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Patch 3.3: Varimathras, Putress & Abominations Gone (Even For Lowbies)

pl_varimathras_putress_aboms_removedAnyone who's completed Wrathgate knows exactly why Varimathras, Sylvanas' second-in-command, and Grand Apothecary Putress have disappeared from Undercity.  After such a betrayal it's expected that the rest of the Horde would become a little weary of The Forsaken, thus replacing the abomination guards with orc defenders.  We knew the change was coming too.  But we didn't know that the changes, adding orc guards and Bragor Bloodfist, would break the continuity of one of the Horde's earliest questlines. It turns out that the change wasn't entirely phased, causing the abom guardians to disappear from the game for Wrathgate veterans and level 10 players alike.  Yet the early plague-creating quest from Varimathras (getting the books from RFC) is still available from a new orc NPC (to preserve the quest for the lore achievements).  Thus, the change has caused a paradox for lowbies.  Why are we tasked with retrieving the books from Ragefire Chasm if Varimathras already has them, as evidenced by his disappearance? Blizzard took the easy road on this one.  Rather than spending the time to phase all of the NPCs, abominations, Varim and Putress pre-Wrathgate, orcs and Bloodfist post-Wrathgate, the developer dropped in an unexplained replacement for Varimathras, and had orcs unstich the aboms.  Okay fine, maybe phasing all of that would have been too time consuming, or difficult.  At the very least the book quest should have been modified to skirt the paradox by asking for different, less volatile items. Who knows if the early parts of this memorable quest line will remain in Cataclysm.  Maybe that could explain the laziness.  I think that with all the players re-running old content Blizzard would be careful not to break continuity.  Especially when it could have been so easily avoided.

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