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Possible New Class/Race Combinations

spree_1024xPatch 3.2.2 has hit the PTR, and there is some surprising new data that has been data-mined. It appears that there are a bunch of new race/class combination, though it is unclear if these will actually be playable. It may just be for NPCs.

The list is as follows:

  • Human Hunter

  • Orc Mage

  • Night Elf Mage

  • Blood Elf Warrior

  • Dwarf Shaman

  • Undead Hunter

  • Tauren Paladin

  • Tauren Priest

  • Gnome Priest

  • Troll Druid

I think this may well be true. I totally predicted both Tauren Paladins and Dwarf Shaman in an earlier Proverb article, and it could totally be viable. Check out the full article for my justification.

In other news, a new quest has appeared on the PTR for the Alliance that parallels the new quest that Horde players gained in patch 3.2. In it, a dialogue occurs between a Highborne Night Elf and a sentinel. The Highborne, Archmage Mordent Evenshade, requests an audience with Tyrande:

Archmage Mordent Evenshade looks over the moonwell with a sigh.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Calm yourself, Sentinel. I do not seek to use it. I am merely... remembering.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Recalling your treachery?
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Enough. I have been apart from this for centuries. The well within this temple may be a pale spectre of the Well of Eternity, but it still holds the same... beauty. Purity.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I had forgtten.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Watch yourself, Highborne.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: You were the one who challenged me for merely looking. I still await my audience with Tyrande.
Sentinel Stillbough says: In good time.

It may be that we see Highborne Night Elves as Mages, Wildhammer Dwarves as Shaman, and light-following former-Druid Taurens as Paladins in the near future. Is this awesome, or really awesome?

Reader Comments (88)

Looks like another alt may be in the making for me then. Definitely gonna be trying out the Undead hunter.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Human hunters exist his name was Nathanos Marris (ok well actually he was a ranger lord but what ever)
and after he died he became an undead hunter Nathanos Blightcaller(from what i know this one is a hunter as he has 2 pets)

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

I would love a troll druid, to those who say they shouldn't be possible what about Zul'Gurub, the troll bosses in there each transform into a different animal so how's that any different than a druid's shapeshifts. Undead hunters make some sense to me in the fact that if humans get to be hunters when they die and become forsaken they shold still be a hunter. Don't think I'd play one though. I like the idea of Tauren Pallys for the simple fact that Blood Elves overpopulate the horde side as is at least now there would be some diversity to the horde paladins. And as far as the alliance combonations I don't much care cause I play horde and haven't had too much experience on the ally side.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I see so many of these post that say WTF this WTF that,blizz is crazy,you guys didnt even read anything did you?Dwarf do have elemental abilities as Hearthbourne said in his previous posts,Tauren can use "the power of the light" if you did the quest(I dont know the name but it was in Proverb also),NE mages can make sense if they are highborne,Undead hunters tottaly make sense,cmon just look at Nathanos in Eastern Plaguelands,he has a pet dog and uses his bow and it would make sense that undead have every class human have(except the paladins,because that would be just stupid) and for Gnomes,well,they had to give them something.

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelsing

undead hunter could work if what ever you tamed became undead aswell ?

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOshnagie

Human Hunter
Orc Mage
Night Elf Mage
Blood Elf Warrior
gnome priest

Those i can live with the others...SIMPLY RIDICULOUS !

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDentodili

i wanna be a gonme hunter /gnome paladin :D

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterludde


August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterludde

GNOMES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Tauren Priest/Paladin..What's with that?! This is going to be so stupid.I thought these guys are a primitive and a spiritual race not holy knights and not anything holy at all.And lets not even talk about the dwarf shaman.As for some other combinations like the human/undead hunter and troll druid i think they're good.

