Entries in gquit (3)
Fond Memories: My First Guild Drama

A New Guild and the EPGP Loot System

[caption id="attachment_4967" align="alignright" width="300" caption="This Is All Done Without User Intervention"]
[/caption] Confused or interested? Read more about it at the EPGP website. Just going by the basic theory I like the system. It is as if it was written specifically for my raiding schedule. Unfortunately the stand-by EP system that my guild chose to run with is simply awful. You must be in the raid group to acquire any EP on boss deaths. This means that I couldn't do anything, dailies, quests or leveling my priest, outside of grinding while waiting to attend Ulduar. The opinion of the GM is that by being in the raid you are showing you are ready. Apparently you can't go AFK while in a raid group. It just doesn't happen, okay! Expressing my dislike of the stand-by setup directly to the GM did nothing for me. He wouldn't budge. He did create the system, so his hardheadedness is understandable. In an effort to equalize the system without upsetting my GM I found other routes. After some secluded whining to my officer buddy, who went to the GM, the system was changed to allow raid ready members to receive 1/2 EP if they are outside of the raid group (and in the guild). A compromise, but at least I can level my priest (for the guild no less) and still be rewarded for my availability. I still maintain that EPGP is overkill for a 10-man raiding group, possibly even 25-man - it would have been awesome in the 40-man days - and hope that the arduous task of recording everything becomes too much for the officers and it's abandoned. That being said the creator(s) deserve a pat on the back for its robust feature set, integration as an add-on and ingenious distribution system. I re-learned two important lessons from the experience. Most importantly that making yourself heard, rather than sulking, is important in our massive multiplayer online setting. After all, if you aren't a happy raider chances are you won't be an active raider. Remaining rational, open-minded and cool-headed also goes a long way. Second, political shenanigans, ear-marking and wooing is not only for heads of state. iTZKooPA 2012 perhaps? What elaborate loot systems does your guild use? To bad we can't just find nine (or 24) close friends to employ the honor and worth system with.
Gone Guildless

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Last night I did something that I have never done in my MMO career, I gquit. Even when I quit the game for a few brief months around The Burning Crusade's launch, my fingers never actually typed that sequence into World of Warcraft's command prompt. In fact, at that time of my relapse into real life, I was the second oldest member in the guild. And no, the GM wasn't the longest-standing member, my IRL boss was. It stayed that way until my subscription ran its course, then I was promptly gkicked.
Upon returning to World of Warcraft more than a year ago I found it fairly difficult to readjust. Going from arguably the best guild on the server to bouncing from guild to guild as they repeatedly disintegrated was a drain on the soul, and my intentions to continue playing. My former guild finally "collapsed" - GM quit and guild was reformed under a new name - shortly after TBC's launch. The pieces were quickly picked up by a few of the dedicated members and reformed as a hardcore, min-maxing powerhouse of a guild. Not something I wanted. I fought through the ups and downs, and eventually stumbled into a guild of close knit friends. Not only were many of them real-life friends, but they happened to be French-Canadian. They were a good group of people, some of them excellent players, others, not so much. They made a good run towards the end of TBC to get through all of the raid content. They brought me along on those raids when they could, but I never felt that I was part of the guild. I was just that rogue they'd bring along if they needed some melee DPS. I was the guy who could get anything cooked, or would waste time fishing. I was the gnome that was always at the AH. I was the dagger lover they'd ask lore questions to. I was the uneducated person who couldn't speak French. I was THAT guy, not one of them. Nevertheless, I did have some good times and late nights with them, and thank them for the support they showed me and instances we ran together. I even scored some going away gems along with the well wishes and good lucks. With my trusty rogue finally at level cap and geared enough to enter Naxxramas, it was time to look ahead. Wrath of the Lich King brought more than a few friends from my old guild back to the game, so I created a private channel for us to chat in due to our guild separation. Slowly the channel filled up as old friendship were re-kindled or re-discovered. Loot drama forgotten - a priest taking tanking loot to use the stamina as a PvP item - we have fallen back under the same banner one by one. A banner that I will join as soon as the GM gets online. Till that time, Solidsamm remains guildless, but this time on his own terms. Soon, I shall return to dominating Naxxramas! It feels good to be excited to raid again.