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Possible New Class/Race Combinations

spree_1024xPatch 3.2.2 has hit the PTR, and there is some surprising new data that has been data-mined. It appears that there are a bunch of new race/class combination, though it is unclear if these will actually be playable. It may just be for NPCs.

The list is as follows:

  • Human Hunter

  • Orc Mage

  • Night Elf Mage

  • Blood Elf Warrior

  • Dwarf Shaman

  • Undead Hunter

  • Tauren Paladin

  • Tauren Priest

  • Gnome Priest

  • Troll Druid

I think this may well be true. I totally predicted both Tauren Paladins and Dwarf Shaman in an earlier Proverb article, and it could totally be viable. Check out the full article for my justification.

In other news, a new quest has appeared on the PTR for the Alliance that parallels the new quest that Horde players gained in patch 3.2. In it, a dialogue occurs between a Highborne Night Elf and a sentinel. The Highborne, Archmage Mordent Evenshade, requests an audience with Tyrande:

Archmage Mordent Evenshade looks over the moonwell with a sigh.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Calm yourself, Sentinel. I do not seek to use it. I am merely... remembering.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Recalling your treachery?
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Enough. I have been apart from this for centuries. The well within this temple may be a pale spectre of the Well of Eternity, but it still holds the same... beauty. Purity.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I had forgtten.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Watch yourself, Highborne.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: You were the one who challenged me for merely looking. I still await my audience with Tyrande.
Sentinel Stillbough says: In good time.

It may be that we see Highborne Night Elves as Mages, Wildhammer Dwarves as Shaman, and light-following former-Druid Taurens as Paladins in the near future. Is this awesome, or really awesome?

Reader Comments (88)

There's nothing wrong with those races getting those classes. NE Mage for example, sure they hate Arcane magic now after the War of the Ancients, but NE & BE were once the same race, they just have different Status, BE being Highbornes and NE as their commoners. Sure they separate after the war but doesn't mean they can't convert or change their believes.

The BE & Tauren Paladins might be called differently (Blood Knight & Druid of the Sun) but doesn`t mean they are different classes.

Dwarf Shaman, they were Earthen once before the Curse of Flesh takes over them, so the least they can do is control the Earth element.

And last but not least, life in Azeroth is no different than in other world, there are schools, and orphanage, etc. People do get taught new things by other people, just like the Human was taught Arcane magic by the BE (High Elves back then) back in the Troll Wars as a payment to help the HE against the Trolls. Maybe some interested Trolls decide to travel to TB to learn Druidism, after all there is a new Zep from Org, traveling just made easy.

As for Human Hunter...let`s not even go there, it`s like saying Robin Hood is impossible.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Human Hunter ... OK
Orc Mage ... WTF???
Night Elf Mage ... WTF???
Blood Elf Warrior ... OK
Dwarf Shaman ... WTF??? OMFG!
Undead Hunter ...WTF???
Tauren Paladin ...WTF???
Tauren Priest ...WTF???
Gnome Priest ... OK
Troll Druid ... WTF???

This isn't the WoW I used to play...

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterledg

NE mage... we already have one elf mage we don't need another one. :\

Dwarf shaman. Need I say more. :\

Human hunter... eh it's possible, not saying I'd roll one though.

Troll druid... just doesn't sound right. Tauren paladin... what?... What? Tauren rogue before paladin.

Honestly I'd rather have Worgen and Goblin have new classes of their own. Or maybe a hero class or two. Healer/DPS hero class please. :3

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHoruzumi

So they are finally thinking about a BE warrior huh? Bout frigging time!!! Only race in the game to NOT have a warrior class.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterscorge99

Human Hunter
Orc Mage
Night Elf Mage
Gnome Priest
these race/class combinations are the only ones that would make sense. atleast imo, the other ones just completly screw with lore

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbloodraptor

Dwarf shamans make perfect sense. Dwarves are mutated Earthen, which gives them a strong connection to the Earth. I don't have any problem with them exploring that connection some more and connecting with air, water and fire as well.

And if you've done the Thorim quest chain in Storm Peaks, in one of the quests you'll be leading a group of five earthen shamans. So that's more justification.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStaffan

I've said it before and I'm saying it again! Tauren Paladins= /cutwrists.... Is there nothing sacred about the World of Warcraft anymore? Either give all races access to a paladin or don't do this bullshit that has absolutely no sense
/rant over

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

the only race/class combination that doesnt make any sence is is night elf mage maybe be blizzard can do something something like they did with the DKS some high elfs start of as horde then betray their faction and join the alliance i would make aa NE just so i can screw horde.this game is going down a terrible rode blizz used to carre about the lore of the game but now they seem to care less and less and retconing more and more

