Blizzard Store Now Flush With The Plush

I had a lot of plush figures growing up. Like most children, they kind of served as my little protectors. I'd line them up around the edge of my bed at night, a fortress of fur to keep the monsters lurking in the darkness at bay.
And, of course, I had one special, raggedy dog that I kept closest of all, wrapped up in my arms like the greatest treasure I would ever possess. As time wore on, I let go of these habits, and even retired my faithful friend in the fear that I would only wear his already threadbare body out completely.
But that didn't stop me from collecting others as time went on. An alligator (graduation present after leaving the University of Florida), several dogs (total dog person here), and a few random characters that I liked over the years. In fact, they're all lined up at the top of the computer desk I'm sitting at right now. Yes, that's right, a big, burly, bearded man like me is not afraid to admit he still has stuffed animals!
I may not sleep with them anymore, but in many ways, they still define me. And I can't think of anything that has defined me more over the past few years as World of Warcraft.
You know those Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub plushies we announced a couple weeks ago? Well, they're finally available for purchase from the official store, and Blizzard is about this close to goading me into adding another member to the family!
Each one will set you back about twenty-five bones, but that's not so bad considering that you get an in-game version of the pet to go with it (especially when others like the Pandaren Monk go for ten without a physical component).
Each plush comes with a unique scratch-off code on one of their tags that can then be redeemed for the virtual version, presumably through your account page (though this seemed to clipped off for the promotional versions sent to the press).
Of course, these things make great gifts, but I recommend buying one (or both) for yourself. It might just be the one thing that saves your sanity on a bad raid night!
Reader Comments (4)
Yeap saw it this morning (am in australia) and already ordered. As i am horde will keep the wind ryder and give the gryphon to the missus
Is it just me or does this look like a Yurble from Neopets?
Don't know WTF I'm talking about? Check this out:
Just ordered my windrider, the gryphon looks like it fell out of the nest on his head.
Dang your hide Amatera. I was purposely trying not to look at these things, because I knew I would want to order them. I'm heading over to the page now. Grrrr... LOL...