Entries in blizzard store (5)

Blizzard Store Now Flush With The Plush

I had a lot of plush figures growing up. Like most children, they kind of served as my little protectors. I'd line them up around the edge of my bed at night, a fortress of fur to keep the monsters lurking in the darkness at bay.

And, of course, I had one special, raggedy dog that I kept closest of all, wrapped up in my arms like the greatest treasure I would ever possess. As time wore on, I let go of these habits, and even retired my faithful friend in the fear that I would only wear his already threadbare body out completely.

But that didn't stop me from collecting others as time went on. An alligator (graduation present after leaving the University of Florida), several dogs (total dog person here), and a few random characters that I liked over the years. In fact, they're all lined up at the top of the computer desk I'm sitting at right now. Yes, that's right, a big, burly, bearded man like me is not afraid to admit he still has stuffed animals!

I may not sleep with them anymore, but in many ways, they still define me. And I can't think of anything that has defined me more over the past few years as World of Warcraft

You know those Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub plushies we announced a couple weeks ago? Well, they're finally available for purchase from the official store, and Blizzard is about this close to goading me into adding another member to the family!

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New Premium In-game Pets To Include Plushie Replica! (Or The Other Way Around)


<man>I wasn't so hot on the premium Auction House Armory idea, WoW gold, or the Blizzard Store pets that came late last year, but Blizzard's latest premium content has me excited.  Blizzard announced a new pair of store-only vanity pets, and this time they will come with a real-life counterpart.  When you purchase a new Wind Rider Cub or theGryphon Hatchling a plushie - that's a stuffed animal - will be delivered to your door as part of the purchase.  The pets are available to both factions.

Being a pet collecting addict - still no oozling - purchasing these pets is a no brainer.  I didn't break down for a monk or Lil' KT because $10 is steep sum for a virtual pet.  Once I heard a plushie came included the kid in me began to perform his hissy-fit ritual.  My inner child is already on his back, ready to kick and scream if my fiscally conservative brain denies him.

Blizzard has kept the price point and release date ("weeks ahead") hush hush, much like the premium Auction House content.  Expect the financial damage to be higher than the previous vanity items.  As soon as we hear of either we'll let you know. 

Right now I've gotta run and clear some space on the bed for these guys to camp.  Good thing these winged beasts are too cute for Ms. iTZKooPA to say no.  Why isn't it socially acceptable for a full grown man to have stuffed animals anyways?  Who made that crazy rule?  What if I need something to throw?!

Yes, I know that technically speaking Blizzard is selling the plushie, and not the pets, but come on.  We all know which item is really going to move the other. 

I'll just leave that last HTML tag open.

Show Your WoW Love with RL Halloween Costumes

mask1Have the the Hallow's End festivities been keeping you busy? Between the daily slaughtering of the Headless Horseman, trick-or-treating hourly to keep up my chances of collecting all those masks, and running around "wanding" my guildies, I've been trying to enjoy the event to its fullest. But what about Halloween IRL? You know, that on which our WoW event is based. Well, there's still time to incorporate a little Warcraft in that area, too.

You all probably have seen the host of RL WoW-themed masks and make-up in the Blizzard store in years' past. For the hordies here, there's plenty of options, each which run about $35 to $40: the standard male orc mask, a Thrall-inspired mask, a male troll mask with plenty of tusk, and my personal favorite: the male forsaken mask. There's also the ear prosthetic kits that will set you back about $12 each, in both blood elf and night elf varieties.

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Getting BlizzCon Tickets: Round 2

tickets1Less than 30 minutes after tickets went on sale for BlizzCon 2009 Saturday, they already were sold out. I was one of the lucky ones able to snag a pair for my husband and I. But thousands of people still were left in the ticket queue by the time they sold out. Thankfully this year, Blizzard is giving us another chance. A second batch of tickets goes up for sale in two weeks. And now we know exactly how the buying process goes.  Here's how I landed my tickets:

  • About an hour before tickets went on sale at 10 a.m. PST, my husband and I both logged onto our individual Battle.net accounts and updated our payment options. The site seemed to be functioning fine as of that time. We went ahead to the Blizzard store page, which redirected us to the ticket sales page. We wanted to have the site loaded up well before the ticket sales began.
  • Five minutes before the tickets went on sale, we started refreshing the  page every few seconds. My computer said 12:58 (since I'm on the east coast) when the site refreshed and went from saying "Tickets Unavailable" to "Select Quantity." You can only buy 5 tickets per mailing address.
  • It took my computer about five seconds to refresh the page. By then, my husband already was in the queue at position 351. He entered the sales page almost immediately. I, on the other hand, got in the queue only seconds later and was at position 1,708, with an estimated 17-minute wait time. So those few seconds made a big difference.
  • I did end up making it to the sales page around 1:15, but it didn't matter. By then, we already had our tickets.
blizzstoreBut my time in the queue was interesting. Blizzard put a graphic on the page showing the percentage of tickets still remaining, so we could watch it drop several percentage points every minute. At 1:28 tickets for this round sold out. But by then, tens of thousands of people were waiting in the queue. So, what can we take away from this? If you're hoping to try again for tickets in the next round, get to the page early, and refresh starting a few minutes before the sale. If you get in the queue RIGHT away, you'll have a much better chance of scoring tickets. Both my husband and myself were able to get to the sales page since we entered the queue within seconds of it going up. And don't forget there's another way, too. If you want Grunty the murloc marine but can't attend, you still can watch parts of BlizzCon through pay per view. And, of course, we'll be bringing you the best of the convention here at Project Lore, too! So who else had luck with getting tickets so far? I'm curious how many others had a relatively smooth buying experience like I did. Any of you going to try for tickets on the 30th?

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BlizzCon 2009 Tickets $125, On Sale May 16 and 30

Entrance to BlizzConBlizzard just put out a press release detailing the ticket sales for this year's BlizzCon. Tickets will be more expensive than 2008, at $125 instead of the $100 they were last year, and they will go on sale in two seperate blocks on the Blizzard Store. The first sale will start on Saturday, May 16. The second will start two weeks later, on May 30. Those who can't afford or who are unable to get their tickets due to say, technical difficulties, will be able to catch the event both on DIRECTV and via an internet stream. Both will be priced at $39.95 and will include the exclusive in-game item that comes in the swag bag. Last year it was the Blizzard Bear with a murloc on top. What murloc themed item might it be this year? Nobody knows. The press release also cites improvements to the Blizzard Store with a queuing system, but only time will tell how much those improvements will help with the high demand on the check-out servers. BlizzCon 2009 will be held, once again, in the Anaheim Convention Center and will take place on August 21 and 22. One other thing of note is that the press release states that signing up for a Battle.net account will help streamline the ordering process, so you may want to do that before tickets go on sale to make it as easy as possible to get those tickets. We hope to see you guys there once again this year!

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