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I thin they should at least make a worgen druid.
1. It's closer to nature, obviously, having barely retained any human cognition besides the unrestrained animalistic features.
2. Why should the Horde have 2 druid races and the Alliance only 1?
3. It would be awesome IMO but raises the question, how many cusomization options?! Worgens will have 2 shapes, human and worgen, both customizable. Then comes the hair color/ skin color for the bear/cat combo. A lot of detail that can go wrong.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Oh, and please read to the bottom :( . I really want to hear what Proverb might unearth on this "worgen druid" concept. Personally I think it's one of the few combinations that makes sense. Tauren paladin? Sounds like a wet dream, not a plausible reality. Dwarf shaman?!?? Go with night elf instead, both them and taurens have a closer connection to natural aspects, just as Proverb hinted at with the Druid of the Sun article.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

I really hope that dosent get to happen D:

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRasmus

Tauren paladins are possible, the power of paladins come from the light, the light will heed the call of anyone with faith enough(meaning that any race could be a paladin, just take a look at Argent Dawn/Crusade, they have orcs and taurens there), and if there is a faitful race on the Horde it's the Tauren, they have a strong connection with their gods("The Earthmother watches over you"), so why not worship the light? Everyone meets the power of light once they reach Shattrath and meet the Naaru.
Tauren priests make it even more clear, priests worship the light too. Same goes for Gnomes, being priests that proves they could be paladins too.
Troll druids are possible too, they have a good connection with the nature and all, they are great shamans, it's just a diferent kind of connection with the nature.
Undead Hunter? I didn't like that one, only if they say that they still have the power to tame beasts as they had when alive.
Blood Elf warrior is kinda weird, I mean, Blood Elves are too connected with magic to just throw it away and hit stuff, but there are rogues, so why not Warriors?
NE Mage, about time. Only because they know that arcane magic destroyed them before, that doesn't mean can't try again.
Orc mages would make sense, they could learn it with the Trolls, and they already use Fire and Water/Ice in their shamanistic magics, they would need to learn how to commune with arcane magic now.
As of Dwarf Shamans, as stated before, they were Earthen before the curse of flesh, and they are the one who dig in the earth to learn about the past, why couldn't they learn about their own past and their connection with the nature?

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrion

I don't find much point to this...I find myself asking "why" but then I find myself asking "why not"

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTaskun

Human Hunter -- This makes so much sense that you'd have to have been dropped as baby if you don't get it.

Orc Mage -- Kinda stretching things, hmm?

Night Elf Mage -- Only if the highborne are making a comeback, otherwise this is completely off-the-wall stuff.

Blood Elf Warrior -- I've always wondered why blood elves didn't get to be warriors. How'd they defend Silvermoon back in the Third War, then?

Dwarf Shaman -- It's plausible, since there's the Wildhammer clan and the Earthen Dwarves.

Undead Hunter -- Wrong on so many levels.

Tauren Paladin -- Plausible, with the patch 3.2 quest.

Tauren Priest -- Seems rather iffy. A priest is to be seen as a guiding influence, but the Tauren have druids in their society for that purpose.

Gnome Priest -- Nothing in lore that's for or against this combo, so I say go right ahead.

Troll Druid -- Implausible. Shamanism is at the center of Troll society (amongst the Darkspear, anyway). While the elements are a part of nature, Trolls do not worship nature as a whole.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I wonder what kind of form would troll have...So going to do troll druid.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPekko

pls tell me that this is one sick joke....

i like to be able to play the clas i want with the race i want but that should not happen if it doesint fit in the lore

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrhy


August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralluweb

This probably means that Worgen (the new race) are gonna have druids.

Think about it. Come Cataclysm, there will be 2 existing races with druids for horde, and 1 for alliance, so a new race could take the druid class on. Not only that, if you look at the alliance races, there aren't really any other races at the moment that could be druids.

All the leaked information sounds really cool. We'll just have to wait to see if its true come BlizzCon

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSkorch

i dont see why people are complaining about orc mage? mage and warlocks are very close, its just warlocks are dark magic users, maybe some orcs got bored and took a lesson from the trolls on magic? :D

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbillybob

the NE are the only once restricted by lore the NE race would have to broken into 2 parts cuase the current existing nlue hair pointy ears elfs could never be mages for 10,000 years they stayed away from aracne magic how much sence would it make if they all of a sudden ditched their fear of arcane magic

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Rofl, i can see what the Dwarf Shamans Totems would look like... coloured Kegs ftw =]

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLul

Human Hunter would be beastly Pvpers. 2 Free Pvp Trinkets( If you are Beast Master Talented Enough to Bestial Wrath and The Beast Within). Dont You think that it would be quite unfair for pvpers to have to deal with that and that. Plus that is with 2 Trinket slots open you could have Three Pvp trinkets and Human Hunters would get nerfed just as Hunters will get nerfed.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFormofdruid

NE mage,,,,,sigh
the lenght they would go to to kill ARTHAS

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

What about Blood elf warriors, the whole reason the horde got paladins was because blood elves weren't warriors.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSup1212


BE got paladins because no other rrace of the horde had paladins it was an attemp to balance the game

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

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