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersilvermax

I think that all the above combonations are possible, you just have to open you eyes and think about every one. NE mage is probably the most possible. just because they are supposed to be afraid doesn't mean some still pratice the magic. We still make bombs and guns even tho we are afraid of them so why can't they still pratice it in private? Troll druids are easy enough they pratice shamanism obiviously the next step up from that would be druidism. Its not so different from shamanism. its just the foucus of nature and not elements. Orc mages, i don't have any problem with them either should you they have enough influence from the races of the horde. Tauren cannot be rouges do to their beliefs and alliance to the horde. so they CAN be druids of the sun. BE warrior isnt a paladin a holy warrior? so why not take out the power of holy and enhance the fighting. From what i read some of you are bias to your faction and what YOU think is right. these class options should have been out when vanilla came out. if they were you wouldn't have played the game i think you still would have because they do make since...... You have to believe that Azeroth is just like us. they have secrets and beliefs just like us they can pratice things and preform some magic that isn't usuall custom to them, they may get shunned for it but they still do.

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdotts'ers

I think Taurens cant be rogue`s Because of thier hoofs not because of their beliefs + cat form druid is close enough for me isnt it for you?

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

okay all the lore of the races do aid in these combos. There are some Highbourne out there who werent affected by the destuction of the sunwell, so a NE mage is possible, Tauren(since the new patch) do follow their owne form of the Light, so a priest and pally are possible, the Wildhammer dwarves do celebrate the elements so dwarve shammys are possible, human hunters...well any race can be a hunter really,gnome priest...well that one is a little more difficult,gnomes have turned away from the gods and turned to technology, but who says that some still follow the light. the only one i have a small issue with is the troll druid. their entire society is surrounded by shamanism and voodoo, but i guess it is possible.

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVayder

Okay, so I read a few comments and it's mostly people wondering why each class/race combo doesn't make sense. So I'm offering at a small idea of how.

Human Hunter:
This one is the least confusing in my opinion. Anyone who has taken the time to learn the skill of a ranged weapon and learn the ways of nature could act on this, there's nothing racial about it. Plus, in defense, what about all the Human trappers we see in the Grizzly Hills? Don't they qualify as hunters?

Orc Mage:
Contrary to popular belief, Orcs are not unitelligent. Yes, many are violent and bloodthirsty, and this does give the illusion of stupidity. However Orcs are in reality very cunning, and it should also be noted that not all orcs rely entirely on brute strength, as Orcs can already be Warlocks. Should an orc take the time to study magic, they would likely have just as much success as any other race.

Night Elf Mage:
This is one of the more confusing ones. According to Lore, the Quel'dorei (Night Elves) are no fans of magic after the events of the War of the Ancients, and it is mainly for this reason that the Sin'dorei (High/Blood Elves) seperated from them. However, this does not mean that the Night Elf race as a whole completely hates magic. It is very possible that some do practice it despite the racial disapproval. And once more, look at Orc warlocks. Consorting with demons is heavily frowned upon in Orc culture, but yet Orcs can still become Warlocks.

Blood Elf Warrior:
No confusion as to this one. Blizzard had originally removed the idea of Blood Elf warriors due to the fact that they wanted to keep things balanced with no more than 4-6 classes per race. As there are now more options avialable to all the other races, it only makes sense that Blizzard provides a race with a class they were originally forced to remove.

Dwarf Shaman:
Once more, this has caused much confusion. However, looking at the dwarves history things begin to clear up. The Dwarves have always had a close bond with the earth, living within it and recieiving many neccesities from within it. It would come as a surprise to none if the dwarves could learn to communicate and call upon the powers of the earth. In turn, they could likely learn to associate with the other elements as well. And let us not forget that Iron Dwarf Shamans have been seen in Northrend as well, acting as additional proof that the dwarves have a chance of learning shamanstic abilites.

Undead Hunter:
Again, this is a simple one. A human whom died in death would likely retain his ranged combat prowess and beast-mastery skills if reborn as a Forsaken. And as Undead can already play as any human class (With the exception of the Paladin), it only makes sense to include the Hunter in the Undead options.

Tauren Paladin/Priest:
As explained in the previous Proverb blog post, it is highly likely that Tauren in the past used the powers of the Light to their aid before taking up drudism. If Tauren could relearn to use this light, they could easily use it in battle. Hence Tauren could use the light to the purpose of healing, defense, and combat as many other races do.

Gnome Priest:
Personally, I know of no good lore explanation for this option. I see it mostly as a sense of balance, as gnomes have yet to have a class with healing options. All current gnome classes can DPS, and Warriors and Death Knights may tank, but none have healing abilities at their disposal. Also, as there are many religons in the world of Azeroth, it is likely that some gnomes worship the light (Or possible some other religon) and can call upon it to their aid.

