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The Next Expansion: What Blizzard SHOULD Do With New Races

Mohr BlizzCon Infoz Plz! kthxbye BlizzCon! Rumors incoming!

With BlizzCon less than two weeks away there is no surprise that we are starting to see leaks and rumors. MMO-Champion had reported on the races first with their data mining showing new Halloween masks that featured Goblin and Worgen races (of both sexes) and then pixiestixy brought us news today that WoW.com confirmed this information with sources close to the company, and specifically that Goblin will be Horde and Worgen will be Alliance.

To be quite honest, this news is a little underwhelming. This doesn't specifically add content outside of the starting zones and is quite a bit of work (all items have to be remodeled/skinned for these new races) for something that really doesn't ADD to the gameplay (argue all you want but it's merely a cosmetic upgrade). With the races apparently set in stone (we will know for sure at BlizzCon) I find that to be disappointing. The announcement of Blood Elves and Draenei had a much stronger impact because of the classes that you could use with those races, which were previously exclusive to the Horde (Shaman) and Alliance (Paladin).

Blizzard really should make these races start out neutral (can't interact with any Alliance/Horde player characters) and either the actions you take through your questing will decide your faction at, say level 20, or you just flat out get to choose. With faction transfers incoming, this would seem to be a logical extension of that model and where Blizzard wants to make the game as accessible and varied as possible. This alongside the lore implications that both these races are (generally) faction nuetral.

Based on past experience though I am inclined to believe that the new races are in the next expansion. We knew about Burning Crusade days before BlizzCon 2005 and BlizzCon 2007's announcement of Wrath of the Lich King was known a few days before as well. Funny though was that when I picked up my press badge that year they gave me a program guide with all the details about WotLK (which hadn't been officially announced) so that kind of killed the suspense of the opening ceremony but it was nice to see that the rumors were true.

With BlizzCon so close I expect to see a lot more "rumors" pop up, at this point be skeptical of nearly everything from this point on and we will all know August 21st (and we hope to see you there!)! Let us know what you'd like to see related to the new races, do you think picking your faction in game (rather than associated race) would be a good idea? What kind of ideas do you have if they continue down this path of alternating race/class additions every other expansion?

Reader Comments (55)

Thank you.
Now... This is what will happen:
We will get a new expansion, after the death of Arthas.
It will be a mix with the Emerald Dream, in which etheral world players will encounter the evil and sinister beasts of the Emerald Nightmare, and The Great Sea, in which we will be exploring the many unadded islands of Azeroth, such as Kezan, Tel'Abim, and Kul Tiras aswell as the depths of the Maelstrom.
Blizzard will go towards more water-based experiments, as they add underwater mounts, underwater dungeons, and more.
I personally think that waterbased vehicles is soon to come.
The reason for all our characters heading out to sea will be the tensions between the Horde and Alliance that is now boiling away as hell thanks to the Wrathgate, Garrosh, and Varian.
And now races...
I see why it would be nice to get to choose faction, but wouldn't this become a problem in BG?
Imagine sitting there, trying to kill that annoying worgen, for five minutes before you realize he's on your team.
The point with different races for different factions was that you could pretty easily determine if it's time to kill.
The worgen will be accepted because Varian is to scared to give the Horde another wepon, and the probability of them living in Gilneas being high makes it more likely that they will be important in the sea at war.
The Goblins won't all join. Probably just some company, although the reasoning seems a bit flawed indeed. A trade fleet will be an important thing for the Horde, and it would be pretty nice to fight in the royal fleet of the banshee queen.

Due to political correctness there will be no slave keepers, or pandaren. Pandas are almost extinct animals, and slavery is against human rights.

Further on: the Darksepars was driven from a small island by the Maelstrom, slowly being sucked into it.
Not. Strangle. Thorn. Vale.

Finally, Vag is right.

"Get your whining spell-failing ass of the forum, b*tch!
Blizzard hasn't failed us yet, and if they do, it's all Activisions fault, remember that."

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLord Cogwrecker

Oh yeah...
And here's what I do with my spare time (don't you just love spring break?).

The Moon Shines
Rise up, rise again.
The Moon Beams
Howl, howl once more.
Stil It Shines
We hunt


For a long time the creatures known as worgens has been able to become summoned by great dark magics. Arugal brought the Moonrage to Silverpine, where they fought the living and dead alike, his mistake driving the archmage insane. In Rolands Doom, Duskwood, the man called "Jitters" brought the Nightbane, the horror that ocurred in the mine causing his mind to collapse. And Velinde Starsong, who brought the Terrowulf pack to Ashenvale, where they went rampage, causing the sentinel great sorrow.
This is an invasion.

