responce fly around anyway you swing mining still needs improvement 1 stack= 1 hour of mining= eguals 4 prospects=eguals not nearly enough mats from the prospects= eguals fail

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

If they gonna boost mining, they can do herb too in that case... before they put all mining in one single hatch so to speak, mining was the only one that you had to use couple of times before getting it all while both herb and skinning just needed one use to finnish off... so, they have improved it in the matter of that you save time by just needing to mine the veins once, as you only need to pick herbs once and skinn beasts once and still get the same amount, or sometimes alittle less than you got before... I must say, mining was redicelous to lvl before, you were in journeyman skill after 1 quest run, if not more:D

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermysta

@Coco yes i know titanium is a rare spawn.. but if you want to increase your chances you'd follow/make your own patch around a specific area where nodes generally are.. instead of aimlessly flying around in circles hoping to find something. Also... Ner'zhul never swayed from shamanism.. it was Gul'dan who opened up the many portals across Draenor in order for him and his shadow council to flee. And What i meant was Northrend isn't a new WORLD it's something that has always affected the other areas of azeroth even though we couldn't venture there, whereas Draenor is a different planet that up until that time, did no directly affect players, demons aren't from outlands.. they are from the Twisting nether, so it didn't affect us liek the scourge from northrend did.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShnoo

Disgusting. If goblins are horde and worgen are allies I may have to reroll alliance. Uggghhh..

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKwon

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