Entries in malfurion (1)

GameTrailers Posts Expansion Wishlist

WoW-centric sites aren't the only ones excited about the upcoming expansion. The venerable GameTrailers has thrown their hat into the speculation ring, as well, detailing all sorts of areas they would love to see in Cataclysm. For the most part, they cover the same sorts of unreleased zones I've been discussing in my Cataclysm Countdown series of articles, but there are several that I neglected to touch upon. Most intriguing of these is the Emerald Dream, something that most of us have anticipated seeing in another future expansion. Despite this, I think some arguments can be made for its inclusion in Cataclysm. The great Night Elf Druid, Malfurion Stormrage, played a big role in the War of the Ancients. Currently, he is trapped (or willfully stays within) the Emerald Dream, combating the forces of the Nightmare that have corrupted it. Malfurion Stormrage, Lord of the Druids Malfurion Stormrage, Lord of the Druids The rumors that have surfaced mention Malfurion returning to the physical realm to activate Thrall as the next Guardian of Tirisfal. If these events actually occur, he may bring news of what's occuring in the Dream with him. And if that news can be linked to the greater threat of the Maelstrom and Azshara, there may be cause to send players into the wild green yonder. Another idea that piqued my interest was opening up Timbermaw Hold. It doesn't seem to have any particular importance to the grander storyline, but if Azshara's going to turned into a 10-20 zone, it would make a perfect 5-man dungeon for that level set. It may also serve as a pathway into the nearby Mount Hyjal. The video also goes over a number of the random, unfinished zones still littered throughout Azeroth (such as the Ironforge Airport and the barren area to the west of Brill in Tirisfal Glade). If these areas aren't filled in, they'll probably be removed or otherwise modified in the new version of the world. Ultimately, it seems the folks over at GameTrailers know about as much as we do. There's nothing new to be found here, and all of the footage in the video is taken from existing areas, but it's nice to have a well-produced visual overview of what we all hope to see in the coming days. Watch the video and discuss! Let us know what you think of GameTrailer's speculation, as well as our own!

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