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Where To Begin In Patch 3.2...

Not The First Stop, But I'll Be There Soon

There's a crapload of stuff to do in this upcoming patch.  Thanks to Blizzard's shift in patch design, from just high end content to a solid mix of content for all player types, the Call of the Crusade patch has my head spinning.  I hope you have a grasp on the content thanks to our extensive coverage, but that doesn't mean you have a plan for tonight.  I love content, so my plan is already in the works.

I'm a realist.  I will be shocked, stunned, stupefied if the servers come up on time.  Let alone coming up and being stable enough to raid, heroic get anything of substance done.  My pessimistic outlook on patching doesn't mean I won't be logging in though.  You damn well better believe I will be spamming the servers next to each and everyone of you.  Downloading the patch is of the utmost importance, but I haven't seen it available anywhere as of the time of this writing.  The first order of business that we should all take care of upon logging in is following Heartbourne's advice, and dumping the old and busted emblems for some new hotness.  With a purse full of Emblems of Conquest I will be able to pick up a few minor upgrades before venturing into the new 5-man and old heroics.  Then Solidsamm will revisit his old stomping ground of the Argent Tournament.  He's heard through the grapevine that there's a lot more to do up there these days.  Not to mention that the Black Knight has been heard calling him out.

My little stabbing machine can receive his fair share of upgrades from Conquest and Triumph badges, but its Solidsagart who can benefit the most.  I'll surely get called into heroics and raids during the week, but my main focus is going to be on the priest.  I'd be absolutely stupid to not hit level 80 on my healer ASAP.  With everyone and their brother once again running heroics it'll be incredibly easy to find groups, and fairly easy to collect badges for her.  Much to the hardcore playerbase's chagrin, she'll be geared out the wazoo in no time.  She'll just have to wait until Solidsamm conquers the new 5-man dungeon.

Those are the basic starting points for me.  What are you going to do as soon as the servers return to a stable state?  Return to the Argent Tournament grounds for the new dailies and easy money?  Continue working on your pile of Champion's Seals for the mounts and pets?  Go Raptor hunting?  Or are you going to just dive right into one of the four levels of the Argent Coliseum's raid content?

As with all patches, I will be rapidly filling my coffers thanks to all the needed materials I have been hording for weeks.  Gnomes love gold almost as much as Goblins.

Reader Comments (21)


August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeyzi

No clue. Really, no clue.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCozmus

It's all about the pvp for me.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoophobia

its all about downloading it first -_-

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

First, I'm gonna buy one of those fancy new horse mounts from the Argent tournament. Then, either run heroics til my head spins or get started on more tournament quests. Honestly, there's so much crap to do this time around, and not just a raid, that I'm going to be busy.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRikaku

I'm off to un goro to get a sweet raptor mount.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

I know the first thing im going to do is take my level 40 hunter to the BGs...I think she will probably stay there and level depending on how this experience from BGs thing works out. I do have a question though...Even though you can level in BGs now..can you still not purchase PVP gear until 60?

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRayzhorblade

dowloading the patch was no problem the servers are still down though which i good in some ways one benefit is taht one those servers go back up everyone is going to
be rushing to the argent tournament and the new boss in vault i am planing to get on that stream and let it take me away it should be really easy to find a group or heriocs i am woryed about my rogue i am way behind my guild and teh yare probably going be rushing the new instanceandi dont know if they will take me or not

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

@Rayzhorblade, u can buy pvp gear ur lvl as soon as u start to pvp. its just not at the place in org or SW. for example of ur horde go to the border between ashenvale and barrens to the wsg camp and u can buy pvp gear for low lvls (i think all the way to lvl 60)

or u could go to the border between alterac and hillsbrad for the av camp or for ab gear go to right behind hammerfall in arathi highlands

if ur an alli then idk where that stuff is but u can still buy pvp gear lower than lvl 60 if u look for it

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterno1important

Said the patch failed to download for me which means I'll have to try again later :-(. I'm hoping it's because my realm is on the list of extended hardware maintenance so once that's over downloading won't be a problem.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEventime


Same thing happened to me for the past 2 hours. Tried going on worldofwarcraft.com to download it but cant find how to get it hopw i dont have to redownload WotLK

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

@no1important...Thanks dude..I had no idea. I always waited till my alts got to 60 before i bout the gear for them...good to know. So maybe once the servers come up i can see what kinda traffic is running through those heroics..if its crazy then im taking my hunter to BGs

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRayzhorblade

To "Eventime" and Joenips"

Had the same problem myself. So i closed WoW restarted my computer then switched back and forth from the Icon on my desktop to the icon in the start button for windows. Downloaded for me after that.

Hope it helps.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngziety

I know the first thing I'm doing is buying some epic gems and using my saved up JC tokens to buy some cuts. Let the money flow, inflated prices on new items!

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDethen

First on the list for me is my alchemist ^_^
That flask of the north and epic gem transmutes are gonna be the ballz.
Next, I still have to grind out the dailies for my crusader title on my paladin, I got 10 days left :/
New paladin mount will be SWEET!
Between now and then of course I have to get back to the heroics and 3.0 raids. I got 2 sets to get gear for for my paladin (Holy/Prot) and thats gonna take quite some time :/
Of course I need to try out the new 5 man dungeons and pray that im geared enough for the new raids.
After all that, its back to ulduar, still got a good amount of gear ups there too.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCeleria

Once I get more time for my account (which will hopefully be soon) I will do some extensive alt-jumping, and run around buying all my low level characters their mounts (maybe even level my bank alt to 20 just for that. :D).

After that, it's back to my main for the tourney dailies, gots to get the exalted champion of undercity/orgrimmar still. Perhaps my guild will be interested in the new coliseum raid.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXian

definatly farm the emblems hehe, i gotta wait till tomorrow tho :( im english lol only time i regret being born english :P and then grind money for the mounts for me 8 alts hehe, i left them all at 20 for this

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermcloud

Farming heroics and getting my priest (who just dinged 70 last night) to 80 are my top priority. Besides dailies, of course. :P

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

sweet more dailies for me to make more money, but now my char (who just hit 80 not too long ago) is even farther away from all the other players. my goal is to at least clear ulduar get some t8.5 and get tons of money for my alts well there goes some time away in life

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessiness




New instances?!!? New raid?!!?!? Cool, take me with you, but lemme kill a few more raptors first...

August 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

i am having problems with downloeding. it keeps aborting it anyone have any ideas!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToejoe

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