Entries in hallloween (1)

Show Your WoW Love with RL Halloween Costumes

mask1Have the the Hallow's End festivities been keeping you busy? Between the daily slaughtering of the Headless Horseman, trick-or-treating hourly to keep up my chances of collecting all those masks, and running around "wanding" my guildies, I've been trying to enjoy the event to its fullest. But what about Halloween IRL? You know, that on which our WoW event is based. Well, there's still time to incorporate a little Warcraft in that area, too.

You all probably have seen the host of RL WoW-themed masks and make-up in the Blizzard store in years' past. For the hordies here, there's plenty of options, each which run about $35 to $40: the standard male orc mask, a Thrall-inspired mask, a male troll mask with plenty of tusk, and my personal favorite: the male forsaken mask. There's also the ear prosthetic kits that will set you back about $12 each, in both blood elf and night elf varieties.

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