Entries in Battler grounds (1)

Ahhhhh . . . Arathi Basin!

Arathi BasinOh crap... not again. Another Battlegrounds where people have no freakin' idea what they are doing or how to get there. That's it people. All you drones who would rather jump into the fray than understand the battle plans, you had better listen 'cuz I am only, only, going to saw this once: Look where you are and what you have to do. Arathi Basin is a capture and hold battleground. That means... capture and hold. Not capture and run to the next one or gank people out in the open. Capture and hold! Look... I got to farm about 60 marks from Arathi for a few items that would be nice upgrades, so do me and yourself a favor, read and memorize this strat: Capture and hold! You get more honor points for winning. You get more marks for winning. You even get better gear sooner for winning. So would you like that? Then CAPTURE AND HOLD! Crap... is that clear enough? Gawd I hope so. Now back to the bgs.

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