Entries in calling it a night (1)

When Do You Call It A Night?

Grobbulus\' Pukes When He Is AngryPUGing can be a brutal experience.  The lack of coordination, responsibility and inability to read a player's worth is a soul-draining experience.  A few bad Heroics or 10-man Naxx's can force even the most patient and understanding player to swear them off for good.

What happens when even your guild fails?  What do you do then?  QQ, abandon the "newbs" and find another guild?  Hold out for the next raid and see if the situation is repeated?  Go on a tirade in Ventrilo about how the tanks can't generate enough threat-per-second and that the healers don't know how to heal out of group?  Sit there and cry?  Or, do as I do, blog about it. This past week, SolidSamm's new guild failed to down even one boss in 10-man Naxxramas one night.  Yes, the same dungeon that is done by PUGs on a daily basis and that we fully cleared the week before, held us up.  In all fairness, we did not have the normal group together.  The raid was initially delayed an hour due to scheduling conflicts.  At 8:30 PM we decided to go with the 10 we had online.  The ragtag bunch included only two healers, one of which was our main tank on his fresh level 80 alt.  Thus, the off tank became the main tank, and a feral druid had to take over the off tanking duties.  We knew the night would be a tough one, but we all figured it was worth a shot. Our first boss of the night was to be the poison spewing mob known as Grobbulus.  Attempt one was a mess.  I'll be honest and admit that I did not notice how poorly we were doing until only the tank and myself remained alive.  From what I was told after I asked wtf happened, someone dropped a poison on the casters.  The wipe was caused by an easily correctable mistake, so we ressed and went at the abomination a second time.  While the second attempt got us to 8%, we still failed to drop the fat ass, causing the raid to be canceled for the night. Eight percent.  Grobbulus had less than a quarter million HP at that point and the raid was called.  I hate repair bills as much as the next guy, but I hate leaving a boss up when he is killable even more.  I voiced my opinion politely, but it was decided that due to the raid's composition, the undergeared healer, and the replacement off tank, things just weren't going to go our way.  Yea, we may have been able to kill Grobb, but could we have gone any farther?  Doubt it. Two hours, 20 something gold, a collection of consumables, some additional gray hairs and I have nothing to show for half a nights work.  I did get to play the sweet boyfriend and pretend I left the raid to hang out with the girlfriend.  Brownie points for sure.  How does your guild decide to call it a night, and under what circumstances?

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