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GameTrailers Posts Expansion Wishlist

WoW-centric sites aren't the only ones excited about the upcoming expansion. The venerable GameTrailers has thrown their hat into the speculation ring, as well, detailing all sorts of areas they would love to see in Cataclysm. For the most part, they cover the same sorts of unreleased zones I've been discussing in my Cataclysm Countdown series of articles, but there are several that I neglected to touch upon.

Most intriguing of these is the Emerald Dream, something that most of us have anticipated seeing in another future expansion. Despite this, I think some arguments can be made for its inclusion in Cataclysm. The great Night Elf Druid, Malfurion Stormrage, played a big role in the War of the Ancients. Currently, he is trapped (or willfully stays within) the Emerald Dream, combating the forces of the Nightmare that have corrupted it.

Malfurion Stormrage, Lord of the Druids Malfurion Stormrage, Lord of the Druids

The rumors that have surfaced mention Malfurion returning to the physical realm to activate Thrall as the next Guardian of Tirisfal. If these events actually occur, he may bring news of what's occuring in the Dream with him. And if that news can be linked to the greater threat of the Maelstrom and Azshara, there may be cause to send players into the wild green yonder.

Another idea that piqued my interest was opening up Timbermaw Hold. It doesn't seem to have any particular importance to the grander storyline, but if Azshara's going to turned into a 10-20 zone, it would make a perfect 5-man dungeon for that level set. It may also serve as a pathway into the nearby Mount Hyjal.

The video also goes over a number of the random, unfinished zones still littered throughout Azeroth (such as the Ironforge Airport and the barren area to the west of Brill in Tirisfal Glade). If these areas aren't filled in, they'll probably be removed or otherwise modified in the new version of the world.

Ultimately, it seems the folks over at GameTrailers know about as much as we do. There's nothing new to be found here, and all of the footage in the video is taken from existing areas, but it's nice to have a well-produced visual overview of what we all hope to see in the coming days.

Watch the video and discuss! Let us know what you think of GameTrailer's speculation, as well as our own!

Reader Comments (8)

Excellent theories! I tend to agree that Malfurion will make a return to Azeroth in the near Future. Although I can't see Thrall becoming the next Guardian. I don't recall any member of the Horde being allowed to achieve that. (If I'm wrong please post in the Comments, I'd love to read it). One of the things I've been hearing is Thrall becoming elevated to something more than Warchief. Which leaves a Vaccum to be filled. The rumor I've been hearing is Garrosh taking the position. Which naturally will spark a war with the Alliance. Excatly something the Lich King, the Old Gods, and The Burning Crusade. Garrosh is for lack of a better Term: Too Short sighted to be Warchief. It would be a Huge step backward for The Horde and I'm certain Varian would sever any ties that may have been established. That being said I think Thrall would make a great Guardian of Tirisfal. He would be the first Shaman to ever and could really do some good for Azeroth as a whole.

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThabion

thanks for the link and info Amatera.

i have always wondered about the places on the map we cannot go and the quests that just seemed to end. I would be really interested in the Uldaman one opening up. That was a nice questline and really left you hanging.

in less than 24 hours we will get our much anticipated info from Blizz on the future, so we'll have to see if it will meet the expectations.

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

Makes me kind of glad that I'm not the only 1 speculating and thinking the possibilities that can happen. About Thrall becoming the next Guardian of Tirisfal, does that mean WOW now follows the comic storyline? It's a pity Horde Orcs and Trolls will fall to the hands of Garrosh, like father like son, Fel Orcs might return, this time with Fel Trolls.

But Saurfang already promised us that he'll kill Garrosh before he does the unthinkable, so we're safe :D

(Why can't Thrall make Saurfang Warchief in the 1st place? Unless Saurfang died in Icecrown Citadel fighting Saurfang the younger or LK)

In case you guys haven't notice, I'm a conspiracy theorist LOL

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Definitely an interesting take on the speculation, and agree with their wish list. More filled out lore, please! :)

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

Blizzard did always say that the emerald dream could be patched in and that would account for Arthas' visions in the book, but what I dont get is Blizz said the next Exp will be something we wouldn't expect but if some of the rumours are true it was pretty much what we all expected a while back.

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPowar


i have to point out sme errors with your post first of all grom garoshes father freed the orcs from the burning legion he gave his life in the process and garosh is a hothead doing things before thinking it through second of all sourfang died in the iceecrown citadel battle because he rushed into battle before thinkng about it

back to the topicc i am really looking forwar to to garosh taking command of the horde only because of the reason mantioned above he will bring this war into full swing you just know that neither varian or garosh will not hold anything back and they will keep fighting untill one side is compeltly oblitorated and all hope for peace between the 2 fractions willl be broken f*** i cant wait for blizzcon you guys are going to post about it arent you?

i had no idea that i said so many of those words the wrong way. thrall becoming a gaurdian of terisfall makes me think of medivh amongst his last words were "azeroth no longer needs" guardians which i disagree with as we allways has a mystical force helping up combat the burning legion, scourge those bugs, it makes me wonder if medivh is coming back and shouldent aegwyn a former guardian and garona son forget the names (warcraft names are so complicated allways have a ' in them) be mentoring him, medivh says taht he doesnt plan to be seen on azeroth again but plans change

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Omg, put a fullstop or two in there, please!

Didn't Saurfang die in the battle at the Wrathgate, not in Icecrown at all?

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

@cocopuff, it's a shame. You do seem to know your stuff, but it just hurts to read your comments filled with grammatical n spelling errors n devoid of punctuation.

Back on topic, as a druid i'd love to see the emerald dream come into play n we can interact with our guardian, Malfurion.

August 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteraadjed

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