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The Next Expansion: What Blizzard SHOULD Do With New Races

Mohr BlizzCon Infoz Plz! kthxbye BlizzCon! Rumors incoming!

With BlizzCon less than two weeks away there is no surprise that we are starting to see leaks and rumors. MMO-Champion had reported on the races first with their data mining showing new Halloween masks that featured Goblin and Worgen races (of both sexes) and then pixiestixy brought us news today that WoW.com confirmed this information with sources close to the company, and specifically that Goblin will be Horde and Worgen will be Alliance.

To be quite honest, this news is a little underwhelming. This doesn't specifically add content outside of the starting zones and is quite a bit of work (all items have to be remodeled/skinned for these new races) for something that really doesn't ADD to the gameplay (argue all you want but it's merely a cosmetic upgrade). With the races apparently set in stone (we will know for sure at BlizzCon) I find that to be disappointing. The announcement of Blood Elves and Draenei had a much stronger impact because of the classes that you could use with those races, which were previously exclusive to the Horde (Shaman) and Alliance (Paladin).

Blizzard really should make these races start out neutral (can't interact with any Alliance/Horde player characters) and either the actions you take through your questing will decide your faction at, say level 20, or you just flat out get to choose. With faction transfers incoming, this would seem to be a logical extension of that model and where Blizzard wants to make the game as accessible and varied as possible. This alongside the lore implications that both these races are (generally) faction nuetral.

Based on past experience though I am inclined to believe that the new races are in the next expansion. We knew about Burning Crusade days before BlizzCon 2005 and BlizzCon 2007's announcement of Wrath of the Lich King was known a few days before as well. Funny though was that when I picked up my press badge that year they gave me a program guide with all the details about WotLK (which hadn't been officially announced) so that kind of killed the suspense of the opening ceremony but it was nice to see that the rumors were true.

With BlizzCon so close I expect to see a lot more "rumors" pop up, at this point be skeptical of nearly everything from this point on and we will all know August 21st (and we hope to see you there!)! Let us know what you'd like to see related to the new races, do you think picking your faction in game (rather than associated race) would be a good idea? What kind of ideas do you have if they continue down this path of alternating race/class additions every other expansion?

Reader Comments (55)

haha first

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


i think this is going to suck imo, its just gonna add more races when they are not needed.

we need more content for end levels. such as fun things to do apart from quests, raids etc....

maybe racing cars :P lol

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTehBenny

i hope that one of you will post about the blizzcon that is my only wish

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


i think your idea of racing is awsome i would love to see that

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

... Blizz is getting desprite... they are falling appart of Ideas for wow becus seriuosly Goblins could really only be Rogues maybe mages and worgen really dont have a class personaly i think they should have made a Neutral naga race with 3 new classes (water syphoner Improved mage with no fire or arcane spells 98% based Aoe Freeze and blizzard with Water and frost bolt like spells)
(Water hunter a hunter like class that uses water as arrows (dmg on attack risen by what level arrows would be givin at level) and having shots that freeze targets put dots on targets and being able to Tame a Pet) and lastly
a Slave keeper (being able to inslave enemys bending them to attack and defend for them(non PVPable spell) being able to send spiked chains to deal a mass amount of Direct dmg and a Rend like Debuff, ect...

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteroaky

I think your idea of being nuetral to a point and then choosing you side is a very good idea, though if this was implemented it would most likely be that you'd be made to do it like Death Knights where after you finish your starting quests you are already level 58 and the get sent to the capiatl city of you choice to swear alliegence to that faction.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDitz

Dont make such rediculous assertions based on what is still unconfirmed rumours - Blizz is hardly desperate or short on ideas just look at the massive amount of WoW lore!

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

i think you do have the right idea about choosing sides i could see an epic cinematic where you see the story of the both the horde and alliance and have to make the tough decision. I also like that idea about new races WoW is all about making choices and having lots of options it is getting to the point where i could have 5 80's with all the maxed out professions of all different races. Im sure many people that read this have also heard news of wood workings. I think that is another good idea because it it gives people more options... and as rolling a hunter at age 8 when wow first came out i know that there were many times when i had tough times getting bow and such and having another profession will help close the gaps for classes and be an interesting new addition because warcraft isn't meant to be easy to beat or easy to control its meant to be a challenge as we found out with ulduar

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

first off we didnt know what the fudge blizz will do we didnt know about the death knights in wotlk till closer to its release blizz has something big in store at blizzcon for wow. new races are nice but maybe goblins and worgen get their own class :?

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfuzzy

Racing?... gotta be kidding me, one of the worst ideas i've heard. WoW is a MMMORPG (R = Roleplaying) and built in a fantasy world. Adding such crap to the game would definatley be a downfall for blizz. Kids under 12 might think its fun though.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLongrage

i dont buy this gobli/worgen crap. its new classes or bust.
Besides, i dont have any free character slots left, and i not going to delete a lvl 80 character just to make one stinking goblin

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramidaman

im still cutting my wrists

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

@ Longrage

Of COURSE WoW has racing!! It always has but has just been unplayable....has everyone forgotten about the Mirage Raceway in 1k Needles? It's where we pick up our Carrot on a Stick trinket quest for ZF!

