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Deleting Old Content: Missing It The First Time

Kil'jaeden The Beautiful One Will Feel My Daggers! Kil'jaeden The Beautiful One Will Feel My Daggers!

I play a lot of video games.  Since 2008 rolled into 2009 I have conquered worlds, become a demigod, twisted my brain, shot an ostentatious amount of bullets, dismembered countless meatsacks, heard more four letters words than I care to admit and even created an army of plants to defend against zombies.  Dozens of titles have fallen before me, and I plan on completing dozens more.  Even though I play like a fiend - much to the chagrin of TV and movie advertisers - I still miss my fair share of video games.  Metal Gears, God of Wars, Zelda, Halos, Final Fantasies (still not final!), even Mario; I've missed one or more titles in today's most popular franchises.

What does this have to do with World of Warcraft you ask?  Well, like many of the commentators on yesterday's post, I have missed my fair share of raid content.  Although my break from WoW during The Burning Crusade's days was short lived, it put me far enough behind the raiding curve (and the finding a good guild curve) that I couldn't catch up in time.  Karazhan was the only raid to feel my wrath (sorry).

With this sad fact in my mind I have decided to do what I do with my other video games, head back into my library of plastic and visit what I missed in my spare time.  From here on out this brand spanking new column, Deleting Old Content, will chronicle my travels to content that many of you have played to death.  I won't be running it level appropriate, so I won't acquire the same insight the Questing series possesses.  Nonetheless, it'll be interesting to see how this old, old school raider reacts to TBC's content.

Of course I am under the gun of Cataclysm's impending release so I better get to work (not because it'll be deleted, but because I'll be busy with that new content)! </sarcasm>  If anyone is on the correct side of Magtheridon-US (For the Alliance!) and wants to join me in some Illidan, Gruul and Kil'jaeden destruction feel free to shoot Solidsamm an in-game mail.  Now for the magic words, free achievements!

This should be enlightening.

/me packs for Penny Arcade Expo.

Reader Comments (9)

LOL....alliance ftw!

but yea...i need to get the last few achievements for BC content....the majority of my raiding in BC was kara because my guild was lacking....i didnt get into mag, gruul and beyond until many months into BCs launch

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

more like alliance ftl

ive only done ramps,bf and a few more bc dungeons, so i have more stuff to do in my free time

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDylan

I've missed my fair share of TBC's raiding and instance content aswell, but i recently made a death knight (not that different from my Warlock) and plan on hitting them hard.

Alliance isn't my preffered side, but that doesn't mean they aren't good, i don't like them any more than you do XD but it's the players that make a larger impact, not the faction.

Good luck and have fun! :D

Destellin of Baelgun, Horde

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDestellin



BTW, sorry that PAX will be this weekend, weather ain't s'pose to be all that great. Hell, infact you'll be experiencing WA in typical WA weather. Pack for rain. Today is s'pose to be the last day for decent weather. :(

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTharon

i suggest that blizzard should instal a new wing in the caverns of time were players can experience old deleted content
Anyone Agrre???

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermadarra

After the launch of Wratch a guild on my server decide that they wanted to experience the BC raids as is, with the rewards feeling appropriate so they agreed to all hold off on upgrading to WotLK.

Unfortunately they don't have the numbers to put together full raids of 70's so their experience is watered down with the inclusion of level 70-80 players. This is good for me, though, since I always wanted to raid the BC content, just for the sake of seeing it, so I get invited a lot. I've yet to see the Sunwell instances, but it's coming along and it's fun.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAgadax

Well, I'm leveling a character, and plan on doing the dungeons/raids at it's proper level...it will be fun, and there's plenty of time before Cataclysm launches!

Good luck Itzkoopa!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWittgenstein


i agree iv thought about the CoT and how much they can do with it, like how they're nuking the old world in the next xpac. it would be cool for new(ish) players to be able to go back to the way WoW was.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilanor

Looks like you had fun writing this post. It made me chuckle a few time, so I guess I had fun reading it.

Can't wait to see a recovered/relapsed raiders perspective on TBC content. Is it just going to be blog posts?

September 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJaidaPMo

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