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ToC, Other Hotfixes for 9/8/09 

Maintenance day is always a good time for implementing hotfixes and this one is no exception. Several tweaks and (dare I say it) "nerfs" to Heroic Trial of the Crusader have been deployed onto servers, amongst other things. Here is a run-down of the changes:

Northrend Beasts:

  • Fixed a bug where the flag that prevents a creature from gaining attack speed after a parry was inadvertently left off Gormok the Impaler. This bug is fixed in normal mode as well.

  • Gormok the Impaler no longer attacks quickly after a parry in any difficulty.

  • Icehowl receives his fair share of change in the latest round of hotfixes. Icehowl receives his fair share of change in the latest round of hotfixes.

    Increased the amount of time players have to defeat the encounter before Icehowl berserks.

  • You have an extra half second to get out of the way of a very angry charging Yeti. Players with high ping rejoice.

  • Icehowl will become tauntable. (This particular element isn't hotfixed quite yet, but should be shortly).

  • Icehowl takes a bit longer to enter the arena in 10- and 25-player Heroic modes.

  • Icehowl takes longer to berserk in both 10- and 25-player Heroic modes.

Lord Jaraxxus:

  • Infernal Eruption will now spawn an additional Felflame Infernal the instant the eruption occurs.

  • Nether Portal now summons Mistresses of Pain slightly more often.

  • For both 10- and 25-player heroic modes, the Felflame Infernals and Mistresses of Pain will spawn a little quicker in the Lord Jaraxxus encounter.


  • Relentless Gladiator ranged weapons damage has been adjusted to the appropriate value for their item level.

  • Holy Wrath now has diminishing returns and shares this with all other stuns (Blue poster, Daelo expands upon this in an additional post).

Seems like most of the changes are to the first two encounters which likely represent the wall most guilds are hitting when they attempt Heroic mode. While these aren't hardcore tweaks or anything (more issues of timing than, say, reducing health or damage dealt), I certainly hope they don't make these fights significantly easier in practice. I know my guild was quite happy to be presented with a fresh challenge, even if we wiped on Northrend Beasts for a good hour-and-a-half. Hard modes are supposed to be hard, right Blizz?

What say you of these hotfixes, readers? I know they aren't drastic, but I'm always afraid of the slippery slope that even the smallest of nerfs can send us sliding down.

Reader Comments (9)

-place holder to p.o firsters-

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlast

i noticed today when my guild did 10 ToC, 4 people in the raid died of a charge from Icehowl, so we had 6 people up, and i thought "we'll never make the enrage timer" but we did and got our loots. so the longer enrage is nice.

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLar

Since they rejigged the instance server system in Europe, I've been having the odd lagspike here and there, and thought nothing of it until the other day on Beasts.
Icehowl looked directly at me, "fixed his gaze on Otherraider". I dashed away from where I was (thinking Otherraider was stood right next to me).
Unfortunately I dashed to where Otherraider actually was and took an Icehowl to the side of the head (a good 45 degrees away from where he was staring at me). It was the first time Icehowl had killed me (how he kills anyone was beyond me before this happened).

Anyone else having latency issues in any instances (not just Trial since they messed with the instance servers?

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

wait people have trouble with ToC?

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaltreth

only noobs are wining about encourters i realy dont get why they have changed it 10 and 25 was already fucking easy!

The only boss thats hot but i liked it alot was the factions the rest of the bosses are piss as easy it was already an instance to easly get geared but now it get so easy i realy dont get the point enymore to be pro raider blizz always nerf they have to ban this out their dictionary i want realy hard mode

BTW the last boss is realy an shame so easy we done it in one shotted

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanny

I love how they made Icehowl easier, and he's the easiest guy to defeat.

Then they make Jaraxxus a little harder, and he's tougher than Icehowl.


September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZreena

Hard modes are meant to be hard, but not impossible. I never got charged, but every time we got onto icehowl, when he charged, he would hit. I don't know if my guys were failing had bad ping or what, but when it happens each time, I think something needs a change. The other timing effects I don't think need changes, it is easy enough to deal with ice howl if you still have one worm up, because the worm should be low on health and they go down easy.

September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhanttas


I hear ya. I'm on a US server, but when I was doing the heroic daily yesterday... My screen was acting quite jerky even though my fps and latency were both in the green. My other fellow comrades said they were getting it too, although I (the healer, to boot) was probably getting the worst of it.

September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

It's nice to see the rabid IT'S ALL TOO EASY, EVERYONE IS A NOOB crowd came out early today.

On the real matter at hand, though the relaxed enrage timer might be an unneeded nerf imo, I am very happy about the extra time to move out of the charge. It had always bugged me how easily some died to that charge, but then on one kill I got hit and saw how bad that little lag spike could be. 20 yards away from where he hit and I still somehow died; fun times.

September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

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