Troll Druid:
As with the gnome priest, this is entirely speculation on my part. However, with the various troll tribes existing in Azeroth, there are many tribes which practice various forms of magic, combat, and survival. If one or more tribes of trolls learned the ways of Druidism, it would not be out of places considering the various rituals and magics the trolls practice.

These are simply my opinion. I think these work great, but I don't expect everyone to agree with me. If you disagree, that's cool. These are just MY opinions, and I don't expect everyone to share them. :)

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpifftastic

i wanna see a dwarf tankin somthin as shammin get heals and shields i mean come on thats awesome

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrAwesome

no way there gona make a nightelf mage, it goes against everything they stand for. dwarf shammys..maby. i dont know much about how shammys roll but dwarves arnt in to nature THAT much.

tauren pallys is stupid too, there a spiritual race in the sence of nature, not light.

but it will be cool to see more variety in hunter races and troll druids sounds realy cool. gnomes will be layin the rezes now (other than with the help of booster-cables)

all in all i think this will add alot more choice into the charicter creation and i am realy looking forward to this, if it is for real :)

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilanor

oh spiff i just read you poast and that does clear alot of things up. i totaly agree with all of that

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilanor

Dwarf shaman Tauren paladin , priest Nelf mage LOL
others are neutral

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlaninja

ok i read the comments and have this to say:
ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT TAUREN CAN'T BE PALADINS?YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT LIGHT ISN'T PART OF NATURE?gooood...oh, and the dwarf shamans...you are a noob if you haven't heard of this, but earthen were given the curse of flesh, meaning they must still have some connection with the earth.
Spiff, you're comment is true, about the humans in Grizzly hills.When humans died they were reborn as forsaken.The forsaken remember all of their abilities in their past lives (warlock, mage, etc), so i doubt they wont be able to remember something like shooting arrows or using guns.
Blood elf warrior.the people wondering and bashing that blood elves are way to connected with magic are wrong.when the sunwell was destroyed the blood elves lost their magic, but some of them still had a little left in them, but thirst for more.what if the warriors had all of their magic drained?
Tauren rogue before paladin?come on, tauren are noble and honorable, i can't imagine a tauren running around with a knife killing and robing people.If you are thinking of the twillight and grimtotem you are wrong about them.no tauren is bad IMO.they were either forced, tortured or taken away when young and brainwashed.
P.S.I read a comment that said about the orcs: why are such big strong guys mages?well why are such big strong guys warlocks?

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNick

Troll druid is simple look at Zull`aman
Halazzi (Lynx)=cat form
Nalorakk (Bear)=bear form
Akil'zon (Eagle)=moonkin
Jan'alai (Dragonhawk)=flight form for all i care
and i remember a troll that turned into a elephant(maybe mammoth)

p.s. @ Spifftastic Quel`dorei are high elfs
Sin`dorei are blood elfs
and Kalei`dorei are night elf

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

seamingly its kal`dorei = night elfs

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

When is the PTR coming out ?

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterepicwin

I generally like the new concept but I'm mostly having a hardtime imaginating Orc mage.. For those who have read the well of eternity trilogy you get alot info about the orcs (Broxigar in this case) that they are clever warriors that work with intillegence and strength not migicians .. but I really like the idea of Ne Mage.. In the book, Rhonin, krasus and Brox went back in time to just the well of eternity to Malfurion / Ilidan and Tyrandes time.. Illidan right away got intrested of Rhonin and the powers he wielded (and rhonin is a mage as we all know) and the Highborne were some sort of mages so I just have one thing too say altough I Dont play alliance , w00t

August 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterswingly

all of you saying dwarfs cant be shamans.....LOOK AT THE EARTHEN IN NORTHREND......u all remember the quest in storm peaks.....The earthern u summon have LAVA BURST EARTH SHEILD EARTH SHOCK.........they are dwarfs........so who said dwarfs cant be shamans?

August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRayl

Human Hunter eh? Make a human Hunter named Dickdasterly and get a wolf named Muttly, dwarf shamans and tauren pallys HOLY COW (Pun intended)

August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQuilan

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