Entries in melt your face (1)

Fire Mage Forever!

There are sooooooo many people that say you should spec a mage in frost, that frost is the only way to go, and that the other talent trees, while cute in their own way, will never match up to the versatility of a frost mage. Ummm.... WRONG! Let's just say this right from the get go here peeps. I leveled, solo by the way, a squishy fire mage from nothing to a raiding / PvP machine - a fast casting, consistent damage, mana-managing fire mage that would just as soon scortch a PvPer's face off than debate the pros and cons of chill effect. Who freakin' cares about chill effect? At the end game are you chillin' a boss or frost novaing Vashj in SSC? Hell no. Now for trash maybe or battlegrounds all freakin' AV weekend, but at big boy boss time you want sustained DPS and mana management. You tell me who's gonna live longer in Hyjal? A mana efficient fire mage or a pet-poppin', blizzard throwin' frost mage? Sure I've hear the debate - improved frost nova and other frost tree elements make the frost mage a great croud controller and consistent DPS while only slightly sacraficing mana management. Sure. Maybe. I've yet to see it for myself. Trust me... I've speced frost for TK and that damn A'lar fight enough to know that I pop so many mana pots that I have to grind for an hour to get those mats again. And this is with Serpent-Coil Braid and Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone. And don't get me started on the arcane tree - amazing bust damage but the mana management is horrible. Tried it once... liked one shotin' elites in Netherstorm, but I hate drinkin water between every freakin' kill. So there you have it, my opinion, for what it's worth, on why I like a raidin fire mage machine as my main toon. If you got a super special tree combo that you think is more mana efficient than mine, let me know. Love to hear it. Maybe... Later

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