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Possible New Class/Race Combinations

spree_1024xPatch 3.2.2 has hit the PTR, and there is some surprising new data that has been data-mined. It appears that there are a bunch of new race/class combination, though it is unclear if these will actually be playable. It may just be for NPCs.

The list is as follows:

  • Human Hunter

  • Orc Mage

  • Night Elf Mage

  • Blood Elf Warrior

  • Dwarf Shaman

  • Undead Hunter

  • Tauren Paladin

  • Tauren Priest

  • Gnome Priest

  • Troll Druid

I think this may well be true. I totally predicted both Tauren Paladins and Dwarf Shaman in an earlier Proverb article, and it could totally be viable. Check out the full article for my justification.

In other news, a new quest has appeared on the PTR for the Alliance that parallels the new quest that Horde players gained in patch 3.2. In it, a dialogue occurs between a Highborne Night Elf and a sentinel. The Highborne, Archmage Mordent Evenshade, requests an audience with Tyrande:

Archmage Mordent Evenshade looks over the moonwell with a sigh.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Calm yourself, Sentinel. I do not seek to use it. I am merely... remembering.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Recalling your treachery?
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: Enough. I have been apart from this for centuries. The well within this temple may be a pale spectre of the Well of Eternity, but it still holds the same... beauty. Purity.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I had forgtten.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm.
Sentinel Stillbough says: Watch yourself, Highborne.
Archmage Mordent Evenshade says: You were the one who challenged me for merely looking. I still await my audience with Tyrande.
Sentinel Stillbough says: In good time.

It may be that we see Highborne Night Elves as Mages, Wildhammer Dwarves as Shaman, and light-following former-Druid Taurens as Paladins in the near future. Is this awesome, or really awesome?

Reader Comments (88)

personally i cant wait to see if the troll druid combo is really i would love to see what those forms would look like and i would definitaly roll a tauren paly to piss off my BE friends heh.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrisnan

I dont know about the Tauren Paladin. lol

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaberian

MAJOR FAIL look up the well of eternity lore one cannot be both a druid as a well as a mage what happen did some of the NE hit their or smoked a whole bunch of pot and said "hey i am going to learn the arts of a mage forget that it nearly obliterated our former comrades" it doesnt make any sance i dont like the path blizzard is going down blizzard seem to care less and less about history of azeroth and its residents their biting of pieces of the puzzle piece just to make them fit and allthough is easier it isnt right another sighn of blizz lazyness i sincearly hope blizz isnt going to give NE the abillity to be a mage and show that atleast someone thier has some sence

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

I would say most of those combination make sense. I always wondered why Belfs couldn't be warriors... that one just never made sense to me. I know that they were keeping a balance between factions but come on...

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBearshark

I want a Human Hunter

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDieoxide

I would be rolling a Dwarven Shaman the instant I could.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAzurko

Oh bobs. I've always loves trolls the most, but shamanism always comes in second place to druidism. A close second, but still not my first pick. A troll moonkin? I'd trade your mother's left arm for that to be.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuppincakes

...There better be armor that looks good on Taurens for paladins. If it is anywhere NEAR tier 7.5k, ill /wrists.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRok

WOOOT I've always wanted to be a gnome healer xD

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDudeofdeath

grrr....I want a TAUREN ROGUE lol :)

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdianode

Some of these make at least some semblance of sense (i.e. Human Hunter), but most are just "WTF?!" combos. Seriously Blizzard? Dwarf SHAMAN?! Night Elf MAGE?!

According to lore, Night Elves abhor arcane magic. This is the very reason the Quel'Dorei were cast out in the first place.

And since when do dwarves communicate with the Elements?

Retcon much? I think so.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

O.o tauren pally hmmmm idunno but human hunter YES i'ma make one lv 2 IF these do come out tho whihc i want to

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessiness

Next theyll be releasing gnome paladins. o.O

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

yay, water it down more. woot.


August 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdave

Just a quick one in relation to the whole Dwarf Shaman thing... yeh its pretty out there I gotta admit, but arent there currently iron-dwarf shaman NPC's all over Northrend? There must be some way for it to relate back to that right?

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBunz

K um...no NE mages. Maybe if when you picked a NE mage it turned into a highborne or somethin. And their casting stance changed. NE casting is ewwww. >.< . No Undead Hunters unless all of the pets you get can turn into undead...or unless you would be able to tame demons. Then maybe. lol'd on Tauren Paladins. We want Tauren Rogues not Paladins.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterraijin


August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStridah

Omg that is so rubbish !
wtf , this game is so much ruining it self bit by bit , im getting further and further away from the love of this game ..

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPirtch

OMG I would pay the fee to re-make my 80 BE pally into a tauren pally. And troll druids might just be the key to bringing my brother in law back to the horde. I always wondered why humans could never be hunters from the start though.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

Dwarf Shaman....????

The Alliance shouldn't have had Shamans in the first place, so why Dwarves?? :P

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBianca


August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

So... Tauren Paladin? I can see that. However, the horde, technically, does not have paladins. It has "Blood Knights". And I can not see Taurens being Blood Knights... Just a point.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLil ole me

dwarf shaman?
tauren priest and tauren paladin?


August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrial

I have to say I'm not sure about Orc mages or Troll druids. Are Orc's really literate enough to be a mage. Besides, it seems like mages would be a bit to soft for big burly orcs =P. Still, are trolls really closer enough to nature to be druids? They are close friends with the orcs not the tauren and I can only see the tauren being the one's who would teach them.
I can just about justify the rest of them. The Nelf mages though, would have to be a separate group of Nelfs which I don't think could quite follow some of the Nelf starting zone quests, so would need a new starting zone. I can understand if some Nelfs went back to using magic, but's just I wonder how outcast they would be.
Finally, if these changes do go ahead, poor orcs will be the only race who cant be a priest.

Overall though, I'm not sure about the changes. I'd quite like to see the lore behind a few, but if blizz don't put enough effort in, I think there is no point in having them. I'll make my mind up if and when they come around.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhanttas

Fricken crazy awsome!!!!! Taurens retadens with tauren health buff WTF!!!

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHenryzx

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