Entries in forgotten coast (1)
Questing: Arthas & The Scarlet Onslaught

Who Needs A Body?
For reasons unknown I was meet with a good amount of playtime this weekend. Rather then ponder on my good fortunes I set out to plow through level 73 (accomplished) on my priest in an effort to have her join the raiding ranks before Cataclysm is released. With most of the quests in Dragonblight accomplished on my dagger lover I went about my business rushing through quests, burning down numerous mobs and getting ganked. Then I ran into Orik Trueheart and his eye-catching T2 (recolored) Paladin set.
Trueheart is a dwarf on a mission. He was sent to the Forgotten Shore in Dragonblight to free the souls of those that Arthas betrayed. In case you forgot, upon hearing that his father had ordered Arthas' troops returned to Lordaeron, the crown prince had the fleets boats burned to their frames. The actions have been retold numerous times, most recently in the novel, so the setup isn't exactly new. But we've always followed Arthas' journey into Frostmourne Cavern after that. Turns out that the men Arthas stranded on the chilly shores eventually died to the Scourge around them and were cursed to defend the landing forever. That's where Trueheart comes in.
Trueheart's questline, one that offers a whopping amount of quick, easy and local experience, has players once again leave their bodies to converse with the dead. After learning their plight, we realize that the souls have been trapped because they forgot how they came to be. Naturally it's up to us to release them. Upon finding a use for the unusual emblem residing in the snow we are graced with a scripted cinematic that brings numerous other names into play. If you haven't played Warcraft III or read Arthas' novel, then the line is a good place to witness Arthas' descent into madness.
This Random Emblem Caught Me Off Guard Until...
Sick of reliving old lore and wishing Blizzard would introduce more original backstory? Stop crying and do it anyways. Upon completion of the Arthas nostalgia I was given the opportunity to crush some Scarlet Onslaught faces. Seeing as decimating the ranks of the Scarlet followers, Crusade or otherwise, is a favored pastime of mine, I couldn't say no. Zelig, Trueheart's "bra", and his compadres of the 7th Legion, sent me off to collect information, curb overpopulation and brush up on my reading comprehension. How could one pass up XP and nostalgic murder? Little did I know that my face melting would lead me back to ancient lore. The scripted culmination with Muradin in the Frostmourne Cavern is both new, and highly interesting. It also offers sick loot too boot.
I was privy to the information given in the cinematic, I just can't believe that I missed such a long questline the first time around. According to my buddy, the chain continues, becoming far more complex than a little Spock-style retconning. If it stay on the same level of awesomeness then I will definitely have more for you. Approaching a year from releases Wrath of the Lich King continues to impress me with its quest design, presentation and integration.
These Alliance restricted quests make me wonder, what the heck is the Horde revisting?