The worgen hail from a dark and violent world, known as Orsheoz. There they waged violent wars upon the interlopers: the lord of the emerald flame, more commonly known as The Burning Legion. Throughout the eternal night, they fought with brutal strength and crazed bloodlust, howling beneath their sacred moon. Alas, these battles proved futile, as pack after pack was slaughtered in the countless battles.
To ensure the races survival the great shadowcaster and Over-Alpha: Furinn crafted a magical scythe, and sent it through the thin barriers of the cosmos, until it reached the world of Azeroth, the forest of Ashenvale, and the night elf sentinel Velinde Starsong.
The scythe appeared to her as she prayed to the moon godess Elune for aid to fight the demons of Felwood with, and so she assumed the godess had granted it to her, to aid her failing crusade.
And so she used it, and called upon the worgen packs, guiding them through the labyrinth that shields our two dimensions and brought them to Felwood, where they gladly laid down their lives for the cance to lay down others.
However, the more Velinde used the scythe the more it seemed to do the summoning by it's own accord, her will not being a part of it. She consulted the libraries of Darnassus and the great lore keeper Onu, but found no answers.
Then she was told of Archmage Arugal.
In Lordaeron the scourge was advancing, at the time having just destroyed Dalaran, and marching on with many an undead mage among it's troops. Arugal had fled, with a few other survivors, to Silverlaine Keep, in Silverpine Forest. He grew frustrated by their lack of progress against the Scourge, and in desperation he consulted The Book of Ur, and used Ur's research to summon the worgen pack of Moonrage, against the advice and warnings of his peers. His intentions was to bolster Dalaran's diminishing ranks with them and destroy the Scourge with the powerful worgen at his side.
But the worgen grew bored soon after their first battle and turned on the wizard themselves in their bloodthirst. They broke through the keeps walls and slaughtered all.
All, but Arugal.
The guilt drove him mad, and this madness drove him into adopting the worgen as "his sons" after which he retreated to the newly dubbed Shadowfang Keep, where he remains, haunted by the ghosts of Silverlaine.
Dispite his madness, Velinde desided to seek out Arugal, to find out whatever he might just know.
She left the remaining pack, the Terrowulf, in a small vale, near the Shrine of Mel'Thandris and traveled to Ratchet, then further on to Booty Bay by ship and from there to southern Elwynn.
It is there that the last traces of her journey ends.
Whether the Terrowulfs had followed her, or if the scythe suddenly summoned more worgen, she was hunted and forced to hide in a cave not far from the village of Sunnyglade. There her trail ends, with her loosing the scythe in the caves, the sentinel never to be seen agan.
Only much later, when the cave was turned into a mine, was it found by a man called 'Jitters'. It had passed so much time since Velinde last held it, so at the slightes touch it opened the biggest rift it had ever made, practicly draining all its power and not only letting through one of the biggest packs on Orsheoz, but even changing the land around it into something no far from their beloved homeworld.
The miners were all killed, with the exception of Jitters, who fled, maddened by the events. The events that changed Sunnyglade into Darkshire, and southern Elwynn to Duskwood.

The worgen seek a new world, and to bring forth the eternal night, as proven by the forest of Duskwood's current state.
Their greatest invasion point, was a secret.
Until recently...

Not far from Arugals home, Shadowfang Keep, stands the Greymane Wall, sourrounded by refugees, pleading to be let inside the kingdom of Gilneas, which ceased all contact with the Alliance a long time ago, locking themselves behind the wall, avoiding the plague and the undead.
Yet the wall is unmanned.
And how come the gate had been broken from the inside?
As if people had been dying to get out...

With the disappereance of three packs (the Moonrage, the Terrowulf and the Nightbane) Furinn finally found the world of Azeroth, and used his scrying magic to find an ideal place for an invasion: Gilneas.
He opened a dark gateway, and let the packs pour through, invading the isolated country. Soon the worgen hunted across the countryside, destroying entire villages and eventually setting their crazed gaze on the capital.
The king, Genn Greymane, was killed and Furinn made his way to the castle, declaring it his own dark den.
In The Broken Tower, at the top of Castle Greymane, he built himself an altar of lord Greymanes bones, and he weaved the shadows of his world, that had come seeping into Azeroth from the gate, and called forth a curse like no other, sending it across the land and transforming every man, woman and child into them.
Into worgen.

Little did he know the mistake he had done...

There were indeed those who succombed to the fury and turned feral, their minds flooded with the sents of blood and the hunger for meat, yet many kept their mind intact, remaining fully sane.
And angry..

They soon overcame the shock and fought back Furinns worgen, naming themselves The Gilneas Moonhowl, reclaiming the capital and renaming it from Greymane to Lycan City.
When the news of this reached Stormwind and the Alliance, they were at first doubtful of this new race's morals, yet soon saw their potentials as brave heroes and fearless fighters. Once this was agreed the Alliance was quick to act, sending dilpomats to convince the Gilneas Moonhowlers to join them, seeing their value in the upcoming war at sea against the Horde.

Atleast... that's the official story.

For indeed many of the alliance still doubt the wisdom of the vengeance-filled king Varian Wrynn to so suddenly accept these brutes into their ranks. Even the Gilneasans has doubts, many of them not certain if they themselves would have chosen to invite them...
There are even those who goes as far as to say there was threats being involved, of how they wouldn't want to join with such scum as the Forsaken, yet shouldn't shun such a great power as the Alliance. Fact is, the Gilneas Peninsula is indeed a strategic point in this war at sea, and these worgen may very well match the raw strength of an Orc, or even a Tauren.
With rumors like these floating around it is no suprise that the relationship is a shaky one at best.
With the aid of these untrusting and untrusted allies the Moonhowl imprisoned Furinn and the Elite Pack in the castle and secured the capital. But the wild worgen, now leaderless. run rampant through the peninsula and the new leader of Gilneas, alpha Ragus Moonfall, has declared these packs enemy of the Moonhowl and to be slain for the security of the kingdom.
Yet as this Fourth War closes in upon us all the Moonhowl will have ample opportunities to prove their worth, and the Alliance to prove their trust...

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLord Cogwrecker

holly crap lord how long did it take you to type that up?

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

can anyone link te website you got that info from?

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

"Oh yeah…
And here’s what I do with my spare time (don’t you just love spring break?)."

Sorry if I confused you there, but it's not the actual thing, I wrote it myself, and it doesn't have any website.
Just a little fun thing to pass the time :-)

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLord Cogwrecker

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