I think anything to break up the monotony of questing/leveling/dailies/grinding would be a welcome addtion to the game...besides which, why NOT give the beloved Engineers something unique in the game that isn't so quickly dismissed?

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHighwayman


im sure they'll add more slots to your character selection screen to make room. They did, with BC, and wrath, i'm sure they will for cataclysm.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDein

Worgen and Goblins sound awesome, they just need to add something big, like a completely new feature to WoW other wise its just going to be BC (more of the same with 2 new races)

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertrake2

I really like the idea of starting neutral for the new races, but I'd kinda like to see that application in a wider range as well.

The other races really couldn't start neutral (the player has a choice, but the character has grown up with the indoctrination of the race, e.g. Gnomes raised as a part of the alliance) So for all the other races, give them potential quest line later (say 20 or 30), to give them the option of "converting". The only big issue with this is mounts, but the simple solution for that is to associate each race also with a mount from the other faction, like night elves on Wolves, or Forsaken on (living) horses.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterb4k4

If were gonna see another new class in the expansion after this new one personally I think a hero healer would be awesome! Maybe something dealing directly with the light like the death knights with the scourage.

Death knight were a hero dps/tank class, so healer/cc would be great next.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJarlo

That god SW:TOR is coming out soon or I'll have to put up with these 'new races'. All it's going to do is cause a flux of goblins on the horde( They will be the new BELFs and hated like the gnomes) and worgen on the alliance.

I don't see myself spending $40 on the next expansion if all it's going to have to offer is 10 new levels, 2 races i won't be playing and a boss we won't see for well over a year after the expansion hits.

Blizzard is just getting desperate knowing that if they release new races people will be hooked for a little while leveling them from 1-90 and raiding for a little while until they realize its the same old boring shit again.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

This has been suggested a lot of the forums, I personally like the idea of having your own choice in the world instead of just clicking on Orc and logging in and being on that side, if Blizzard did that, players would have more of an option to really shape their character.

My fingers are crossed for Pandarens, even though they probably won't be added.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrenton

Well, it may not make change to the gameplay exactly, but for somebody like me (from an RP realm, laugh all you want) this makes a huge change. I mean, not only will, what we call, "lolworgens" actually have a valid excuse to exist, rather than just somebody rolling a blood elf death knight and going "I'M A WORGEN NOT A DEATH KNIGHT", which is really annoying....also, making shady deals with a goblin engineer? Sounds fun.

Anwyway, I hated when blizzard gave the horde elves, and I'll hate when they give us goblins. So Really, all my points are invalid and I shouldn't have taken time to write all this...

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagealitious

How many times does this need to be pounded into your heads?? Blizzard will NEVER make a neutral race, or a race avaliable to both sides. Why? Its mainly from a PVP standpoint. You dont know who the hell you would be fighting.

For PVP, you should merely have to look at the character to distinguish friend or foe, not click, scroll over target and such.

If you did any research at all (probably didnt) you'd find that Goblins have served the Hord ein the past. Who's to say a certain faction of Goblins couldn't join again???

Worgen on the other hand have a lot of Alliance things goin for them. Gilneas, Scythe of Elune, Dalaran Magi contemplating are a few...

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax


I always found the red text above someone's head a good indication of their alignment. :)

There are other reasons this could be complicated, and a permanent neutral race or faction would be troublesome for PvP, but not if you were forced to pick one side or the other after a certain point.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera


no one ever said you have to delete one of your level 80's just to make a goblin, its all up to you if you want to or not

and to everyone else, the lore in place already sets outcomes for how things can unfold, also there is gameplay problem with having the same race on each faction, it can make it difficult for you to differentiate a horde goblin from an alliance goblin, also these goblins wouldn't be the Steemwheedle cartel goblins in Booty bay and such, it would be a different faction of goblins joining the horde. Also, adding new classes is not Easy, ok, adding these new races makes for different leveling content so more variety can be had with leveling,

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbananaphone

blizzard should fix the current professions first before adding a new one mining is the source most of the mats for JC and BS i dont know about BS but some JC reguire titanium and some of us (me) dont have 5 hours to mine and yea i realize their is no reguirement to mine that long but their a sertain titanium reguirement and it would it takes roughly that long to reach it the 1 vein every half an hour is redicilous i think blizz needs to go back to the 3 loots a mine

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Red text in combat usually means you are staring at an enemy. People fight other people of the same Faction all the time in arena.......if an Orc came up to me with a red name, I'd kill them because I know what there intentions are....same with if a Human was doing it.

I play on a PvP server and I don't see any problems this would cause besides the scrubs screaming "OMG I DON'T KNOW WHO'S SIDE HE'S ON"

I hate to say this but learn 2 play. If WoW were an open PvP game it would be so much better. I don't want to be restrained to murdering countless Alliance folks. I want to kill Horde too. Forsaken and Blood Elves could really get into this on an RP server......

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

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