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Ahhhhh . . . Arathi Basin!

Arathi BasinOh crap... not again. Another Battlegrounds where people have no freakin' idea what they are doing or how to get there.

That's it people. All you drones who would rather jump into the fray than understand the battle plans, you had better listen 'cuz I am only, only, going to saw this once: Look where you are and what you have to do.

Arathi Basin is a capture and hold battleground. That means... capture and hold. Not capture and run to the next one or gank people out in the open. Capture and hold!

Look... I got to farm about 60 marks from Arathi for a few items that would be nice upgrades, so do me and yourself a favor, read and memorize this strat: Capture and hold!

You get more honor points for winning. You get more marks for winning. You even get better gear sooner for winning.

So would you like that? Then CAPTURE AND HOLD!

Crap... is that clear enough?

Gawd I hope so.

Now back to the bgs.

Reader Comments (4)

OMG i wish people would listen to you germain. u are easily the smartest person in the projectlore team. not saying anyone else is dumb. and u also give out the greatest advice.

July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZuldaman

Ramzaa-Ravencrest (RP) 70 Ret/Prot(For Kara) paladin:
Yep, That's the main Idea...Why won't people listen?!? Alliance Lose AB Almost Every single Time, I've only had one win since 70, AV is alright, But I need marks from other BGs too! I'm Currently Racking up Honor for pvp gear fer Arena..but that's never gonna happen when No one listens and fights BGs that can't win!
Only Way to win is a premade...Although I've Never been in one, Anyone on the Ravencrest Server wanna win? Then I wouldn't mind forming a premade with ya :D

If I get all my pvp Gear, I might Stay ret, My guild Wouldn't mind a dps pally for kara and stuff...They Allow it!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRamzaa

Wow,you are so right.People just run ahead and i stay behind to capture places while getting killed a thousband times.The goal is not to burn the flag in each base,but to stay there and wait until the place is conquered,and even then guarding it a little more.
When I asked in my server who knows project lore nobody knew it,and its a shame :(

September 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIdo

When I made my Death Knight. (Now my main) I camped AB and WSG at level 59 and I loved it. The only problem was when we would have 3 bases some idiot would go grab the farm or try to capture something else. And I'm sitting there screaming "STAY AT THE BASES" "GET ON D" and no one listens... I guess its 'cuz I'm a gnome...

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrett Johnson

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